
Defines functions check_visreg check_time_class check_sdmTMB_version remove_9000 get_response predict.sdmTMB

Documented in predict.sdmTMB

# @importFrom stats predict
# @rdname predict
# @export

#' Predict from an sdmTMB model
#' Make predictions from an \pkg{sdmTMB} model; can predict on the original or
#' new data.
#' @param object A model fitted with [sdmTMB()].
#' @param newdata A data frame to make predictions on. This should be a data
#'   frame with the same predictor columns as in the fitted data and a time
#'   column (if this is a spatiotemporal model) with the same name as in the
#'   fitted data.
#' @param type Should the `est` column be in link (default) or response space?
#' @param se_fit Should standard errors on predictions at the new locations
#'   given by `newdata` be calculated? Warning: the current implementation can
#'   be slow for large data sets or high-resolution projections unless
#'   `re_form = NA` (omitting random fields). A faster option to approximate
#'   point-wise uncertainty is to use the `nsim` argument.
#' @param return_tmb_object Logical. If `TRUE`, will include the TMB object in a
#'   list format output. Necessary for the [get_index()] or [get_cog()]
#'   functions.
#' @param re_form `NULL` to specify including all spatial/spatiotemporal random
#'   effects in predictions. `~0` or `NA` for population-level predictions.
#'   Likely to be used in conjunction with `se_fit = TRUE`. This does not affect
#'   [get_index()] calculations.
#' @param re_form_iid `NULL` to specify including all random intercepts in the
#'   predictions. `~0` or `NA` for population-level predictions. No other
#'   options (e.g., some but not all random intercepts) are implemented yet.
#'   Only affects predictions with `newdata`. This *does* affects [get_index()].
#' @param nsim If `> 0`, simulate from the joint precision
#'   matrix with `nsim` draws. Returns a matrix of `nrow(data)` by `nsim`
#'   representing the estimates of the linear predictor (i.e., in link space).
#'   Can be useful for deriving uncertainty on predictions
#'   (e.g., `apply(x, 1, sd)`) or propagating uncertainty. This is currently
#'   the fastest way to characterize uncertainty on predictions in space with
#'   sdmTMB.
#' @param sims_var Experimental: Which TMB reported variable from the model
#'   should be extracted from the joint precision matrix simulation draws?
#'   Defaults to link-space predictions. Options include: `"omega_s"`,
#'   `"zeta_s"`, `"epsilon_st"`, and `"est_rf"` (as described below).
#'   Other options will be passed verbatim.
#' @param tmbstan_model Deprecated. See `mcmc_samples`.
#' @param mcmc_samples See `extract_mcmc()` in the
#'   \href{https://github.com/pbs-assess/sdmTMBextra}{sdmTMBextra} package for
#'   more details and the
#'   \href{https://pbs-assess.github.io/sdmTMB/articles/bayesian.html}{Bayesian vignette}.
#'   If specified, the predict function will return a matrix of a similar form
#'   as if `nsim > 0` but representing Bayesian posterior samples from the Stan
#'   model.
#' @param model Type of prediction if a delta/hurdle model *and* `nsim > 0` or
#'   `mcmc_samples` is supplied: `NA` returns the combined prediction from both
#'   components on the link scale for the positive component; `1` or `2` return
#'   the first or second model component only on the link or response scale
#'   depending on the argument `type`. For regular prediction from delta models,
#'   both sets of predictions are returned.
#' @param offset A numeric vector of optional offset values. If left at default
#'   `NULL`, the offset is implicitly left at 0.
#' @param return_tmb_report Logical: return the output from the TMB
#'   report? For regular prediction, this is all the reported variables
#'   at the MLE parameter values. For `nsim > 0` or when `mcmc_samples`
#'   is supplied, this is a list where each element is a sample and the
#'   contents of each element is the output of the report for that sample.
#' @param return_tmb_data Logical: return formatted data for TMB? Used
#'   internally.
#' @param area **Deprecated**. Please use `area` in [get_index()].
#' @param sims **Deprecated**. Please use `nsim` instead.
#' @param ... Not implemented.
#' @return
#' If `return_tmb_object = FALSE` (and `nsim = 0` and `mcmc_samples = NULL`):
#' A data frame:
#' * `est`: Estimate in link space (everything is in link space)
#' * `est_non_rf`: Estimate from everything that isn't a random field
#' * `est_rf`: Estimate from all random fields combined
#' * `omega_s`: Spatial (intercept) random field that is constant through time
#' * `zeta_s`: Spatial slope random field
#' * `epsilon_st`: Spatiotemporal (intercept) random fields, could be
#'    off (zero), IID, AR1, or random walk
#' If `return_tmb_object = TRUE` (and `nsim = 0` and `mcmc_samples = NULL`):
#' A list:
#' * `data`: The data frame described above
#' * `report`: The TMB report on parameter values
#' * `obj`: The TMB object returned from the prediction run
#' * `fit_obj`: The original TMB model object
#' In this case, you likely only need the `data` element as an end user.
#' The other elements are included for other functions.
#' If `nsim > 0` or `mcmc_samples` is not `NULL`:
#' A matrix:
#' * Columns represent samples
#' * Rows represent predictions with one row per row of `newdata`
#' @export
#' @examplesIf ggplot2_installed()
#' d <- pcod_2011
