
Defines functions sensi_plot.sensiTree_Clade

Documented in sensi_plot.sensiTree_Clade

#' Graphical diagnostics for class 'sensiTree_Clade'
#' Plot results from \code{tree_clade_phylm} and \code{tree_clade_phyglm}
#' @param x output from \code{tree_clade_phylm} or \code{tree_clade_phyglm}
#' @param clade The name of the clade to be evaluated (see details)
#' @param graphs Choose which graph should be printed on the output ("all", 1 or 2). Defaults to "all".
#' @param ... further arguments to methods.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes theme element_text geom_point element_rect ylab xlab
#' ggtitle element_blank geom_abline scale_shape_manual scale_linetype_manual 
#' guide_legend element_rect
#' guides
#' @author Gustavo Paterno, Caterina Penone
#' @seealso \code{\link[sensiPhy]{tree_clade_phylm}} 
#' @details For 'x' from tree_clade_phylm or tree_clade_phyglm:
#' \strong{Graph 1:} Estimated slopes after clade removal (reduced data) across multiple trees.
#'  Small dots represent estimates reruns between phylogenetic trees while larger 
#'  dots represents the average estimate between all trees for each clade. 
#'  The solid black line represents the average slope estimate among trees
#'  using the full dataset.
#' \strong{Graph 2:} The effect of clade removal on slope estimate across all individual 
#' phylogenetic trees for each clade analyzed. The black line indicates estimates 
#' with the full dataset while the red line represent estimates without the focal
#'  clade (reduced data) across different trees. The blue dots represent null expectation
#'  estimates after removing the same number of species of the focal clade,
#'  with dots falling outside the red line area indicating a larger than expected 
#'  absolute effect. 
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string
#' @importFrom stats model.frame qt plogis 
#' @export

sensi_plot.sensiTree_Clade <- function(x, clade = NULL, graphs = "all", ...){
  ### Nulling variables:
  estimate <- iteration <- Estimate <- NULL
   ### Get clade name:
  clades.names <- unique(x$sensi.estimates$clade)
  if (is.null(clade) == T){
    clade <- clades.names[1]
    warning("Clade argument was not defined. Plotting results for clade: ",
            Use clade = 'clade name' to plot results for other clades")
  clade.n <- which(clade == clades.names)
  if (length(clade.n) == 0) stop(paste(clade,"is not a valid clade name"))

### organize data:
fes   <- x$full.model.estimates
f     <- data.frame(fes)[seq(2,nrow(fes), 2), ]
f.ord <- match(sort(f$iteration), f$iteration)
ces   <- x$sensi.estimates
ces.c <- ces[ces$clade == clade, ]
nd    <-  x$null.dist
nd.c  <- nd[nd$clade == clade, ]
s.est <- summary(x)[[1]]

### null > | < then clade removed
if (s.est[s.est$clade.removed == clade, ]$DIFestimate > 0)            
  out <- which(nd.c$estimate >= rep(ces.c$estimate, each = x$call$n.sim))
if (s.est[s.est$clade.removed == clade, ]$DIFestimate < 0)            
  out <- which(nd.c$estimate <= rep(ces.c$estimate, each = x$call$n.sim))
nd.c.out <- nd.c[out, ]

### Transform iteration intofactor:
fes$iteration   <- as.factor(fes$iteration)
ces.c$iteration <- as.factor(ces.c$iteration)
nd.c$iteration  <- as.factor(nd.c$iteration)

### Plot 1: Estimated slopes for each clade between trees ----------------------
g1 <-
  ggplot2::ggplot(ces, aes(y = estimate, x = reorder(as.factor(strtrim(clade, 4)), estimate))) + 
  ggplot2::geom_point(color = "red", size = .8) +
  ggplot2::stat_summary(fun.y = "mean", size = 3, color = "red", geom = "point") +
  geom_hline(yintercept = mean(f$Estimate), size = 1) +
        panel.background = element_rect(fill="white",
        legend.position = "none",
        axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45,hjust=1)) +
  xlab("Clade removed") + ylab("estimate")

