Man pages for padpadpadpad/rTPC
Fitting and Analysing Thermal Performance Curves

ashrafi1_2018Ashrafi1 model for fitting thermal performance curves
bacteria_tpcExample thermal performance curves of bacterial growth
beta_2012Beta model for fitting thermal performance curves
boatman_2017Boatman model for fitting thermal performance curves
briere2_1999Briere2 model for fitting thermal performance curves
calc_paramsCalculate extra parameters of a thermal performance curve
chlorella_tpcExample metabolic thermal performance curves
delong_2017DeLong enzyme-assisted Arrhenius model for fitting thermal...
deutsch_2008Modified deutsch model for fitting thermal performance curves
flinn_1991Flinn model for fitting thermal performance curves
gaussian_1987Gaussian model for fitting thermal performance curves
get_breadthEstimate thermal performance breadth of a thermal performance...
get_ctmaxEstimate the critical thermal maximum of a thermal...
get_ctminEstimate the critical thermal minimum of a thermal...
get_eEstimate the activation energy of a thermal performance curve
get_ehEstimate the deactivation energy of a thermal performance...
get_lower_limsSet broad lower limits on parameter values
get_model_namesLists the models available in rTPC
get_q10Estimate the q10 value of a thermal performance curve
get_rmaxEstimate maximum rate of a thermal performance curve
get_skewnessEstimates skewness of a thermal performance curve
get_start_valsEstimate start values for TPC fitting
get_thermalsafetymarginEstimate thermal safety margin of a thermal performance curve
get_thermaltoleranceEstimate thermal tolerance of a thermal performance curve
get_toptEstimate optimum temperature of a thermal performance curve
get_upper_limsSet broad upper limits on parameter values
hinshelwood_1947Hinshelwood model for fitting thermal performance curves
joehnk_2008Jöhnk model for fitting thermal performance curves
johnsonlewin_1946Johnson-Lewin model for fitting thermal performance curves
kamykowski_1985Kamykowski model for fitting thermal performance curves
lactin2_1995Lactin2 model for fitting thermal performance curves
lrf_1991Lobry-Rosso-Flandros (LRF) model for fitting thermal...
modifiedgaussian_2006Modified gaussian model for fitting thermal performance...
oneill_1972O'Neill model for fitting thermal performance curves
pawar_2018Pawar model for fitting thermal performance curves
quadratic_2008Quadratic model for fitting thermal performance curves
ratkowsky_1983Ratkowsky model for fitting thermal performance curves
rezende_2019Rezende model for fitting thermal performance curves
sharpeschoolfull_1981Full Sharpe-Schoolfield model for fitting thermal performance...
sharpeschoolhigh_1981Sharpe-Schoolfield model (high temperature inactivation only)...
sharpeschoollow_1981Sharpe-Schoolfield model (low temperature inactivation only)...
spain_1982Spain model for fitting thermal performance curves
thomas_2012Thomas model (2012) for fitting thermal performance curves
thomas_2017Thomas model (2017) for fitting thermal performance curves
weibull_1995Weibull model for fitting thermal performance curves
padpadpadpad/rTPC documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 1:30 a.m.