#' Simulate from a spatial/spatiotemporal model
#' `sdmTMB_simulate()` uses TMB to simulate *new* data given specified parameter
#' values. [simulate.sdmTMB()], on the other hand, takes an *existing* model fit
#' and simulates new observations and optionally new random effects.
#' @param formula A *one-sided* formula describing the fixed-effect structure.
#' Random intercepts are not (yet) supported. Fixed effects should match
#' the corresponding `B` argument vector of coefficient values.
#' @param data A data frame containing the predictors described in `formula` and
#' the time column if `time` is specified.
#' @param mesh Output from [make_mesh()].
#' @param time The time column name.
#' @param family Family as in [sdmTMB()]. Delta families are not supported.
#' Instead, simulate the two component models separately and combine.
#' @param B A vector of beta values (fixed-effect coefficient values).
#' @param range Parameter that controls the decay of spatial correlation. If a
#' vector of length 2, `share_range` will be set to `FALSE` and the spatial
#' and spatiotemporal ranges will be unique.
#' @param rho Spatiotemporal correlation between years; should be between -1 and
#' 1.
#' @param sigma_O SD of spatial process (Omega).
#' @param sigma_E SD of spatiotemporal process (Epsilon).
#' @param sigma_Z SD of spatially varying coefficient field (Zeta).
#' @param phi Observation error scale parameter (e.g., SD in Gaussian).
#' @param tweedie_p Tweedie p (power) parameter; between 1 and 2.
#' @param df Student-t degrees of freedom.
#' @param threshold_coefs An optional vector of threshold coefficient values
#' if the `formula` includes `breakpt()` or `logistic()`. If `breakpt()`,
#' these are slope and cut values. If `logistic()`, these are the threshold at
#' which the function is 50% of the maximum, the threshold at which the
#' function is 95% of the maximum, and the maximum. See the model description
#' vignette for details.
#' @param fixed_re A list of optional random effects to fix at specified
#' (e.g., previously estimated) values. Values of `NULL` will result
#' in the random effects being simulated.
#' @param previous_fit (**Deprecated**; please use [simulate.sdmTMB()]).
#' An optional previous [sdmTMB()] fit to pull parameter values.
#' Will be over-ruled by any non-NULL specified parameter arguments.
#' @param seed Seed number.
#' @param ... Any other arguments to pass to [sdmTMB()].
#' @return A data frame where:
#' * The 1st column is the time variable (if present).
#' * The 2nd and 3rd columns are the spatial coordinates.
#' * `omega_s` represents the simulated spatial random effects (only if present).
#' * `zeta_s` represents the simulated spatial varying covariate field (only if present).
#' * `epsilon_st` represents the simulated spatiotemporal random effects (only if present).
#' * `eta` is the true value in link space
#' * `mu` is the true value in inverse link space.
#' * `observed` represents the simulated process with observation error.
#' * The remaining columns are the fixed-effect model matrix.
