set_ct_levels: Reads in the forecast description data and creates the list...

View source: R/utils-set-ct-levels.R

set_ct_levelsR Documentation

Reads in the forecast description data and creates the list containing the catch levels and extra information used for the assessment document


Reads in the forecast description data and creates the list containing the catch levels and extra information used for the assessment document


  fn = here(doc_path, forecast_descriptions_fn),
  inc_fi_and_stable_catch = FALSE



The name of the file containing the forecast description data


Logical. If TRUE, include the Fishing intensity = 100% and the Stable Catch scenarios


A list of 2 lists: List 1 is a list of lists of length-3 vectors. Each list represents a catch level, each vector's three elements are: 1 - A vector of catch levels 2 - The nice name for the catch level scenario 3 - The directory name for the catch level scenario List 2 is a list of important values and indices referenced in the document. Be sure to update this each year if forecasts are added and/or removed

pacific-hake/hake-assessment documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 9:49 p.m.