
Defines functions or_gam

Documented in or_gam

#' @name or_gam
#' @title Calculate Odds Ratios of Generalized Additive (Mixed) Models
#' @importFrom stats coefficients predict
#' @description This function calculates odds ratio(s) for specific increment
#'   steps of GAM(M) models. Odds ratios can also be calculated for continuous
#'   (percentage) increment steps across the whole predictor distribution using
#'   `slice = TRUE`.
#' @param data The data used for model fitting.
#' @param model A fitted GAM(M).
#' @param pred Predictor name for which to calculate the odds ratio.
#' @param values Numeric vector of length two. Predictor values to estimate odds
#'   ratio from. Function is written to use the first provided value as the
#'   "lower" one, i.e. calculating the odds ratio 'from value1 to value2'. Only
#'   used if `slice = FALSE`.
#' @param percentage Percentage number to split the predictor distribution into.
#'   A value of 10 would split the predictor distribution by 10\% intervals.
#'   Only needed if `slice = TRUE`.
#' @param slice Whether to calculate odds ratios for fixed increment steps over
#'   the whole predictor distribution. See `percentage` for setting the
#'   increment values.
#' @param ci Currently fixed to 95\% confidence interval level (2.5\% - 97.5\%).
#' Currently supported functions: [mgcv::gam], [mgcv::gamm],
#' [gam::gam]. For [mgcv::gamm], the `model` input of [or_gam] needs to be the
#' `gam` output (e.g. `fit_gam$gam`).
#' @return A [data.frame] with (up to) eight columns. `perc1` and `perc2` are
#'   only returned if `slice = TRUE`:
#' \item{predictor}{Predictor name}
#' \item{value1}{First value of odds ratio calculation}
#' \item{value2}{Second value of odds ratio calculation}
#' \item{perc1}{Percentage value of `value1`}
#' \item{perc2}{Percentage value of `value2`}
#' \item{oddsratio}{Calculated odds ratio(s)}
#' \item{ci_low}{Lower \code{(2.5\%)} confident interval of odds ratio}
#' \item{ci_high}{Higher \code{(97.5\%)} confident interval of odds ratio}
#' @seealso [or_glm()] [plot_gam()] [insert_or()]
#' @examples
#' library(oddsratio)
#' library(mgcv)
#' fit_gam <- gam(y ~ s(x0) + s(I(x1^2)) + s(x2) +
#'   offset(x3) + x4, data = data_gam) # fit model
#' # Calculate OR for specific increment step of continuous variable
#' or_gam(
#'   data = data_gam, model = fit_gam, pred = "x2",
#'   values = c(0.099, 0.198)
#' )
#' ## Calculate OR for change of indicator variable
#' or_gam(
#'   data = data_gam, model = fit_gam, pred = "x4",
#'   values = c("B", "D")
#' )
#' ## Calculate ORs for percentage increments of predictor distribution
#' ## (here: 20%)
#' or_gam(
#'   data = data_gam, model = fit_gam, pred = "x2",
#'   percentage = 20, slice = TRUE
#' )
#' @export
or_gam <- function(data = NULL,
                   model = NULL,
                   pred = NULL,
                   values = NULL,
                   percentage = NULL,
                   slice = FALSE,
                   ci = NULL) {
  names_pred <- colnames(data)

  if (slice == TRUE) {
    if (is.null(percentage)) {
      stop(paste0("Please specify 'percentage'.")) # nocov

    # get range of pred distribution and slice in x tiles
    range <- max(data[, pred]) - min(data[, pred])
    step <- range / (100 / percentage)

    range_v <- c()

    # create vector of percentage
    for (i in 0:(100 / percentage)) {
      range_v <- c(range_v, min(data[, pred]) + step * i)

    result <- data.frame(
      predictor = length(100 / percentage),
      value1 = numeric(length = 100 / percentage),
      value2 = numeric(length = 100 / percentage),
      perc1 = character(length = 100 / percentage),
      perc2 = character(length = 100 / percentage),
      oddsratio = numeric(length = 100 / percentage),
      ci_low = numeric(length = 100 / percentage),
      ci_high = numeric(length = 100 / percentage)

