For readers from credentialing protocol:
Credential3.1 package is now transfered to official pattilab Github repository under branch name "release/3.1". Patti Lab GitHub.
This page is now discontinued. Please email,, or for any questions.
Credentialing is a method to identify biologically relevant features from untargeted metabolomics data. The analysis is based on two feature tables with index (cc), m/z (mz), retention time (rt) and intensity (i) values. Experimentally, credentialing requires two sets of samples by mixing unlabeled and U13C-labeled samples at two user-defined ratios (ratio1, ratio2). credential is a bioinformatics tool (R package) to analyze feature tables from untargeted LC/MS based analysis and infer biologically-relavent features from untargeted metabolomics.
The current version credential_3.1.7 was developed as a new algorithm to orginal methods paper:
devtools::install_github("pattilab/credential", ref="release/3.1", dependencies = T)
Credentialing takes a feature table (data.table or data.frame) that requires at least 4 columns for credentialing algorithm: cc - feature index, mz - mass-to-charge value, rt - retention time, and i-intensity. Feature table can be generated from XCMS or other peak detection software.
features <- credential::getXCMSfeature(xs = credentialxcms, intchoice="into", sampling = 1, sampleclass = NULL, export = T)
feature1t1 <- features$`1T1-credTable`
feature1t2 <- features$`1T2-credTable`
feature1t1 <- data.table(read.csv(system.file("extdata","features1T1.csv", package = "credential")))
feature1t2 <- data.table(read.csv(system.file("extdata","features1T2.csv", package = "credential")))
Column names must be adjusted accordingly as above using colnames().
colnames(features) <- c("cc","mz","rt","i")
> feature1t1
cc mz rt i
1: 1 101.0963 2182.1550 14444.594
2: 2 101.0963 2227.5400 18668.742
3: 3 101.0964 2258.0550 17612.537
4: 4 101.0964 2280.3100 32333.016
5: 5 102.0455 82.5735 6732.472
14550: 15448 1597.2860 1551.5900 47496.896
14551: 15449 1597.2964 1578.8200 93539.010
14552: 15450 1598.1958 1605.5200 5061.292
14553: 15451 1598.2902 1551.5900 60039.320
14554: 15452 1598.3012 1577.8100 206334.273
credential_test <- credential::credentialing(peaktable1 = feature1t1, peaktable2 = feature1t2, ppm = 15, rtwin = 1, rtcom =2, ratio1 = 1/1, ratio2 = 1/2,
ratio_tol = 0.1, ratio_ratio_tol = 0.9, cd = 13.00335-12, charges = 1:4, mpc = c(12,120), maxnmer = 4,
export = T, plot = T, projectName = "credential_demo")
# manual step-by-step credentialing
# parameter settings
ppm = 15
rtwin = 1
rtcom =2
ratio1 = 1/1
ratio2 = 1/2
ratio_tol = 0.1
ratio_ratio_tol = 0.9
cd = 13.00335-12
charges = 1:4
mpc = c(12,120)
maxnmer = 4
projectName = "credential_demo"
# step1 find isotope knots of each feature table (resolve merged isotope knots are performed in this step now)
knots1 <- credential::findknots(features = feature1t1, .zs = charges, ppmwid = ppm, rtwid = rtwin, cd = cd)
knots2 <- credential::findknots(features = feature1t2, .zs = charges, ppmwid = ppm, rtwid = rtwin, cd = cd)
# step2 credential knots from each feature table (quipus)
credentialedknots1 <- credential::credentialknots(Knots = knots1, ppmwid = ppm, rtwid = rtwin, Ratio = ratio1, Ratio.lim = ratio_tol)
credentialedknots2 <- credential::credentialknots(Knots = knots2, ppmwid = ppm, rtwid = rtwin, Ratio = ratio2, Ratio.lim = ratio_tol)
# step3 match quipus (credentialed knots) to obtain credentialed groups
credentialedquipus <- credentialquipu(credentialedknots1, credentialedknots2, ppm = ppm, rtwin = rtcom, ratio_ratio = ratio1/ratio2,
ratio_ratio_tol = ratio_ratio_tol, tailmatch=T)
# step4 plot credentialed peaks
# merge credentialed peaks
credpeak1 = feature1t1[knots1$cc_knot[credentialedknots1$knot_quipu[!],,on="knot"],,on="cc"][credentialedquipus$credentialedgroups[,. (quipu=quipu1,charge1,mainmz11,mainmz21,ratio1)],,on="quipu"]
credpeak1 = credpeak1[,.(cc1=cc,mz1=mz,rt1=rt,i1=i,knot1=knot,tail1=tail,quipu1=quipu,charge1,mainmz11,mainmz21,ncar1,ratio1)]
credpeak2 = feature1t2[knots2$cc_knot[credentialedknots2$knot_quipu[!],,on="knot"],,on="cc"][credentialedquipus$credentialedgroups[,.(quipu=quipu2,charge2,mainmz12,mainmz22,ratio2,ratio1_ratio2)],,on="quipu"]
credpeak2 = credpeak2[,.(cc2=cc,mz2=mz,rt2=rt,i2=i,knot2=knot,tail2=tail,quipu2=quipu,charge2,mainmz12,mainmz22,ncar2,ratio2,ratio1_ratio2)]
credentialedpeaks =,apply(credentialedquipus$credentialedindex[order(credentialedquipus$credentialedgroups$basemz1)], MARGIN = 1, function(x){credential:::cbind.fill(credpeak1[quipu1==x[1]][order(mz1)],credpeak2[quipu2==x[2]][order(mz2)])}))
# plotting
plotcredpeaks(Credentialedindex = credentialedquipus$credentialedindex, Credentialedpeaks = credentialedpeaks,
filename = paste(paste(projectName,nrow(credentialedquipus$credentialedindex),"credentialed_peak_groups",sep="_"),".pdf",sep=""))
# step5 export credentialed groups and credentialed peaks as csv files
write.csv(credentialedquipus$credentialedgroups,file = paste0(projectName,"_CredentialedGroups.csv"))
write.csv(credentialedpeaks,file = paste0(projectName,"_CredentialedPeaks.csv"))
Lingjue Mike Wang (
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