#' Set options for driven searches
#' @description
#' \code{DrivenSearchOptions} is an R6 class that defines the set of parameters
#' required to perform a driven search in \code{nitro}.
#' @importFrom checkmate asInt assert check_class check_flag check_int
#' check_class check_list check_null test_true
#' @importFrom cli cli_abort cli_text col_grey
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
DrivenSearchOptions <- R6Class("DrivenSearchOptions",
private = list(
.replications = NULL,
.hits = NULL,
.consense_times = NULL,
.keep_all = NULL,
.multiply = NULL,
.sectorial_search = NULL,
.tree_fusing = NULL,
.tree_hybridizing = NULL,
.tree_drifting = NULL,
.ratchet = NULL),
active = list(
#' @field replications An integer value indicating the number of replications.
replications = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
val_check <- check_int(value, lower = 1)
if (!test_true(val_check)) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg replications} must be an integer.",
"x" = val_check))
private$.replications <- asInt(value)
#' @field hits An integer value indicating the number of times the shortest
#' tree must be found on consecutive re-runs of the analysis before stopping.
hits = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
val_check <- check_int(value, lower = 1)
if (!test_true(val_check)) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg hits} must be an integer.",
"x" = val_check))
private$.hits <- asInt(value)
#' @field consense_times An integer value indicating the number of times to
#' consense until the consensus is stablilised.
consense_times = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
val_check <- check_int(value, lower = 0)
if (!test_true(val_check)) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg consense_times} must be an integer",
"x" = val_check))
private$.consense_times <- asInt(value)
#' @field keep_all A logical value indicating whether to retain all generated
#' trees from each replication regardless of length.
keep_all = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
val_check <- check_flag(value)
if (!test_true(val_check)) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg keep_all} must be a logical.",
"x" = val_check))
private$.keep_all <- value
#' @field multiply A logical value indicating whether to find additional trees
#' by fusing suboptimal trees with optimal trees.
multiply = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
val_check <- check_flag(value)
if (!test_true(val_check)) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg multiply} must be an integer.",
"x" = val_check))
private$.multiply <- value
#' @field sectorial_search One or a list of objects of inheriting
#' \code{"\link{SectorialSearchBaseOptions}"}.
sectorial_search = function (value = c(RandomSectorialSearchOptions$new(), ConstrainedSectorialSearchOptions$new())) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
coll <- makeAssertCollection()
check_class(value, c("SectorialSearchBaseOptions", "R6")),
check_list(value, types = "SectorialSearchBaseOptions"),
add = coll
val_check <- coll$getMessages()
if (!coll$isEmpty()) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg sectorial_search} must be a valid (list of) objects.",
"x" = val_check))
if (!test_multi_class(value, c("list", "NULL"))) {
value <- c(value)
private$.sectorial_search <- value
#' @field tree_fusing An object of class \code{"\link{TreeFusingOptions}"}.
tree_fusing = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
coll <- makeAssertCollection()
check_class(value, c("TreeFusingOptions", "R6")),
add = coll
val_check <- coll$getMessages()
if (!coll$isEmpty()) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg tree_fusing} must be a valid object.",
"x" = val_check))
if (is.null(value)) {
value <- TreeFusingOptions$new()
private$.tree_fusing <- value
#' @field tree_hybridizing An object of class \code{"\link{TreeHybridizingOptions}"}.
tree_hybridizing = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
coll <- makeAssertCollection()
check_class(value, c("TreeHybridizingOptions", "R6")),
add = coll
val_check <- coll$getMessages()
if (!coll$isEmpty()) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg tree_hybridizing} must be a valid object.",
"x" = val_check))
if (is.null(value)) {
value <- TreeHybridizingOptions$new(rounds = 0)
private$.tree_hybridizing <- value
#' @field tree_drifting An object of class \code{"\link{TreeDriftingOptions}"}.
tree_drifting = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
coll <- makeAssertCollection()
check_class(value, "TreeDriftingOptions"),
add = coll
val_check <- coll$getMessages()
if (!coll$isEmpty()) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg tree_drifting} must be a valid object.",
"x" = val_check))
if (is.null(value)) {
value <- TreeDriftingOptions$new(iterations = 5)
private$.tree_drifting <- value
#' @field ratchet An object of class \code{"\link{RatchetOptions}"}.
ratchet = function (value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
coll <- makeAssertCollection()
check_class(value, "RatchetOptions"),
add = coll
val_check <- coll$getMessages()
if (!coll$isEmpty()) {
cli_abort(c("{.arg ratchet} must be a valid object.",
"x" = val_check))
if (is.null(value)) {
value <- RatchetOptions$new(iterations = 0)
private$.ratchet <- value
public = list(
#' @param replications an integer value indicating the number of replications.
