
#' NIH grant peer review scoring dataset
#' @description The `NIH` dataset (Erosheva et al., 2020a) was sampled from
#'   a full set of 54,740 R01 applications submitted by black and white
#'   principal investigators (PIs) and reviewed by Center for Scientific
#'   Review (CSR) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) during council
#'   years 2014--2016.
#'   It contains the original random sample of white applicants as generated by
#'   Erosheva et al. (2020b) and a sample of 46 black applicants generated to
#'   obtain the same ratio of white and black applicants as in the original
#'   sample (for details, see Erosheva et al., 2021a). The dataset was used by
#'   Erosheva et al. (2021b) to demonstrate issues of inter-rater reliability in
#'   case of restricted samples.
#'   The available variables include preliminary criterion scores on
#'   Significance, Investigator, Innovation, Approach, Environment and a
#'   preliminary Overall Impact Score. Each of these criteria and the overall
#'   score is scored on an integer scale from 1 (best) to 9 (worst). Besides the
#'   preliminary criteria and Overall Impact Scores, the data include applicant
#'   race, the structural covariates (PI ID, application ID, reviewer ID,
#'   administering institute, IRG, and SRG), the matching variables -- gender,
#'   ethnicity (Hispanic/Latino or not), career stage, type of academic degree,
#'   institution prestige (as reflected by the NIH funding bin), area of science
#'   (as reflected by the IRG handling the application), application type (new
#'   or renewal) and status (amended or not) -- as well as the final overall
#'   score. In addition, the file includes a study group ID variable that refers
#'   to the Matched and Random subsets used in the original study.
#' @references
#' Erosheva, E. A., Grant, S., Chen, M.-C., Lindner, M. D., Nakamura, R. K., &
#' Lee, C. J. (2020a). NIH peer review: Criterion scores completely account for
#' racial disparities in overall impact scores. Science Advances 6(23), eaaz4868,
#' \doi{10.1126/sciadv.aaz4868}
#' Erosheva, E. A., Grant, S., Chen, M.-C., Lindner, M. D., Nakamura, R. K., &
#' Lee, C. J. (2020b). Supplementary material: NIH peer review: Criterion scores
#' completely account for racial disparities in overall impact scores.
#' Science Advances 6(23), eaaz4868, \doi{10.17605/OSF.IO/4D6RX}
#' Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. J. (2021a). Supplementary material:
#' When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater
#' reliability in evaluating grant peer review.
#' Erosheva, E., Martinkova, P., & Lee, C. J. (2021b). When zero may not be zero: A
#' cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant
#' peer review. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society -- Series A. Accepted.
#' @keywords datasets
#' @seealso
#' [ICCrestricted()]
#' @format `NIH` is a `data.frame` consisting of 5802 observations on
#'   27 variables.
#'   \describe{
#'   \item{ID}{Proposal ID. }
#'   \item{Score}{Preliminary Overall Impact score (1-9 integer scale, 1 best). }
#'   \item{Significance, Investigator, Innovation, Approach, Environment }{
#'   Preliminary Criterion Scores (1-9 integer scale, 1 best). }
#'   \item{PIRace}{Principal investigator's self-identified race; `"White"`
#'   or `"Black"`. }
#'   \item{PIID}{Anonymized ID of principal investigator (PI). }
#'   \item{PIGender}{PI's gender membership; `"Male"` or `"Female"`. }
#'   \item{PIEthn}{PI's ethnicity; `"Hispanic/Latino"` or `"Non-Hispanic"`. }
#'   \item{PICareerStage}{PI's career stage; `"ESI"` Early Stage Investigator,
#'   `"Experienced"` Experienced Investigator, or `"Non-ES NI"`
#'   Non-Early Stage New Investigator. }
#'   \item{PIDegree}{PI's degree; `"PhD"`, `"MD"`, `"MD/PhD"`,
#'   or `"Others"`. }
#'   \item{PIInst}{Lead PI's institution's FY 2014 total institution NIH funding;
#'   5 bins with 1 being most-funded.}
#'   \item{GroupID}{Group ID. }
#'   \item{RevID}{Reviewer's ID. }
#'   \item{IRG}{IRG (Integrated Research Group) id. }
#'   \item{AdminOrg}{Administering Organization id. }
#'   \item{SRG}{SRG (Scientific Research Group) id. }
#'   \item{PropType}{Application type, `"New"` or `"Renewal"`. }
#'   \item{Ammend}{Ammend. Logical. }
#'   \item{ScoreAvg}{Average of the three overall scores from different reviewers. }
#'   \item{ScoreAvgAdj}{Average of the three overall scores from different reviewers, increased by multiple of 0.001 of the worst score. }
#'   \item{ScoreRank}{Project rank calculated based on `ScoreAvg`. }
#'   \item{ScoreRankAdj}{Project rank calculated based on `ScoreAvgAdj`. }
#'   \item{ScoreFinalChar}{Final Overall Impact score (1-9 integer scale, 1 best; `"ND"`
#'   refers to "not discussed")}
#'   \item{ScoreFinal}{Final Overall Impact score (1-9 integer scale, 1 best). }
#' }
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