heatmap_get_wa_ggplot_vals: Get a data frame which is subset of a data frame used by...

View source: R/utils-heatmap-get-wa-ggplot-vals.R

heatmap_get_wa_ggplot_valsR Documentation

Get a data frame which is subset of a data frame used by ggplot2::ggplot() to create the heatmap plot of weight-at-age. This will contain useful things like the fill colors and text colors for each tile which can be used to create another heatmap with different values


Get a data frame which is subset of a data frame used by ggplot2::ggplot() to create the heatmap plot of weight-at-age. This will contain useful things like the fill colors and text colors for each tile which can be used to create another heatmap with different values


heatmap_get_wa_ggplot_vals(wa, col_nms, layer_ind = 1, ...)



A vector of the name of the columns to return in the data frame along with age and yr


A number identifying which layer to look for col_nms in. If the wrong layer is chosen, the data frame will contain only age and yr because the column names were not found


Arguments to pass to plot_weight_at_age_heatmap() and heatmap_extract_wa()


A data frame containing age, yr, and the columns listed in col_nms if they exist in layer layer_ind

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 17, 2025, 1:58 p.m.