    # apply OR calc for vector
    for (x in 1:(100 / percentage)) {
      # set all preds to their mean if they are numeric
      for (i in names_pred) {
        if (is.numeric(data[[i]])) {
          data[[i]] <- mean(data[[i]])

      # reduce to 1 row
      data <- data[1, ]
      # subset DF to preds only
      data <- data[, names_pred]

      # set values[1] of pred
      data[, pred] <- range_v[x]
      # calc log odds for value 1
      pred_gam1 <- as.numeric(predict(model, data,
        type = "link", se.fit = TRUE
      # calc 95% ci log odds (mean +- 2* stdev)
      pred_gam1_ci_low <- pred_gam1[1] - (2 * pred_gam1[2])
      pred_gam1_ci_high <- pred_gam1[1] + (2 * pred_gam1[2])

      # set values[2] of pred
      data[, pred] <- range_v[x + 1]
      # calc log odds for value 2
      pred_gam2 <- as.numeric(predict(model, data,
        type = "link", se.fit = TRUE
      # calc 95% ci log odds (mean +- 2* stdev)
      pred_gam2_ci_low <- pred_gam2[1] - (2 * pred_gam2[2])
      pred_gam2_ci_high <- pred_gam2[1] + (2 * pred_gam2[2])

      result$predictor <- pred
      result$oddsratio[x] <- round(as.numeric(exp(pred_gam2[1] -
        pred_gam1[1])), 2)
      result$value1[x] <- round(range_v[x], 3)
      result$value2[x] <- round(range_v[x + 1], 3)
      result$ci_high[x] <- round(as.numeric(exp(pred_gam2_ci_low -
        pred_gam1_ci_low)), 2) # no mistake # nolint
      result$ci_low[x] <- round(as.numeric(exp(pred_gam2_ci_high -
        pred_gam1_ci_high)), 2) # no mistake # nolint
      result$perc1[x] <- percentage * x - percentage
      result$perc2[x] <- percentage * x

    # change col names
    colnames(result)[7] <- paste0("CI_low (2.5%)")
    colnames(result)[8] <- paste0("CI_high (97.5%)")


  # set all preds to their mean if they are numeric
  for (i in names_pred) {
    if (is.numeric(data[[i]])) {
      data[[i]] <- mean(data[[i]])

  # reduce to 1 row
  data <- data[1, ]
  # subset DF to preds only
  data <- data[, names_pred]

  # set values[1] of pred
  data[, pred] <- values[1]
  # calc log odds for value 1
  pred_gam1 <- as.numeric(predict(model, data, type = "link", se.fit = TRUE))
  # calc 95% ci log odds (mean +- 2* stdev)
  pred_gam1_ci_low <- pred_gam1[1] - (2 * pred_gam1[2])
  pred_gam1_ci_high <- pred_gam1[1] + (2 * pred_gam1[2])

  # set values[2] of pred
  data[, pred] <- values[2]
  # calc log odds for value 2
  pred_gam2 <- as.numeric(predict(model, data, type = "link", se.fit = TRUE))
  # calc 95% ci log odds (mean +- 2* stdev)
  pred_gam2_ci_low <- pred_gam2[1] - (2 * pred_gam2[2])
  pred_gam2_ci_high <- pred_gam2[1] + (2 * pred_gam2[2])

  odds_ratio <- as.numeric(exp(pred_gam2[1] - pred_gam1[1]), 2)

  # low and high are somehow switched in the results
  odds_ratio_low <- as.numeric(exp(pred_gam2_ci_low - pred_gam1_ci_low), 2)
  odds_ratio_high <- as.numeric(exp(pred_gam2_ci_high - pred_gam1_ci_high), 2)

  result <- data.frame(
    predictor = pred,
    value1 = values[1],
    value2 = values[2],
    oddsratio = odds_ratio,
    ci_low = odds_ratio_high, # no mistake
    ci_high = odds_ratio_low # no mistake

  # change col names
  colnames(result)[5] <- paste0("CI_low (2.5%)")
  colnames(result)[6] <- paste0("CI_high (97.5%)")

pat-s/oddsratio documentation built on June 6, 2023, 7:50 a.m.