
Defines functions parse_task parse_prefixes parse_recurrence parse_date parse_tags

Documented in parse_date parse_prefixes parse_recurrence parse_tags parse_task

#' @title Parse Tags From A Task
#' @author Paul Lemmens (paul.lemmens@gmail.com)
#' @description
#' Contexts are tags prefixed with an `@`. Projects are tags prefixed with
#' a `+` (plus). One task can contain multiple
#' contexts and/or multiple projects that should all be preserved.
#' The regular expressions are taken from the source code of Simpletask by
#' Mark Janssen.
#' @param todo A single todo (string).
#' @param tag A plus `+` or `@` sign (string)
#' @return A (mini) data frame with a row for each context found and in that
#'     row a variable for the context and its start and end position in the
#'     task.
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
parse_tags <- function(todo, tag) {
  contexts_pattern <- paste0('( \\', tag, '\\w+)')

  contexts <- stringr::str_extract_all(todo, pattern = contexts_pattern)[[1]] %>%
  positions <- stringr::str_locate_all(todo, pattern = contexts_pattern)[[1]]

  ## contexts <- dplyr::bind_cols(
  ##   tibble::tibble(context = contexts),
  ##   tibble::tibble(start   = positions[, 'start'],
  ##                  end     = positions[, 'end']))


#' @title Parse Date Components Of A Task
#' @author Paul Lemmens (paul.lemmens@gmail.com)
#' @description
#' Following the official definition from Gina Trapani, a task can have a due
#' date only. This due date is indicated with the string `due:` immediately
#' (i.e., no space) followed by a date in ISO format (yyyy-mm-dd).
#' Extensions of the todo.txt format also specify a start date for a task also
#' frequently referred to as threshold date: the date when a task should appear
#' on a list or in a view. Typically `t:` is used for indicating a threshold
#' date.
#' Due dates and threshold dates should appear only once in any task. So only
#' the first occurrence is considered.
#' @param todo A single task (string) or vector of tasks.
#' @param prefix String to indicate which type of date to search: either `t`
#'     or `due`; defaults to 'due'.
#' @return The due or threshold date that was found after checking whether it
#' is a valid date stamp; if it is not, NA is returned.
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
parse_date <- function(todo, prefix = 'due') {
  date_pattern <- '( [Dd][Uu][Ee]:\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})'
  if (prefix == 't') {
    date_pattern <- '( [Tt]:\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2})'

  dt <- stringr::str_extract(todo, pattern = date_pattern) %>%
    stringr::str_trim() %>%
    stringr::str_replace('([Dd][Uu][Ee]|[Tt]):', '')

  return(lubridate::ymd(dt, quiet = TRUE))

#' @title Parse Recurrence In A Task
#' @author Paul Lemmens (paul.lemmens@gmail.com)
#' @description
#' A further extension of the original specification is setting a
#' recurrence of a task using the prefix `rec:`. A recurrence is set in
#' N days, weeks, months, or years. When N is preceded by a plus, it says to
#' start the recurrence calculation by the original due date or by today's
#' date.
#' @param todo A single task (string) or vector of tasks.
#' @return The recurrence setting for a task as string.
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
parse_recurrence <- function(todo) {
  recurrence_pattern <- ' [Rr][Ee][Cc]:((\\+?)\\d+[dDwWmMyY])'

  rec <- stringr::str_extract(todo, pattern = recurrence_pattern) %>%
    stringr::str_trim() %>%
    stringr::str_replace('[Rr][Ee][Cc]:', '')


#' @title Parse Priority, Creation And Completed Dates
#' @author Paul Lemmens (paul.lemmens@gmail.com)
#' @description
#' Parsing a task's priority, creation and due date actually combines
#' elements that should be handled separately. However, the grep pattern
#' that is used is quite useful and more difficult to strip into components.
#' Additionally, these components are all prefixed before the actual task
#' so it is sensible to combine parsing in one go.
#' @param todo A task (string), or a vector of tasks.
#' @return A tibble with variables for creation date, completion date, and
#' priority of a task. The tibble also contains the (original) task (as on
#' file) and a "cleaned" version without aforementioned attributes.
#' @references
#' https://github.com/mpcjanssen/simpletask-android/blob/197bd51f496bd6066df902445acc28df51910d60/src/main/java/nl/mpcjanssen/simpletask/task/Task.java
parse_prefixes <- function(todo) {
  prefix_pattern <- '(^x )?(\\([A-Z]\\) )?(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} +)?(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} +)?(\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} +)*(.*)' # nolint

  prefixes <- tibble::as_tibble(stringr::str_match(todo, pattern = prefix_pattern),
                                .name_repair = ~ vctrs::vec_as_names(..., repair = "unique", quiet = TRUE)) # nolint
  names(prefixes) <- c('task', 'done', 'priority', 'date_completed', 'date_created',
                       'V6', 'task_cleaned')

  prefixes <- prefixes %>%
    dplyr::select(-V6) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(priority       = stringr::str_extract(priority, '([A-Z])'),
                  date_created   = dplyr::if_else(is.na(done), date_completed, date_created),
                  date_completed = dplyr::if_else(is.na(done), NA_character_,  date_completed)) %>%
                                ~ lubridate::ymd(., quiet = FALSE)))


#' @title Parse A (List Of) Tasks
#' @author Paul Lemmens (paul.lemmens@paul-lemmens.nl)
#' @description
#' This function parses one task, or a "list" (read, a vector of task
#' strings) in its entirety. A task is specified following the definition(s)
#' by Gina Trapani via todotxt.org and comprising a creation date as first
#' item on a line, a due date marked using `due:`, and a priority at the start
#' of each line as `(X)`. Tags are indicated using either an `@` for
#' (typically) contexts and a plus `+` for projects. Optional components
#' comprise a recurrence specified
#' using `rec:` as extension of the original todo.txt specification (see
#' documentation of the android app SimpleTask).
#' @param task One task (string), or a vector of strings.
#' @return A tibble with a parsed task.
#' @importFrom dplyr "%>%"
#' @name parse_task
#' @export
parse_task <- function(task) {
  todo <- parse_prefixes(task) %>%
    dplyr::mutate(date_due       = parse_date(task, prefix = 'due'),
                  date_threshold = parse_date(task, prefix = 't'),
                  recurrence     = parse_recurrence(task))
  todo <- todo %>%
    dplyr::mutate(context = purrr::map(task, ~ parse_tags(., tag = '@')),
                  project = purrr::map(task, ~ parse_tags(., tag = '+')))

  ## Add our package as class to define printing methods.
  class(todo) <- append('todoRtxt', class(todo))


#' @rdname parse_task
#' @export
parse_tasks <- parse_task
paullemmens/todoRtxt documentation built on May 19, 2023, 3:21 p.m.