Man pages for pbs-assess/sdmTMB
Spatial and Spatiotemporal SPDE-Based GLMMs with 'TMB'

add_barrier_meshTransform a mesh object into a mesh with correlation barriers
add_utm_columnsAdd UTM coordinates to a data frame
cAICCalculate conditional AIC
coef.sdmTMBGet fixed-effect coefficients
dharma_residualsDHARMa residuals
Effect.sdmTMBCalculate effects
emmeans.sdmTMBEstimated marginal means with the 'emmeans' package with...
extract_mcmcExtract MCMC samples from a model fit with 'tmbstan'.
familiesAdditional families
gather_simsExtract parameter simulations from the joint precision matrix
get_indexExtract a relative biomass/abundance index, center of...
get_index_simsCalculate a population index via simulation from the joint...
get_parsGet TMB parameter list
ggplot2_installedCheck if ggplot2 installed
make_meshConstruct an SPDE mesh for sdmTMB
plot_anisotropyPlot anisotropy from an sdmTMB model
plot_pc_maternPlot PC Matérn priors
plot_smoothPlot a smooth term from an sdmTMB model
predict.sdmTMBPredict from an sdmTMB model
priorsPrior distributions
projectProject from an 'sdmTMB' model using simulation
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
replicate_dfReplicate a prediction data frame over time
residuals.sdmTMBResiduals method for sdmTMB models
run_extra_optimizationRun extra optimization on an already fitted object
sanitySanity check of an sdmTMB model
sdmTMBFit a spatial or spatiotemporal GLMM with TMB
sdmTMBcontrolOptimization control options
sdmTMB_cvCross validation with sdmTMB models
sdmTMB_simulateSimulate from a spatial/spatiotemporal model
sdmTMB_stackingPerform stacking with log scores on 'sdmTMB_cv()' output
set_delta_modelSet delta model for 'ggeffects::ggpredict()'
simulate.sdmTMBSimulate from a fitted sdmTMB model
surveydataExample fish survey data
tidy.sdmTMBTurn sdmTMB model output into a tidy data frame
visreg_deltaPlot sdmTMB models with the 'visreg' package
pbs-assess/sdmTMB documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 9:30 a.m.