
Defines functions assign_season

Documented in assign_season

#' Assign seasons to SWMP sampling data
#' Assign seasons to SWMPr sampling data on a monthly basis or user-defined seasonal basis
#' @param data a vector of POSIXct dates
#' @param season_grps A list of seasons. Months (1-12) are assigned to different groups based on user preference. Defaults to 12 months, starting with January. Must assign a minimum of two seasons
#' @param season_names A string vector of season names. The number of season names must match the length of the \code{season} list. A minimum of two seasons must be assigned (e.g., 'Wet', 'Dry'). Defaults to 12 months, starting with January. The number of season names must match the number of seasons
#' @param season_start defaults to 12 months, starting with January
#' @param abb logical, should abbreviations for month names be used? Defaults to \code{TRUE}
#' @importFrom lubridate month is.POSIXt
#' @export
#' @details A helper function used by multiple data analyses to assign seasons to sampling data and to order the seasons. To assist with plotting, the seasons are assigned as factors. Seasons are assigned by first grouping the months into a \code{list} of \code{season_grps} and then specifying one name for each grouping using \code{season_names}. If \code{season_grps} is specified then \code{season_names} must also be defined. If neither argument is specified than the season assignments will default to monthly values. Using the \code{season_start} argument, the user can designate which season should be the first \code{factor} level. This assignment affects plot order for most functions. If \code{season_start} is not specified, then it will default to the first season in the list (January for monthly seasons and the first season in \code{season_names} for user-defined seasons).
#' @author Julie Padilla
#' @concept analyze
#' @return Returns a vector of ordered season factors.
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' data(apacpwq)
#' seas <- assign_season(apacpwq$datetimestamp, abb = FALSE)
#' levels(seas)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' data(elksmwq)
#' dat <- elksmwq
#' seas <- assign_season(dat$datetimestamp, abb = FALSE)
#' levels(seas)
#' seas <- assign_season(dat$datetimestamp, abb = TRUE)
#' levels(seas)
#' seas <- assign_season(dat$datetimestamp, season_start = 'Mar')
#' levels(seas)
#' seas <- assign_season(dat$datetimestamp, abb = FALSE, season_start = 'March')
#' levels(seas)
#' seas <- assign_season(dat$datetimestamp,
#' season_grps = list(c(1,2,3), c(4,5,6), c(7,8,9), c(10, 11, 12)),
#' season_names = c('Winter', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall'), season_start = 'Spring')
#' levels(seas)
#' seas <- assign_season(dat$datetimestamp, season_grps = list(c(10:12, 1:3), c(4:9)),
#' season_names = c('Wet', 'Dry'))
#' levels(seas)
#' }
assign_season <- function(data
                          , season_grps = NULL
                          , season_names = NULL
                          , season_start = NULL
                          , abb = TRUE) {

  dat <- data

  if(abb) {
    mo_nms <- month.abb
  } else {
    mo_nms <- month.name

  # sanity checks

  #Check that the vector is POSIXct format
    stop('Input data is not in POSIXt format. Reformat input data.')

  #if season_grps != NULL, check that there are at least 2 seasons
  if(!is.null(season_grps)) {
    if (length(season_grps) <= 1) {stop('Number of seasons is equal to 1. Assign 2 or more seasons.')}

  #if season_names != NULL
  ##check that season != NULL
  ##check that season names are unique
  ##check that the number of season names matches the length of season
  ##warn user that no effect will happen if abb = TRUE for this instance
  if(!is.null(season_names)) {
    if(is.null(season_grps)) {stop('Season names assigned with no seasons')}
    if (length(season_names) != length(unique(season_names))) {stop('Season names are not unique. Assign unique season names.')}
    if (length(season_names) != length(season_grps)) {stop('List of seasons not equal to season names. Assign an equal number of seasons and season names')}
    if(abb) {warning('abb = TRUE irrelevant for user-defined seasons and season names.')}

  #If season_start != NULL, check that the season_start is either a month name or a season name
  if(is.null(season_start)) {
    if(!is.null(season_grps)) {season_start %in% mo_nms} else {season_start %in% season_names}

  # Assigning the season
  if(is.null(season_grps) & is.null(season_names)){
    x <- lubridate::month(dat)
    x <- mo_nms[x]
    x <- factor(x)
    x <- ordered(x, mo_nms)

      start <- match(c(season_start), mo_nms)
      x <- ordered(x, c(mo_nms[c(start:12)], mo_nms[c(1:start-1)]))

  } else {
    x <- data.frame(month = lubridate::month(dat))
    names(season_grps) <- season_names

    seas_nm <- unlist(lapply(1:length(season_names), function(x) rep(names(season_grps[x]),length(season_grps[[x]])))) #this doesn't work for weird season assignments
    df <- data.frame(month = unname(unlist(season_grps)), nm = seas_nm)
    x <- left_join(x, df)
    x <- factor(x[, 2])
    x <- ordered(x, season_names)

      start <- match(c(season_start), season_names)
      x <- ordered(x, c(season_names[start:length(season_names)], season_names[c(1:start-1)]))

padilla410/SWMPrExtension documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 5:48 a.m.