#' @export
#' @seealso [simulate.sdmTMB()]
#' @examples
#' set.seed(123)
#' # make fake predictor(s) (a1) and sampling locations:
#' predictor_dat <- data.frame(
#' X = runif(300), Y = runif(300),
#' a1 = rnorm(300), year = rep(1:6, each = 50)
#' )
#' mesh <- make_mesh(predictor_dat, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 0.1)
#' sim_dat <- sdmTMB_simulate(
#' formula = ~ 1 + a1,
#' data = predictor_dat,
#' time = "year",
#' mesh = mesh,
#' family = gaussian(),
#' range = 0.5,
#' sigma_E = 0.1,
#' phi = 0.1,
#' sigma_O = 0.2,
#' seed = 42,
#' B = c(0.2, -0.4) # B0 = intercept, B1 = a1 slope
#' )
#' head(sim_dat)
#' if (require("ggplot2", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' ggplot(sim_dat, aes(X, Y, colour = observed)) +
#' geom_point() +
#' facet_wrap(~year) +
#' scale_color_gradient2()
#' }
#' # fit to the simulated data:
#' fit <- sdmTMB(observed ~ a1, data = sim_dat, mesh = mesh, time = "year")
#' fit
# # example supplying previous fit, simulating new random effects,
# # and changing spatial SD (sigma_O) and observation error (phi):
# sim_dat2 <- sdmTMB_simulate(
# previous_fit = fit,
# simulate_re = TRUE, phi = 0.04, sigma_O = 0.4
# )
# head(sim_dat2)
sdmTMB_simulate <- function(formula,
family = gaussian(link = "identity"),
time = NULL,
range = NULL,
rho = NULL,
sigma_O = NULL,
sigma_E = NULL,
sigma_Z = NULL,
phi = NULL,
tweedie_p = NULL,
df = NULL,
threshold_coefs = NULL,
fixed_re = list(omega_s = NULL, epsilon_st = NULL, zeta_s = NULL),
previous_fit = NULL,
seed = sample.int(1e6, 1),
...) {
if (!is.null(previous_fit)) stop("`previous_fit` is deprecated. See `simulate.sdmTMB()`", call. = FALSE)
if (!is.null(previous_fit)) mesh <- previous_fit$spde
if (!is.null(previous_fit)) data <- previous_fit$data
# if (!missing(seed)) {
# msg <- c("The `seed` argument may be deprecated in the future.",
# "We recommend instead setting the seed manually with `set.seed()` prior to calling `sdmTMB_simulate()`.",
# "We have encountered some situations where setting the seed via this argument does not have the intended effect.")
# cli_inform(msg)
# }
assert_that(tweedie_p > 1 && tweedie_p < 2 || is.null(tweedie_p))
assert_that(df >= 1 || is.null(df))
assert_that(all(range > 0) || is.null(range))
assert_that(length(range) %in% c(1, 2) || is.null(range))
assert_that(rho >= -1 && rho <= 1 || is.null(rho))
assert_that(phi > 0 || is.null(phi))
assert_that(sigma_O >= 0 || is.null(sigma_O))
assert_that(all(sigma_E >= 0) || is.null(sigma_E))
assert_that(all(sigma_Z >= 0) || is.null(sigma_Z))
if (is.null(previous_fit)) {
assert_that(is(mesh, "sdmTMBmesh"))
assert_that(!is.null(range), !is.null(sigma_O) || !is.null(sigma_E), !is.null(B))
if (!family$family %in% c("binomial", "poisson")) {
response <- get_response(formula)
if (length(response) == 0L) {
formula <- as.formula(paste("sdmTMB_response_", paste(as.character(formula), collapse = "")))
data[["sdmTMB_response_"]] <- 0.1 # fake! does nothing but lets sdmTMB parse the formula
if (family$family %in% c("binomial", "poisson", "nbinom2", "nbinom1", "truncated_nbinom2", "truncated_nbinom1")) {
data[["sdmTMB_response_"]] <- 1
.sim_re <- list(
omega = TRUE, epsilon = TRUE, zeta = TRUE,
IID = TRUE, RW = TRUE, smooth = TRUE
if (!is.null(fixed_re$omega_s)) {
.sim_re$omega <- FALSE
if (!is.null(fixed_re$epsilon_st)) {
.sim_re$epsilon <- FALSE
if (!is.null(fixed_re$zeta_s)) {
.sim_re$zeta <- FALSE
.sim_re <- as.integer(unlist(.sim_re))
# get tmb_data structure; parsed model matrices etc.:
fit <- sdmTMB(
formula = formula, data = data, mesh = mesh, time = time,
family = family, do_fit = FALSE,
share_range = length(range) == 1L,
# experimental = list(sim_re = .sim_re),
params <- fit$tmb_params
} else {
fit <- previous_fit
params <- fit$tmb_obj$env$parList()
tmb_data <- fit$tmb_data
tmb_data$sim_re <- as.integer(.sim_re)
# tmb_data$sim_re <- c(1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L)
if (!is.null(B)) {
n_covariates <- length(B)
assert_that(ncol(fit$tmb_data$X_ij[[1]]) == length(B),
msg = paste0(
"Number of specified fixed-effect `B` parameters does ",
"not match model matrix columns implied by the formula."
if (tmb_data$threshold_func > 0) {
if (is.null(threshold_coefs)) {
cli::cli_abort("Break point or logistic formula detected without `threshold_coefs` defined.")
