
Defines functions getPathAndAttractor

# getPathAndAttractor
# Adrian C
# Small function that returns both the
# trajectory and attractor for a network
# given the network and an initial state
# vector.
# Dependencies: BoolNet
# Value:
# A list with two entries: path and attractor

getPathAndAttractor <- function(network, states, names=NULL) {
  path <- as.data.frame(t(BoolNet::getPathToAttractor(network, states))) # Simulate the path
  rownames(path) <- names
  states <- path[,ncol(path)] # Use last path state as new start for attractor
  attractor <- as.data.frame(t(BoolNet::getPathToAttractor(network, states))) # Get the attractor
  attractor <- attractor[,1:(ncol(attractor)-1), drop=FALSE] # Remove last repeated column from attractor
  rownames(attractor) <- names

  return(list("path" = path, "attractor" = attractor))
palmerito0/kboolnet documentation built on April 27, 2023, 12:41 p.m.