species <- params$species
region <- params$region
split <- params$split
threshold <- params$threshold

spp <- gsub(" ", "-", gsub("\\/", "-", tolower(species)))

knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width=11, fig.height=8.5, 
                      fig.path=paste0("figs/", spp, "/"),
                      echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)
spp <- gsub(" ", "-", gsub("\\/", "-", tolower(species)))
paste("region =", region)
paste("threshold =", threshold)
paste("split =", split)

# folder to hold figs for this species
dir.create(file.path("figs", spp))
dir.create(file.path("data", spp))

if (region == "Both odd year surveys") {
  survey <- c("SYN QCS", "SYN HS")
  model_ssid <- c(1, 3)
  ssid_string <- paste0(model_ssid, collapse = "n")
  years <- NULL

if (region == "West Coast Vancouver Island") {
  survey <- c("SYN WCVI")
  model_ssid <- c(4)
  ssid_string <- paste0(model_ssid, collapse = "n")
  years <- NULL

if (region == "West Coast Haida Gwaii") {
  survey <- c("SYN WCHG")
  model_ssid <- c(16)
  ssid_string <- paste0(model_ssid, collapse = "n")
  years <- NULL

if (region == "All synoptic surveys") {
  survey <- c("SYN QCS", "SYN HS", "SYN WCVI", "SYN WCHG")
  model_ssid <- c(1, 3, 4, 16)
  ssid_string <- paste0(model_ssid, collapse = "n")
  years <- NULL

Split biomass by maturity

Calculate maturity weighted biomass if not done before


survey_sets <- readRDS(paste0("../VOCC/raw/event-data-", spp, ""))
fish <- readRDS(paste0("../VOCC/raw/bio-data-", spp, ""))
bath <- readRDS("../VOCC/data/bathymetry-data")

  # for POP: exclude sample with unusually large fish 
  # sizes are impossible given recorded catch weight
  # fish <- fish[fish$fishing_event_id!=1506954,]

  # for Redbanded: 1 fish found at too shallow a depth... 
  # probably leftover in net?
  # survey_sets <- survey_sets[survey_sets$fishing_event_id!=2536031,]
  # fish <- fish[fish$fishing_event_id!=2536031,]

   maturity <- split_catch_maturity(survey_sets, fish, bath,
    survey = survey,
    years = years,
    year_re = TRUE,
    cutoff_quantile = c(.9995),
    p_threshold = threshold,
    plot = TRUE)

if(is.null(maturity$maturity)) {
  maturity <- split_catch_maturity(survey_sets, fish, bath,
    survey = c("SYN QCS","SYN HS","SYN WCVI","SYN WCHG"),
    years = years,
    year_re = TRUE,
    cutoff_quantile = c(.9995),
    p_threshold = threshold,
    plot = TRUE

if (split) {
  maturity$data <- filter(maturity$data, ssid %in% model_ssid) 

  if (!is.null(maturity$maturity)) {
  saveRDS(maturity$model, file = paste0("data/", spp, 
    "/maturity-ogive-", spp, "-", ssid_string, ".rds"
} else {
  if (is.null(maturity$maturity)) {

    maturity$data <- filter(maturity$data, ssid %in% model_ssid) 

  } else { # if maturity model is deemed unuseful
    maturity$data <- filter(maturity$data, ssid %in% model_ssid) %>% 
      select(-adult_density, -imm_density) 

saveRDS(maturity$data, file = paste0("data/", spp, 
    "/data-by-maturity-", spp, "-", ssid_string, ".rds"))

positive_sets <- filter(survey_sets, density_kgpm2 != 0)
prop_pos <- round(nrow(positive_sets)/nrow(survey_sets), digits = 3)

paste("proportion of positive sets =", prop_pos)

Save length~weight plots

if (exists("maturity")) {
    file = paste0("figs/", spp, "/", spp, "-mass-model-", ssid_string, ".png"),
    dpi = 600,
    width = 8, 
    height = 10

Save length at maturity plot

    file = paste0("figs/maturity-", prop_pos,"-", spp, "-", ssid_string, ".png"), 
    res = 600,
    units = "in",
    width = 8, 
    height = 6
if (exists("maturity")) {
} else {
  ggplot(fish, aes(length)) + geom_histogram(bins=50) + facet_grid(~sex)  

pbs-assess/gfranges documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 4:50 p.m.