gotest: Create and change to a temporary directory and copy a...

View source: R/utils-gotest.R

gotestR Documentation

Create and change to a temporary directory and copy a skeleton version of the document or beamer presentation files for testing


Create and change to a temporary directory and copy a skeleton version of the document or beamer presentation files for testing


  config_fn = "_bookdown.yml",
  figures_dir = NULL,
  knitr_figures_dir = NULL



The name of the bookdown YAML file. The default is ⁠_bookdown.yml⁠


Extracts the source and destination filenames for copying into the temporary directory with one of the two functions gotest_doc_get_src_dest_filenames() and gotest_beamer_get_src_dest_filenames() See the Debugging a figure or table, or any other Rmarkdown code section of the file for detailed explanation. Use the function goback() to return from the testing directory to the directory you were in before calling gotest()


Nothing, but the global variable goback_dr is set for the function goback() to use to return to the original directory

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 9:49 p.m.