  fig.keep = "all", = "asis", dpi = 600,
  fig.width = 6, fig.height = 5,
  echo = FALSE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE
options(scipen = 999)
options(digits = 4)


Set cell sizes and scale

scale_fac <- 2 # means that the raster is reprojected to _ X original grid (2 km)
d_all <- readRDS(paste0(
  )) %>% filter(year >= 2008)

all_years <- unique(d_all$year)
grid <- select(d_all, X,Y, depth, ssid) %>% unique()

grid_by_year <- data.frame(matrix(ncol=0, nrow= nrow(grid) * length(all_years)))
grid_by_year$ssid <- rep(grid$ssid, times = length(all_years))
grid_by_year$X <- rep(grid$X, times = length(all_years))
grid_by_year$Y <- rep(grid$Y, times = length(all_years))
grid_by_year$depth <- rep(grid$depth, times = length(all_years))
grid_by_year$year <- rep(all_years, each = nrow(grid))

Calculate mean and trend in log fishing pressure

fishing <- readRDS("data/_fishing_effort/fishing-effort-grid.rds")

d <- left_join(grid_by_year, fishing, by = c("X", "Y", "year"))

d$log_effort[$log_effort)] <- -2.3
d$effort[$effort)] <- 0
d$effort1[$effort1)] <- 0
d$effort2[$effort2)] <- 0
d$catch[$catch)] <- 0
d$catch <- d$catch/1000
d$log_catch <- log(d$catch + 1)

d1n3 <- d %>% filter(ssid %in% c(1,3))

catch1n3 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d1n3, "log_catch",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05

ssid1n3 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d1n3, "log_effort",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05

depth1n3 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d1n3, "depth",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05
ssid1n3$depth <- depth1n3$mean

# catch1n3$catch <- catch1n3$mean

### WCVI ###
d4 <- d %>% filter(ssid %in% c(4))

catch4 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d4, "log_catch",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05

ssid4 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d4, "log_effort",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05
depth4 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d4, "depth",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05
ssid4$depth <- depth4$mean

### WCHG ###
d16 <- d %>% filter(ssid %in% c(16))

catch16 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d16, "log_catch",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05

ssid16 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d16, "log_effort",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05
depth16 <- vocc_gradient_calc(d16, "depth",
  scale_fac = scale_fac,
  quantile_cutoff = 0.05
ssid16$depth <- depth16$mean

##### combine ssids
# fished <- rbind(ssid1n3, ssid4, ssid16)
# fished <- fished %>%
#   mutate(
#     fishing_trend = trend,
#     mean_effort = exp(mean),
#     fishing_vel = velocity,
#     fishing_grad = gradient
#   ) %>%
#   dplyr::mutate(X = x, Y = y) %>%
#   gfplot:::utm2ll(., utm_zone = 9)

fished <- readRDS(file = paste0("data/fishing-effort-change-w-depth.rds"))

catch <- rbind(catch1n3, catch4, catch16)

catch <- catch %>%
    catch_trend = trend,
    mean_catch = exp(mean)-1,
    catch_vel = velocity,
    catch_grad = gradient
  ) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(X = x, Y = y) %>%
  gfplot:::utm2ll(., utm_zone = 9)

# fished$squashed_effort <- collapse_outliers(fished$mean_effort, c(0, 0.99))
# hist(fished$squashed_effort)

fished <- left_join(fished, catch)
fished <- fished %>%
  select(X, Y, x, y, fishing_trend, mean_effort, fishing_vel, fishing_grad, depth, catch_trend, mean_catch, catch_vel, catch_grad)

saveRDS(fished, file = paste0("data/fishing-effort-change-w-depth.rds"))

pbs-assess/gfranges documentation built on Dec. 13, 2021, 4:50 p.m.