#' @param hits An integer value indicating the number of times the shortest
#' tree must be found on consecutive re-runs of the analysis before stopping.
#' @param consense_times An integer value indicating the number of times to
#' consense until the consensus is stablilised.
#' @param keep_all A logical value indicating whether to retain all generated
#' trees from each replication regardless of length. This has a different
#' meaning when \code{hits} = 1 and when \code{hits} > 1. When
#' \code{hits} = 1, it is trees from each of the RAS + TBR + SS or DFT or
#' RAT, in addition to the trees resulting from fusing those. When
#' \code{hits} > 1, then it means the trees resulting from fusing the
#' initial starting trees for each of starting points.
#' @param multiply A logical value indicating whether to find additional trees
#' by fusing suboptimal trees with optimal trees.
#' @param sectorial_search A list of objects of inheriting
#' \code{"\link{SectorialSearchBaseOptions}"}.
#' @param tree_fusing An object of class \code{"\link{TreeFusingOptions}"}.
#' @param tree_hybridizing An object of class \code{"\link{TreeHybridizingOptions}"}.
#' @param tree_drifting An object of class \code{"\link{TreeDriftingOptions}"}.
#' @param ratchet An object of class \code{"\link{RatchetOptions}"}.
initialize = function (replications = 4, hits = 1, consense_times = 0,
keep_all = FALSE, multiply = TRUE,
sectorial_search = NULL, tree_fusing = NULL,
tree_hybridizing = NULL, tree_drifting = NULL,
ratchet = NULL) {
a <- as.list(environment(), all = TRUE)
for (n in names(a)) {
self[[n]] <- a[[n]]
#' @param ... Ignored.
print = function (...) {
cli_text("{col_grey(\"# A TNT driven search configuration\")}")
options <- c("Keep all trees:" = self$keep_all,
"Multiply trees by fusing:" = self$multiply) %>%
ifelse("yes", "no")
if (self$consense_times > 0) {
options <- c("Consense times:" = self$consense_times, options)
options <- c("Iterations:" = self$replications,
"Hits:" = self$hits, options) %>%
colnames(options) <- NULL
#' @param ... Ignored.
queue = function (...) {
queue <- CommandQueue$new()
if (length(self$sectorial_search)) {
queue <- c(queue, sapply(self$sectorial_search, function (x) x$queue(set_only = TRUE)))
if (self$tree_fusing$rounds > 0) {
queue <- c(queue, self$tree_fusing$queue())
if (self$tree_hybridizing$rounds > 0) {
queue <- c(queue, self$tree_hybridizing$queue())
if (self$tree_drifting$iterations > 0) {
queue <- c(queue, self$tree_drifting$queue(set_only = TRUE))
if (self$ratchet$iterations > 0) {
queue <- c(queue, self$ratchet$queue(set_only = TRUE))
sect_classes <- sapply(self$sectorial_search, class)
driven_cmd <- glue(
"= hits {self$hits} replications {self$replications} {rss}rss {css}css {xss}xss {fuse} {hybrid}hybrid {drift} {ratchet} {consense} {keepall}keepall {multiply}multiply",
rss = ifelse("RandomSectorialSearchOptions" %in% sect_classes, "", "no"),
css = ifelse("ConstraintSectorialSearchOptions" %in% sect_classes, "", "no"),
xss = ifelse("ExclusiveSectorialSearchOptions" %in% sect_classes, "", "no"),
fuse = ifelse(self$tree_fusing$rounds == 0, "nofuse", glue("fuse {self$tree_fusing$rounds}")),
hybrid = ifelse(self$tree_hybridizing$rounds == 0, "no", ""),
drift = ifelse(self$tree_drifting$iterations == 0, "nodrift", glue("drift {self$tree_drifting$iterations}")),
ratchet = ifelse(self$ratchet$iterations == 0, "noratchet", glue("ratchet {self$ratchet$iterations}")),
consense = ifelse(self$consense_times == 0, "noconsense", glue("consense {self$consense_times}")),
keepall = ifelse(self$keep_all, "", "no"),
multiply = ifelse(self$multiply, "", "no")
queue$add("xmult", driven_cmd)
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