
context("utility functions")

test_that("parallel.melt produces the expected data frame", {
  pocmajsum <- tibble::tribble(

  # melt automatically
  pocmajlong <- parallel.melt(pocmajsum, id.vars=c("core", "depth"),
                              value=c("Ca", "Ti", "V"),
                              sd=c("Ca_sd", "Ti_sd", "V_sd"))
  expect_that(names(pocmajlong), equals(c("core", "depth", "param", "value", "sd")))

  # melt manually
  ca <- plyr::rename(pocmajsum[c("core", "depth", "Ca", "Ca_sd")], c("Ca"="value", "Ca_sd"="sd"))
  ca$param <- "Ca"
  ti <- plyr::rename(pocmajsum[c("core", "depth", "Ti", "Ti_sd")], c("Ti"="value", "Ti_sd"="sd"))
  ti$param <- "Ti"
  v <- plyr::rename(pocmajsum[c("core", "depth", "V", "V_sd")], c("V"="value", "V_sd"="sd"))
  v$param <- "V"
  pocmajlongman <- rbind(ca, ti, v)[c("core", "depth", "param", "value", "sd")]

  expect_true(all(sapply(data.frame(pocmajlong == pocmajlongman), all, na.rm=TRUE)))

test_that("unnamed arguments are not allowed in parallel.melt", {
  expect_error(parallel.melt(data.rame(a=1, b=2), id.vars="a", "b"),
               "All arguments must be named")

test_that("geodist output approximates geosphere output", {
  cities <- tibble::tribble(
    ~query, ~lon, ~lat,
    "Halifax NS", -63.5751339, 44.6491198,
    "Windsor NS", -64.1363748, 44.9905115,
    "Wolfville NS", -64.3644922, 45.091225

  src_city <- tibble::tibble(query = "Yarmouth NS", lon = -66.1156, lat = 43.83728)

  # args should be the same in either order
  dist_geodist <- geodist(src_city$lon, src_city$lat, cities$lon, cities$lat)
  dist_geodist_rev <- geodist(cities$lon, cities$lat, src_city$lon, src_city$lat)
  expect_identical(dist_geodist, dist_geodist_rev)

  # results should be equal to geosphere output
  # dist_geosphere <- geosphere::distHaversine(c(src_city$lon, src_city$lat),
  #                                            cbind(cities$lon, cities$lat))
  # expect_equal(dist_geodist, dist_geosphere)
paleolimbot/hydatr documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:49 p.m.