if (!is.null(threshold_coefs)) {
if(!is.matrix(threshold_coefs)) threshold_coefs <- matrix(threshold_coefs, ncol=1)
params$b_threshold <- threshold_coefs
if (!is.null(previous_fit)) {
range <- fit$tmb_obj$report()$range
if (is.null(previous_fit)) {
if (is.null(sigma_O)) sigma_O <- 0
if (is.null(sigma_Z)) sigma_Z <- matrix(0, nrow = 0L, ncol = 0L) # DELTA FIXME
if (is.null(sigma_E)) sigma_E <- 0
if (length(range) == 1L) range <- rep(range, 2)
kappa <- sqrt(8) / range
params$ln_kappa <- matrix(log(kappa), ncol = 1L) # TODO DELTA
if (!is.null(sigma_O) || is.null(previous_fit)) {
tau_O <- 1 / (sqrt(4 * pi) * kappa[1] * sigma_O)
params$ln_tau_O <- log(tau_O)
if (!is.null(sigma_Z) || is.null(previous_fit)) {
tau_Z <- 1 / (sqrt(4 * pi) * kappa[1] * sigma_Z)
params$ln_tau_Z <- matrix(log(tau_Z), nrow = nrow(sigma_Z), ncol = 1L) # DELTA FIXME
if (!is.null(sigma_E) || is.null(previous_fit)) {
tau_E <- 1 / (sqrt(4 * pi) * kappa[2] * sigma_E)
params$ln_tau_E <- log(tau_E)
if (!is.null(B)) params$b_j <- matrix(B, ncol = 1L) # TODO DELTA
if (!is.null(phi)) params$ln_phi <- log(phi)
if (!is.null(rho)) {
if (rho != 0 && rho < 1) {
tmb_data$ar1_fields <- 1L
params$ar1_phi <- stats::qlogis((rho + 1) / 2)
} else if (rho == 1) {
tmb_data$rw_fields <- 1L
if (!is.null(df)) tmb_data$df <- df
if (!is.null(tweedie_p)) params$thetaf <- stats::qlogis(tweedie_p - 1)
if (!is.null(fixed_re$omega_s)) {
params$omega_s <- fixed_re$omega_s
if (!is.null(fixed_re$epsilon_st)) {
params$epsilon_st <- fixed_re$epsilon_st
if (!is.null(fixed_re$zeta_s)) {
params$zeta_s <- fixed_re$zeta_s
newobj <- TMB::MakeADFun(
data = tmb_data, map = fit$tmb_map,
random = fit$tmb_random, parameters = params, DLL = "sdmTMB",
checkParameterOrder = FALSE
s <- newobj$simulate()
d <- list()
if (!is.null(fit$time)) d[[fit$time]] <- data[[fit$time]]
d[[mesh$xy_cols[1]]] <- data[[mesh$xy_cols[1]]]
d[[mesh$xy_cols[2]]] <- data[[mesh$xy_cols[2]]]
