# library(glmmTMB)
# m <- glmmTMB(log_density ~ 1 + after * source + scale(X) * scale(Y) +
# (1 | icell) +
# (after * source | species), data = d, verbose = TRUE)
# s <- summary(m)
# s
# b <- broom.mixed::tidy(m)
# # a <- broom.mixed::augment(m)
# # m$fit
# r <- ranef(m)
# rd <- as.data.frame(r)
# # co <- coef(m)[[1]]$species[,"after:source"]
# co <- fixef(m)[[1]][["after:source"]]
# filter(rd, term == "after:source") %>%
# ggplot(aes(grp, condval + co, ymin = co + condval + 2*condsd, ymax = co + condval - 2*condsd)) +
# geom_pointrange() +
# coord_flip()
# # library(mgcv)
# library(gamm4)
# m2 <- gamm4(log_density ~ after * source + s(X, Y, k=20),
# random = ~(1 | icell) + (after * source | species),
# data = d, verbose = 1L)
# --------------------------
# data <- d
# formula <- log_density ~ after * source
# X_ij <- model.matrix(formula, data)
# mf <- model.frame(formula, data)
# y_i <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
# spde <- sdmTMB::make_spde(d$X, d$Y, n_knots = 50)
# sdmTMB::plot_spde(spde)
# data$sdm_spatial_id <- 1:nrow(data)
# n_s <- nrow(spde$mesh$loc)
# tmb_data <- list(
# y_i = y_i,
# X_ij = X_ij,
# A = spde$A,
# A_spatial_index = data$sdm_spatial_id - 1L,
# spde = spde$spde$param.inla[c("M0","M1","M2")]
# )
# tmb_params <- list(
# b_j = rep(0, ncol(X_ij)),
# ln_tau_O = 0,
# ln_kappa = 0,
# ln_phi = 0,
# omega_s = rep(0, n_s)
# )
# tmb_random <- "omega_s"
# TMB::compile("basic_spatial.cpp")
# dyn.load(dynlib("basic_spatial"))
# tmb_obj <- TMB::MakeADFun(
# data = tmb_data, parameters = tmb_params,
# random = tmb_random, DLL = "basic_spatial")
# tmb_obj$fn()
# tmb_opt <- stats::nlminb(
# start = tmb_obj$par, objective = tmb_obj$fn, gradient = tmb_obj$gr,
# control = list(eval.max = 1e4, iter.max = 1e4))
# sdr <- TMB::sdreport(tmb_obj)
# sdr
# m <- lm(formula, data = d)
# m
# -------------------------------------------------
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