
#' Homeostasis concept inventory dataset of graduate students
#' @description `HCIgrads` dataset consists of the responses of 10 graduate
#'   students to Homeostasis Concept Inventory (HCI) multiple-choice test. It
#'   contains answers to 20 multiple-choice items, scored items, and total test
#'   score.
#' @author Jenny L. McFarland \cr Biology Department, Edmonds Community College
#' @references McFarland, J. L., Price, R. M., Wenderoth, M. P., Martinkova, P.,
#' Cliff, W., Michael, J., ... & Wright, A. (2017). Development and validation
#' of the homeostasis concept inventory. CBE-Life Sciences Education, 16(2),
#' ar35. \doi{10.1187/cbe.16-10-0305}
#' @keywords datasets
#' @seealso
#' [HCI] for HCI dichotomous dataset\cr
#' [HCItest] for HCI multiple-choice dataset\cr
#' [HCIkey] for key of correct answers for HCI\cr
#' [HCIdata] for HCI full dataset\cr
#' [HCIlong] for HCI in a long format\cr
#' [HCIprepost] for HCI pretest and posttest scores\cr
#' [HCItestretest] for HCI test-retest dataset\cr
#' @format `HCIgrads` is a `data.frame` consisting of 10 observations
#'   on the 42 variables.
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{A1-A20}{Multiple-choice items of the HCI test. }
#'   \item{QR1-QR20}{Scored items of the HCI test, `"0"` incorrect,
#'   `"1"` correct. }
#'   \item{total}{Total test score. }
#'   }
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