Shedden2008: Survival analysis of lung cancer patients

Shedden2008R Documentation

Survival analysis of lung cancer patients


Retrospective data was collected across multiple sites for 442 patients with adenocarcinoma of the lung including their survival times, some additional clinical and demographic data, and expression levels of 22,283 genes taken from the tumor sample.


  • S: A two-column matrix containing the survival data. First column is time on study (in months), second column is the failure indication (1=died)

  • X: Gene expression measurements

  • Z: Clinical covariates, which include Sex, Age, Race, AdjChemo (whether the patient received adjuvant chemotherapy), SmHist (smoking history), Margin, and Grade


  • n = 442

  • p = 22,283


  • The object fData contains the associated gene names and gene symbols for the (mapped) probes in X. Rows of fData correspond to columns of X, and are named accordingly.


Shedden K, Taylor JMG, Enkemann SA, Tsao M-S, Yeatman TJ, Gerald WL, Eschrich S, Jurisica I, Giordano TJ, Misek DE, Chang AC, Zhu CQ, Strumpf D, Hanash S, Shepherd FA, Ding K, Seymour L, Naoki K, Pennell N, Weir B, Verhaak R, Ladd-Acosta C, Golub T, Gruidl M, Sharma A, Szoke J, Zakowski M, Rusch V, Kris M, Viale A, Motoi N, Travis W, Conley B, Seshan VE, Meyerson M, Kuick R, Dobbin KK, Lively T, Jacobson JW and Beer DG (2008). Gene expression-based survival prediction in lung adenocarcinoma: a multi-site, blinded validation study. Nature Medicine, 14: 822-827.

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