### Plot 2: Estimated slopes against for null distribution/removed clade ~ trees 
cols <- c("Without clade" = "red", "Full data" = "black", "Null distribution" = "lightblue")
n.sim <- table(nd.c$iteration)[1]
n.int <- length(unique(nd.c$iteration))

if (class(x)[[1]] == "sensiTree_Clade") {
  XLAB <- "Tree"
  title <- paste("Clade = ", clade, "| ", "n.sim = ", n.sim, " | ",
                 " n.tree = ", n.int,
                 "| Sig. iterations =",
                 s.est[s.est$clade.removed == clade, ]$`Significant (%)`, "%")
if (class(x)[[1]] == "sensiIntra_Clade") {
  XLAB <- "Iteration"
  title <- paste("Clade = ", clade, "| ", "n.sim = ", n.sim, " | ",
                 " n.intra = ", n.int,
                 "| Sig. iterations =",
                 s.est[s.est$clade.removed == clade, ]$`Significant (%)`, "%")

paste("Clade = ", clade, "| ", "n.sim = ", n.sim, " | ",
      " n.tree = ", n.int,
      "| Sig. iterations =", s.est[s.est$clade.removed == clade, ]$`Significant (%)`, "%")
g2 <- 
  ggplot2::ggplot(nd.c) +       
  ggplot2::geom_jitter(width = .35, aes(y = estimate, x = as.factor(iteration), color = "Null distribution")) +
  ggplot2::geom_line(data = f[f.ord, ], aes(y = Estimate, x = as.factor(iteration), color = "Full data",  group = 1), size = 1) +
  ggplot2::geom_point(data = f[f.ord, ] , aes(y = Estimate, x = as.factor(iteration),  color = "Full data", group = 1), size = 1) +
  ggplot2::geom_line(data = ces.c, aes(y = estimate, x = as.factor(iteration), color = "Without clade", group = 1), size = 1) + 
  ggplot2::geom_point(data = ces.c, aes(y = estimate, x = as.factor(iteration), color = "Without clade", group = 1), size = 1) + 
 # geom_point(data = nd.c.out , aes(y = estimate, x = as.factor(iteration)), color = "blue",  size = .5) +
  ggplot2::theme_bw() + 
  scale_color_manual(name = "", values = cols) +
  ggplot2::theme(legend.position = c(.15, .95),
        legend.direction = "vertical",
        legend.key.size = unit(.5,"cm"),
        legend.background = element_blank(),
        panel.background = element_rect(fill="white",
        axis.line = ggplot2::element_line(colour = "black"),
        panel.grid = element_blank()) +
  xlab(XLAB) + ylab("estimate")+
if(length(levels(ces.c$iteration)) > 30) g2 <- g2 +  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank()) 

### Output-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
### Plotting:
if (graphs=="all")
  return(suppressMessages(multiplot(g1,g2, cols = 2)))
if (graphs==1)
if (graphs==2)

#' Graphical diagnostics for class 'sensiIntra_Clade'
#' Plot results from \code{intra_clade_phylm} and \code{intra_clade_phyglm}
#' @param x output from \code{intra_clade_phylm} or \code{intra_clade_phyglm}
#' @param clade The name of the clade to be evaluated (see details)
#' @param graphs Choose which graph should be printed on the output ("all", 1 or 2). Defaults to "all".
#' @param ... further arguments to methods.
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes theme element_text geom_point element_rect ylab xlab
#' ggtitle element_blank geom_abline scale_shape_manual scale_linetype_manual 
#' guide_legend element_rect
#' guides
#' @author Gustavo Paterno, Caterina Penone
#' @seealso \code{\link[sensiPhy]{intra_clade_phylm}} 
#' @details For 'x' from intra_clade_phylm or intra_clade_phyglm:
#' \strong{Graph 1:} Estimated slopes after clade removal (reduced data) across multiple simulations.
#'  Small dots represent estimates reruns between simulations while larger 
#'  dots represents the average estimate between all simulations for each clade. 
#'  The solid black line represents the average slope estimate among trees
#'  using the full dataset.
#' \strong{Graph 2:} The effect of clade removal on slope estimate across all individual 
#' simulations for each clade analyzed. The black line indicates estimates 
#' with the full dataset while the red line represent estimates without the focal
#'  clade (reduced data) across different simulation The blue dots represent null expectation
#'  estimates after removing the same number of species of the focal clade,
#'  with dots falling outside the red line area indicating a larger than expected 
#'  absolute effect. 
#' @importFrom ggplot2 aes_string
#' @importFrom stats model.frame qt plogis 
#' @export
sensi_plot.sensiIntra_Clade <- function(x, clade = NULL, graphs = "all", ...){
  sensi_plot.sensiTree_Clade(x, clade, graphs, ...)
paternogbc/sensiPhy documentation built on June 14, 2020, 10:07 a.m.