sim_pred_hanova1: Simulate from a one-way hierarchical ANOVA posterior...

View source: R/one_way_anova.R

sim_pred_hanova1R Documentation

Simulate from a one-way hierarchical ANOVA posterior predictive distribution


Simulates nrep draws from the posterior predictive distribution of the one-way hierarchical ANOVA model described in hanova1. This function is called within hanova1 when the argument nrep is supplied.


sim_pred_hanova1(theta_sim_vals, sim_vals, fac, nrep)



A numeric matrix with length(fac) columns. Each row of theta_sim_vals contains normal means simulated from their posterior distribution.


A numeric matrix with length(fac) columns. Each row of sim_vals contains normal standard deviations \sigma simulated from their posterior distribution.


The argument fac to hanova1, that is, a vector of class factor indicating group membership.


A numeric scalar. The number of replications of the original dataset simulated from the posterior predictive distribution. If nrep is greater than nrow(theta_sim_vals) then nrep is set equal to nrow(theta_sim_vals).


A numeric matrix with nrep columns. Each column contains a draw from the posterior predictive distribution of the number of successes.


RCP26_2 <- temp2[temp2$RCP == "rcp26", ]
temp_res <- hanova1(resp = RCP26_2[, 1], fac = RCP26_2[, 2])
sim_pred <- sim_pred_hanova1(temp_res$theta_sim_vals, temp_res$sim_vals,
                             RCP26_2[, 2], 50)

paulnorthrop/bang documentation built on July 18, 2024, 12:43 p.m.