#' mesh <- make_mesh(d, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 30) # a coarse mesh for example speed
#' m <- sdmTMB(
#'  data = d, formula = density ~ 0 + as.factor(year) + depth_scaled + depth_scaled2,
#'  time = "year", mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log")
#' )
#' # Predictions at original data locations -------------------------------
#' predictions <- predict(m)
#' head(predictions)
#' predictions$resids <- residuals(m) # randomized quantile residuals
#' library(ggplot2)
#' ggplot(predictions, aes(X, Y, col = resids)) + scale_colour_gradient2() +
#'   geom_point() + facet_wrap(~year)
#' hist(predictions$resids)
#' qqnorm(predictions$resids);abline(a = 0, b = 1)
#' # Predictions onto new data --------------------------------------------
#' qcs_grid_2011 <- replicate_df(qcs_grid, "year", unique(pcod_2011$year))
#' predictions <- predict(m, newdata = qcs_grid_2011)
#' \donttest{
#' # A short function for plotting our predictions:
#' plot_map <- function(dat, column = est) {
#'   ggplot(dat, aes(X, Y, fill = {{ column }})) +
#'     geom_raster() +
#'     facet_wrap(~year) +
#'     coord_fixed()
#' }
#' plot_map(predictions, exp(est)) +
#'   scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt") +
#'   ggtitle("Prediction (fixed effects + all random effects)")
#' plot_map(predictions, exp(est_non_rf)) +
#'   ggtitle("Prediction (fixed effects and any time-varying effects)") +
#'   scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt")
#' plot_map(predictions, est_rf) +
#'   ggtitle("All random field estimates") +
#'   scale_fill_gradient2()
#' plot_map(predictions, omega_s) +
#'   ggtitle("Spatial random effects only") +
#'   scale_fill_gradient2()
#' plot_map(predictions, epsilon_st) +
#'   ggtitle("Spatiotemporal random effects only") +
#'   scale_fill_gradient2()
#' # Visualizing a marginal effect ----------------------------------------
#' # See the visreg package or the ggeffects::ggeffect() or
#' # ggeffects::ggpredict() functions
#' # To do this manually:
#' nd <- data.frame(depth_scaled =
#'   seq(min(d$depth_scaled), max(d$depth_scaled), length.out = 100))
#' nd$depth_scaled2 <- nd$depth_scaled^2
#' # Because this is a spatiotemporal model, you'll need at least one time
#' # element. If time isn't also a fixed effect then it doesn't matter what you pick:
#' nd$year <- 2011L # L: integer to match original data
#' p <- predict(m, newdata = nd, se_fit = TRUE, re_form = NA)
#' ggplot(p, aes(depth_scaled, exp(est),
#'   ymin = exp(est - 1.96 * est_se), ymax = exp(est + 1.96 * est_se))) +
#'   geom_line() + geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.4)
#' # Plotting marginal effect of a spline ---------------------------------
#' m_gam <- sdmTMB(
#'  data = d, formula = density ~ 0 + as.factor(year) + s(depth_scaled, k = 5),
#'  time = "year", mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log")
#' )
#' if (require("visreg", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   visreg::visreg(m_gam, "depth_scaled")
#' }
#' # or manually:
#' nd <- data.frame(depth_scaled =
#'   seq(min(d$depth_scaled), max(d$depth_scaled), length.out = 100))
#' nd$year <- 2011L
#' p <- predict(m_gam, newdata = nd, se_fit = TRUE, re_form = NA)
#' ggplot(p, aes(depth_scaled, exp(est),
#'   ymin = exp(est - 1.96 * est_se), ymax = exp(est + 1.96 * est_se))) +
#'   geom_line() + geom_ribbon(alpha = 0.4)
#' # Forecasting ----------------------------------------------------------
#' mesh <- make_mesh(d, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 15)
#' unique(d$year)
#' m <- sdmTMB(
#'   data = d, formula = density ~ 1,
#'   spatiotemporal = "AR1", # using an AR1 to have something to forecast with
#'   extra_time = 2019L, # `L` for integer to match our data
#'   spatial = "off",
#'   time = "year", mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log")
#' )
#' # Add a year to our grid:
#' grid2019 <- qcs_grid_2011[qcs_grid_2011$year == max(qcs_grid_2011$year), ]
#' grid2019$year <- 2019L # `L` because `year` is an integer in the data
#' qcsgrid_forecast <- rbind(qcs_grid_2011, grid2019)
#' predictions <- predict(m, newdata = qcsgrid_forecast)
#' plot_map(predictions, exp(est)) +
#'   scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "log10")
#' plot_map(predictions, epsilon_st) +
#'   scale_fill_gradient2()
#' # Estimating local trends ----------------------------------------------
#' d <- pcod
#' d$year_scaled <- as.numeric(scale(d$year))
#' mesh <- make_mesh(pcod, c("X", "Y"), cutoff = 25)
#' m <- sdmTMB(data = d, formula = density ~ depth_scaled + depth_scaled2,
#'   mesh = mesh, family = tweedie(link = "log"),
#'   spatial_varying = ~ 0 + year_scaled, time = "year", spatiotemporal = "off")
#' nd <- replicate_df(qcs_grid, "year", unique(pcod$year))
#' nd$year_scaled <- (nd$year - mean(d$year)) / sd(d$year)
#' p <- predict(m, newdata = nd)
#' plot_map(subset(p, year == 2003), zeta_s_year_scaled) + # pick any year
#'   ggtitle("Spatial slopes") +
#'   scale_fill_gradient2()
#' plot_map(p, est_rf) +
#'   ggtitle("Random field estimates") +
#'   scale_fill_gradient2()
#' plot_map(p, exp(est_non_rf)) +
#'   ggtitle("Prediction (fixed effects only)") +
#'   scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt")
#' plot_map(p, exp(est)) +
#'   ggtitle("Prediction (fixed effects + all random effects)") +
#'   scale_fill_viridis_c(trans = "sqrt")
#' }