d[["omega_s"]] <- if (sum(sigma_O) > 0) s$omega_s_A
d[["epsilon_st"]] <- if (sum(sigma_E) > 0) s$epsilon_st_A_vec
d[["zeta_s"]] <- if (sum(sigma_Z) > 0) s$zeta_s_A
# # Warnings for fields collapsing to 0
# info_collapse <- function(sig, vec, .par, .name) {
# if (sum(sig) > 0 && all (vec == 0)) {
# msg <- paste0("The ", .name, " has been returned as all zeros although ", .par,
# " was specified as > 0. Try making your mesh finer, e.g., with a lower ",
# "`cutoff` or a higher number of knots. Triangle edge length needs to be ",
# "lower than the range size (distance correlation is effectively independent.")
# cli::cli_alert_info(msg)
# }
# }
# info_collapse(sigma_O, s$omega_s_A, "sigma_O", "spatial field")
# info_collapse(sigma_E, s$epsilon_st_A_vec, "sigma_E", "spatiotemporal field")
# info_collapse(sigma_Z, s$zeta_s_A, "sigma_Z", "spatially varying coefficient field")
if (any(family$family %in% c("truncated_nbinom1", "truncated_nbinom2"))) {
d[["mu"]] <- family$linkinv(s$eta_i, phi = phi)
} else {
d[["mu"]] <- family$linkinv(s$eta_i)
d[["eta"]] <- s$eta_i
d[["observed"]] <- s$y_i
d <- do.call("data.frame", d)
d <- cbind(d, fit$tmb_data$X_ij)
tpar <- fit$threshold_parameter
if (tmb_data$threshold_func == 1L) {
d[[paste0(tpar, "-slope")]] <- threshold_coefs[[1]]
d[[paste0(tpar, "-breakpt")]] <- threshold_coefs[[2]]
if (tmb_data$threshold_func == 2L) {
d[[paste0(tpar, "-s50")]] <- threshold_coefs[[1]]
d[[paste0(tpar, "-s95")]] <- threshold_coefs[[2]]
d[[paste0(tpar, "-smax")]] <- threshold_coefs[[3]]
#' Simulate from a fitted sdmTMB model
#' `simulate.sdmTMB` is an S3 method for producing a matrix of simulations from
#' a fitted model. This is similar to [lme4::simulate.merMod()] and
#' [glmmTMB::simulate.glmmTMB()]. It can be used with the \pkg{DHARMa} package
#' among other uses.
#' @method simulate sdmTMB
#' @param object sdmTMB model
#' @param nsim Number of response lists to simulate. Defaults to 1.
#' @param seed Random number seed
#' @param type How parameters should be treated. `"mle-eb"`: fixed effects
#' are at their maximum likelihood (MLE) estimates and random effects are at
#' their empirical Bayes (EB) estimates. `"mle-mvn"`: fixed effects are at
#' their MLEs but random effects are taken from a single approximate sample.
#' This latter option is a suggested approach if these simulations will be
#' used for goodness of fit testing (e.g., with the DHARMa package).
#' @param re_form `NULL` to specify a simulation conditional on fitted random
#' effects (this only simulates observation error). `~0` or `NA` to simulate
#' new random affects (smoothers, which internally are random effects, will
#' not be simulated as new).
#' @param mle_mvn_samples Applies if `type = "mle-mvn"`. If `"single"`, take
#' a single MVN draw from the random effects. If `"multiple"`, take an MVN
#' draw from the random effects for each of the `nsim`.
#' @param model If a delta/hurdle model, which model to simulate from?
#' `NA` = combined, `1` = first model, `2` = second mdoel.
#' @param newdata Optional new data frame from which to simulate.
#' @param mcmc_samples An optional matrix of MCMC samples. See `extract_mcmc()`
#' in the \href{https://github.com/pbs-assess/sdmTMBextra}{sdmTMBextra}
#' package.
#' @param return_tmb_report Return the \pkg{TMB} report from `simulate()`? This
#' lets you parse out whatever elements you want from the simulation.
#' Not usually needed.
#' @param silent Logical. Silent?
#' @param ... Extra arguments passed to [predict.sdmTMB()]. E.g., one may wish
#' to pass an `offset` argument if `newdata` are supplied in a model with an
#' offset.
#' @return Returns a matrix; number of columns is `nsim`.
