simulate.sdmTMB: Simulate from a fitted sdmTMB model

View source: R/tmb-sim.R

simulate.sdmTMBR Documentation

Simulate from a fitted sdmTMB model


simulate.sdmTMB is an S3 method for producing a matrix of simulations from a fitted model. This is similar to lme4::simulate.merMod() and glmmTMB::simulate.glmmTMB(). It can be used with the DHARMa package among other uses.


## S3 method for class 'sdmTMB'
  nsim = 1L,
  seed =, 1L),
  type = c("mle-eb", "mle-mvn"),
  model = c(NA, 1, 2),
  newdata = NULL,
  re_form = NULL,
  mle_mvn_samples = c("single", "multiple"),
  mcmc_samples = NULL,
  return_tmb_report = FALSE,
  silent = FALSE,



sdmTMB model


Number of response lists to simulate. Defaults to 1.


Random number seed


How parameters should be treated. "mle-eb": fixed effects are at their maximum likelihood (MLE) estimates and random effects are at their empirical Bayes (EB) estimates. "mle-mvn": fixed effects are at their MLEs but random effects are taken from a single approximate sample. This latter option is a suggested approach if these simulations will be used for goodness of fit testing (e.g., with the DHARMa package).


If a delta/hurdle model, which model to simulate from? NA = combined, 1 = first model, 2 = second mdoel.


Optional new data frame from which to simulate.


NULL to specify a simulation conditional on fitted random effects (this only simulates observation error). ~0 or NA to simulate new random affects (smoothers, which internally are random effects, will not be simulated as new).


Applies if type = "mle-mvn". If "single", take a single MVN draw from the random effects. If "multiple", take an MVN draw from the random effects for each of the nsim.


An optional matrix of MCMC samples. See extract_mcmc() in the sdmTMBextra package.


Return the TMB report from simulate()? This lets you parse out whatever elements you want from the simulation. Not usually needed.


Logical. Silent?


Extra arguments passed to predict.sdmTMB(). E.g., one may wish to pass an offset argument if newdata are supplied in a model with an offset.


Returns a matrix; number of columns is nsim.

See Also



# start with some data simulated from scratch:
predictor_dat <- data.frame(X = runif(300), Y = runif(300), a1 = rnorm(300))
mesh <- make_mesh(predictor_dat, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 0.1)
dat <- sdmTMB_simulate(
  formula = ~ 1 + a1,
  data = predictor_dat,
  mesh = mesh,
  family = poisson(),
  range = 0.5,
  sigma_O = 0.2,
  seed = 42,
  B = c(0.2, -0.4) # B0 = intercept, B1 = a1 slope
fit <- sdmTMB(observed ~ 1 + a1, data = dat, family = poisson(), mesh = mesh)

# simulate from the model:
s1 <- simulate(fit, nsim = 300)

# test whether fitted models are consistent with the observed number of zeros:
sum(s1 == 0)/length(s1)
sum(dat$observed == 0) / length(dat$observed)

# simulate with random effects sampled from their approximate posterior
s2 <- simulate(fit, nsim = 1, params = "mle-mvn")
# these may be useful in conjunction with DHARMa simulation-based residuals

# simulate with new random fields:
s3 <- simulate(fit, nsim = 1, re_form = ~ 0)

pbs-assess/sdmTMB documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 9:30 a.m.