predict.sdmTMB <- function(object, newdata = NULL,
  type = c("link", "response"),
  se_fit = FALSE,
  re_form = NULL,
  re_form_iid = NULL,
  nsim = 0,
  sims_var = "est",
  model = c(NA, 1, 2),
  offset = NULL,
  mcmc_samples = NULL,
  return_tmb_object = FALSE,
  return_tmb_report = FALSE,
  return_tmb_data = FALSE,
  tmbstan_model = deprecated(),
  sims = deprecated(),
  area = deprecated(),
  ...) {

  if ("version" %in% names(object)) {
  } else {
    cli_abort(c("This looks like a very old version of a model fit.",
        "Re-fit the model before predicting with it."))
  if (!"xy_cols" %in% names(object$spde)) {
    cli_warn(c("It looks like this model was fit with make_spde().",
    "Using `xy_cols`, but future versions of sdmTMB may not be compatible with this.",
    "Please replace make_spde() with make_mesh()."))
  } else {
    xy_cols <- object$spde$xy_cols

  if (object$version < numeric_version("")) {
    cli_abort("This model was fit with an older version of sdmTMB before internal handling of `extra_time` was simplified. Please refit your model before predicting on it (or install version 0.5.0 or")

  if (is_present(tmbstan_model)) {
    deprecate_stop("0.2.2", "predict.sdmTMB(tmbstan_model)", "predict.sdmTMB(mcmc_samples)")

  if (is_present(area)) {
    deprecate_stop("0.0.22", "predict.sdmTMB(area)", "get_index(area)")
  } else {
    area <- 1

  if (is_present(sims)) {
    deprecate_warn("0.0.21", "predict.sdmTMB(sims)", "predict.sdmTMB(nsim)")
  } else {
    sims <- nsim


  assert_that(model[[1]] %in% c(NA, 1, 2),
    msg = "`model` argument not valid; should be one of NA, 1, 2")
  if (missing(model)) {
    if (.has_delta_attr(object)) model <- attr(object, "delta_model_predict") # for ggpredict
  model <- model[[1]]
  type <- match.arg(type)
  # FIXME parallel setup here?

  if (is.null(re_form) && isTRUE(se_fit)) {
    msg <- paste0("Prediction can be slow when `se_fit = TRUE` and random fields ",
      "are included (i.e., `re_form = NA`). Consider using the `nsim` argument ",
      "to take draws from the joint precision matrix and summarizing the standard ",
      "devation of those draws.")