#' @importFrom stats simulate
#' @seealso [sdmTMB_simulate()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # start with some data simulated from scratch:
#' set.seed(1)
#' predictor_dat <- data.frame(X = runif(300), Y = runif(300), a1 = rnorm(300))
#' mesh <- make_mesh(predictor_dat, xy_cols = c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 0.1)
#' dat <- sdmTMB_simulate(
#' formula = ~ 1 + a1,
#' data = predictor_dat,
#' mesh = mesh,
#' family = poisson(),
#' range = 0.5,
#' sigma_O = 0.2,
#' seed = 42,
#' B = c(0.2, -0.4) # B0 = intercept, B1 = a1 slope
#' )
#' fit <- sdmTMB(observed ~ 1 + a1, data = dat, family = poisson(), mesh = mesh)
#' # simulate from the model:
#' s1 <- simulate(fit, nsim = 300)
#' dim(s1)
#' # test whether fitted models are consistent with the observed number of zeros:
#' sum(s1 == 0)/length(s1)
#' sum(dat$observed == 0) / length(dat$observed)
#' # simulate with random effects sampled from their approximate posterior
#' s2 <- simulate(fit, nsim = 1, params = "mle-mvn")
#' # these may be useful in conjunction with DHARMa simulation-based residuals
#' # simulate with new random fields:
#' s3 <- simulate(fit, nsim = 1, re_form = ~ 0)
simulate.sdmTMB <- function(object, nsim = 1L, seed = sample.int(1e6, 1L),
type = c("mle-eb", "mle-mvn"),
model = c(NA, 1, 2),
newdata = NULL,
re_form = NULL,
mle_mvn_samples = c("single", "multiple"),
mcmc_samples = NULL,
return_tmb_report = FALSE,
silent = FALSE,
...) {
type <- tolower(type)
type <- match.arg(type)
mle_mvn_samples <- match.arg(mle_mvn_samples)
assert_that(as.integer(model[[1]]) %in% c(NA_integer_, 1L, 2L))
# need to re-attach environment if in fresh session
if (is.null(object$tmb_random) && type == "mle-mvn") {
type <- "mle-eb" # no random effects to sample from
# re_form stuff
conditional_re <- !(!is.null(re_form) && ((re_form == ~0) || identical(re_form, NA)))
tmb_dat <- object$tmb_data
if (conditional_re) {
tmb_dat$sim_re <- rep(0L, length(object$tmb_data$sim_re)) # don't simulate any REs
} else {
stopifnot(length(object$tmb_data$sim_re) == 6L) # in case this gets changed
tmb_dat$sim_re <- c(rep(1L, 5L), 0L) # last is smoothers; don't simulate them
if (!is.null(newdata)) {
# generate prediction TMB data list
p <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, return_tmb_data = TRUE, ...)
# move data elements over
p <- move_proj_to_tmbdat(p, object, newdata)
p$sim_re <- tmb_dat$sim_re
tmb_dat <- p
newobj <- TMB::MakeADFun(
data = tmb_dat, map = object$tmb_map,
random = object$tmb_random, parameters = object$tmb_obj$env$parList(), DLL = "sdmTMB"
# params MLE/MVN stuff
if (is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
if (type == "mle-mvn") {
if (mle_mvn_samples == "single") {
new_par <- .one_sample_posterior(object)
new_par <- replicate(nsim, new_par)
} else {
new_par <- lapply(seq_len(nsim), \(i) .one_sample_posterior(object))
new_par <- do.call(cbind, new_par)
} else if (type == "mle-eb") {
new_par <- object$tmb_obj$env$last.par.best
new_par <- lapply(seq_len(nsim), \(i) new_par)
new_par <- do.call(cbind, new_par)
} else {
cli_abort("`type` type not defined")
} else {
new_par <- mcmc_samples
# do the simulation
if (!silent) cli::cli_progress_bar("Simulating", total = nsim)
ret <- list()
if (!is.null(mcmc_samples)) { # we have a matrix
for (i in seq_len(nsim)) {
if (!silent) cli::cli_progress_update()
ret[[i]] <- newobj$simulate(par = new_par[, i, drop = TRUE], complete = FALSE)
if (!return_tmb_report) ret[[i]] <- ret[[i]]$y_i
} else {
for (i in seq_len(nsim)) {
if (!silent) cli::cli_progress_update()
ret[[i]] <- newobj$simulate(par = new_par[, i, drop = TRUE], complete = FALSE)
if (!return_tmb_report) ret[[i]] <- ret[[i]]$y_i
if (!silent) cli::cli_progress_done()
if (!return_tmb_report) {
if (isTRUE(object$family$delta)) {
if (is.na(model[[1]])) {
ret <- lapply(ret, function(.x) .x[,1] * .x[,2])
} else if (model[[1]] == 1) {
ret <- lapply(ret, function(.x) .x[,1])
} else if (model[[1]] == 2) {
ret <- lapply(ret, function(.x) .x[,2])
} else {
cli_abort("`model` argument isn't valid; should be NA, 1, or 2.")
ret <- do.call(cbind, ret)
attr(ret, "type") <- type
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