
`recalculateLogLik` <- 
   function(model, fixef = fixef(model), vcor = VarCorr(model)) {
     if (class(model) == 'lmerMod') {
       sig2 <- attr(vcor, "sc")
       D = matrix(0, max(model@Gp), max(model@Gp))
       npos <- diff(model@Gp)
       for (i in seq_along(vcor)) {
         Dpart <- kronecker(vcor[[i]], diag(npos[i]/ncol(vcor[[i]])))
         inds <- (model@Gp[i]+1):model@Gp[i+1]
         D[inds, inds] <- Dpart
       Zt <- getME(model, "Zt")
       X <- getME(model, "X")
       y <- getME(model, "y")
       V1 <- Matrix::t(Zt) %*% Matrix(D) %*% Zt
       V2 <- sig2 * Diagonal(ncol(Zt))
       V <- V1 + V2
       res <- y - X %*% fixef(model)
       z <- t(res) %*% solve(V,res)
       return (as.numeric(- Matrix::determinant(V,TRUE)$modulus/2 - ncol(Zt)*log(2*pi)/2 - z/2))
     } else if (class(model) == 'mer') {
       sig2 <- attr(vcor, "sc")
       D = matrix(0, max(model@Gp), max(model@Gp))
       npos <- diff(model@Gp)
       for (i in seq_along(vcor)) {
         Dpart <- kronecker(vcor[[i]], diag(npos[i]/ncol(vcor[[i]])))
         inds <- (model@Gp[i]+1):model@Gp[i+1]
         D[inds, inds] <- Dpart
       V1 <- Matrix::t(model@Zt) %*% Matrix(D) %*% model@Zt
       V2 <- sig2 * Diagonal(ncol(model@Zt))
       V <- V1 + V2
       res <- model@y - model@X %*% model@fixef
       z <- t(res) %*% solve(V,res)
       return(as.numeric(- Matrix::determinant(V,TRUE)$modulus/2 - ncol(model@Zt)*log(2*pi)/2 - z/2))
     }  else stop("model should be an object of the class mer or lmerMod")

`groupDisp` <-
  function(formula, data, var) {
    model0 <- lmer(formula, data, REML=FALSE)
    lev <- levels(data[,var])
    logs1 <- sapply(lev, function(l) {
      model1 <- lmer(formula, data[data[,var] != l, ], REML=FALSE)
      recalculateLogLik(model0, fixef(model1), VarCorr(model1))
    logLik(model0) - logs1
`obsDisp` <-
  function(formula, data, inds=1:nrow(data)) {
    model0 <- lmer(formula, data, REML=FALSE)
    logs1 <- sapply(inds, function(l) {
      model1 <- lmer(formula, data[-l, ], REML=FALSE)
      recalculateLogLik(model0, fixef(model1), VarCorr(model1))
    names(logs1) = inds
    logLik(model0) - logs1
pbiecek/PBImisc documentation built on May 24, 2019, 10:35 p.m.