  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


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Chemr provides data structures for elements, molecules, and reactions, to provide a framework for chemical modelling and analysis in R. The text-based formats for elements, reactions, and molecules broadly correspond to that used by the PHREEQC tool, an interface for which is available in R. An extension to the R library, tidyphreeqc is under active development.


You can install chemr from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

If you can load the package, everything worked!


The periodic tibble

The periodic tibble is Wikipedia's version of the periodic table in data.frame (tibble) form. You can access these data in a few ways:


You can also access the entire periodic tibble by typing data(pt).



Molecules are a collection of counted elements (or sub-molecules) with a charge. While it's possible to create a molecule by "hand", it's much easier to use the character representation of a molecule, which is usually what you get when copy/pasting from a source.


And like everything else in R, mol objects are vectorized, so you can serialize an entire column of molecule formulas.

as_mol(c("H2O", "H+", "Fe(OH)3", "Ca+2"))

You can access the mass, charge, and elemental composition of a molecule using mass(), charge(), and or as.matrix()

m <- as_mol(c("H2O", "H+", "Fe(OH)3", "Ca+2"))


Reactions are essentially a molecule vector with coefficients (positive for the left side, negative for the right side). Similar to molecules, it's easiest to use the serialized form (conveniently, what is generally copied/pasted):

as_reaction("2H2 + O2 = 2H2O")

The is_balanced() and balance() functions will happily balance these for you, provided you have the correct number of species defined.

balance("H2 + O2 = H2O")

You can access various components of a reaction in the same way as for molecules:

r <- as_reaction("2H2 + O2 = 2H2O")
mass(r) # mass balance of the reaction
charge(r) # charge balance of the reaction

Molecule and Reaction arithmetic

Various arithmetic operators are available for molecule and reaction objects, such as +, * and ==.

m <- mol("Fe2O3", "H2O", "NH3", "H+")
m + as_mol("OH-")
m * 2
m == as_mol(~H2O)

Reactions have similar arithmetic, with coefficients to various molecules being added together.

r1 <- as_reaction("2H2 + O2 = 2H2O", log_k = -46.62)
r1 + as_reaction("H2O = H2O", log_k = 0)

By default the reaction isn't simplified, but can be using simplify() and remove_zero_counts().

simplify_reaction(r1 + as_reaction("H2O = H2O", log_k = 0))
simplify_reaction(r1 - as_reaction("2H+ + 2OH- = 2H2O", log_k = 14))
remove_zero_counts(simplify_reaction(r1 - as_reaction("2H+ + 2OH- = 2H2O", log_k = 14)))

The Wish List

There are lots of things missing from this package that should exist, including the include various parameters to molecules and equations such as $\Delta H$ or aliases (e.g., CaSO4 as "gypsum"). Additionally, there is currently no way to indicate hydration in the same way as PHREEQC (e.g., CaSO4:2H2O). Currently this is possible only as CaSO4(H2O)2. Feel free to contribute to development or submit feature requests on GitHub.

paleolimbot/chemr documentation built on Sept. 11, 2021, 2:02 p.m.