
Defines functions shield

Documented in shield

#' @title 
#' Attributes protection 
#' @description 
#' The function \code{shield} is made to facilitate 
#' the propagation  of attributes of an object \code{obj} 
#' through R operations. 
#' @param obj 
#' An object. 
#' @param at
#' A named list, the attributes to be possibly added to 
#' \code{obj}. 
#' @param propagate 
#' character. The method to be applied, one of \code{"all"}, \code{"most"}, 
#' \code{"some"}, \code{"none"}, \code{"many"}. 
#' If \code{propagate="some"} (the default), 
#' the attributes of \code{obj} are kept unchanged 
#' (up to the value of \code{keep_also}). 
#' If \code{propagate="all"} (not advised), 
#' the attributes of the returned object 
#' are exactly \code{at} (up to the value of \code{keep_also}). 
#' If \code{propagate="none"} (not advised either), 
#' the attributes of the returned object 
#' are \code{NULL} (up to the value of \code{keep_also}). 
#' If \code{propagate="most"}, new attributes taken from \code{at} 
#' will be added to \code{obj}; however, attributes found in \code{at} 
#' that have the same name as attributes of \code{obj} are not 
#' considered. 
#' @param keep_also 
#' character. A vector of named attributes to be added to 
#' the final result.  
#' @return 
#' The object \code{obj} with possibly different attributes. 
#' @importFrom utils modifyList
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' df <- data.frame(x = sample(10, 5, rep = TRUE),
#'                  y = sample(10, 5, rep = TRUE)) %>%
#'   at_mutate(example = "yes",
#'             package = "dplyr", 
#'             class = c("my_tbl", "data.frame"))
#' tribe(df)
#' # Attributes are lost when the object passes through dplyr verbs
#' df2 <- df %>% 
#'   mutate(z = 3)
#' tribe(df2)
#' # Most attributes are kept
#' df3 <- shield(df2, tribe(df), propagate = "most")
#' tribe(df3)
#' # To keep the class, use 'keep_also'
#' df4 <- shield(df2, tribe(df), propagate = "most", keep_also = "class")
#' tribe(df4)
shield <- 
         propagate = "some", 
         keep_also = NULL)
  if (is_empty(at)) return(obj)

  p <- propagate
  if (is_empty(p)) p <- "some"
  stopifnot(is.character(p) && 
              length(p) == 1L && 
              p %in% c("many", "all", "most", "some", "none"))

  if (p == "all") {
    warning("the call 'propagate = 'all' should be used with care, 
             see '?shield' for details", 
            call. = FALSE)
    tribe(obj) <- at   # very dangerous
  } else if (p == "most") {
    tribe(obj) <- utils::modifyList(at, tribe(obj))
  } else if (p == "none") {
    warning("the call 'propagate = 'none' should be used with care, 
             see '?shield' for details", 
            call. = FALSE)
    tribe(obj) <- NULL # a bit dangerous too
  } else if (p == "many") {
    tribe(obj) <- utils::modifyList(tribe(obj), at)
  if (!is.null(keep_also))
    tribe(obj) <- utils::modifyList(tribe(obj), 
                                    at[intersect(names(at), keep_also)])
  #for (i in seq_along(keep_also)) {
  #  attr(obj, keep_also[i]) = at[[keep_also[i]]]    
paulponcet/tribe documentation built on Nov. 24, 2019, 10:08 p.m.