  # places where we force newdata:
  nd_arg_was_null <- FALSE
  if (is.null(newdata)) {
    if (is_delta(object) || nsim > 0 || type == "response" || !is.null(mcmc_samples) || se_fit || !is.null(re_form) || !is.null(re_form_iid) || !is.null(offset) || isTRUE(object$family$delta)) {
      newdata <- object$data
      nd_arg_was_null <- TRUE # will be used to carry over the offset
  if (any(grepl("t2\\(", object$formula[[1]])) && !is.null(newdata)) {
    cli_abort("There are unresolved issues with predicting on newdata when the formula includes t2() terms. Either predict with `newdata = NULL` or use s(). Post an issue if you'd like us to prioritize fixing this.")

  sys_calls <- unlist(lapply(sys.calls(), deparse)) # retrieve function that called this
  vr <- check_visreg(sys_calls)
  visreg_df <- vr$visreg_df
  if (visreg_df) {
    re_form <- vr$re_form
    se_fit <- vr$se_fit

  # from glmmTMB:
  pop_pred <- (!is.null(re_form) && ((re_form == ~0) || identical(re_form, NA)))
  pop_pred_iid <- (!is.null(re_form_iid) && ((re_form_iid == ~0) || identical(re_form_iid, NA)))
  if (pop_pred_iid) {
    exclude_RE <- rep(1L, length(object$tmb_data$exclude_RE))
  } else {
    exclude_RE <- object$tmb_data$exclude_RE

  tmb_data <- object$tmb_data
  tmb_data$do_predict <- 1L
  no_spatial <- as.logical(object$tmb_data$no_spatial)

  if (!is.null(newdata)) {
    if (any(!xy_cols %in% names(newdata)) && isFALSE(pop_pred) && !no_spatial)
      cli_abort(c("`xy_cols` (the column names for the x and y coordinates) are not in `newdata`.",
          "Did you miss specifying the argument `xy_cols` to match your data?",
          "The newer `make_mesh()` (vs. `make_spde()`) takes care of this for you."))

    if (isFALSE(pop_pred) && !no_spatial) {
      xy_orig <- object$data[,xy_cols]
      xy_nd <- newdata[,xy_cols]
      all_outside <- function(x1, x2) {
        min(x1) > max(x2) || max(x1) < min(x2)
      if (all_outside(xy_orig[,1], xy_nd[,1]) || all_outside(xy_orig[,2], xy_nd[,2])) {
        cli_warn(c("`newdata` prediction coordinates appear to be ouside the fitted coordinates.",
          "This will likely cause all your random field values to be returned as 0.",
          "Check your coordinates including any conversions between projections.",
          "If working with UTMs, are both in km or m?"))

    if (object$time == "_sdmTMB_time") newdata[[object$time]] <- 0L
    if (visreg_df) {
      if (!object$time %in% names(newdata)) {
        newdata[[object$time]] <- max(object$data[[object$time]], na.rm = TRUE)

    check_time_class(object, newdata)
    original_time <- object$time_lu$time_from_data
    new_data_time <- unique(newdata[[object$time]])

    if (!all(new_data_time %in% original_time))
      cli_abort(c("Some new time elements were found in `newdata`. ",
        "If you would like to predict on new time elements,",
        "see the `extra_time` argument in `?sdmTMB`.")

    # If making population predictions (with standard errors), we don't need
    # to worry about space, so fill in dummy values if the user hasn't made any:
    fake_spatial_added <- FALSE
    if (pop_pred) {
      for (i in c(1, 2)) {
        if (!xy_cols[[i]] %in% names(newdata)) {
            newdata[[xy_cols[[i]]]] <- mean(object$data[[xy_cols[[i]]]], na.rm = TRUE)
            fake_spatial_added <- TRUE

    if (sum(is.na(new_data_time)) > 0)
      cli_abort(c("There is at least one NA value in the time column.",
        "Please remove it."))

    newdata$sdm_orig_id <- seq(1L, nrow(newdata))

    if (!no_spatial) {
      if (requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) { # faster
        unique_newdata <- dplyr::distinct(newdata[, xy_cols, drop = FALSE])
      } else {
        unique_newdata <- unique(newdata[, xy_cols, drop = FALSE])
      unique_newdata[["sdm_spatial_id"]] <- seq(1, nrow(unique_newdata)) - 1L

      if (requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) { # much faster
        newdata <- dplyr::left_join(newdata, unique_newdata, by = xy_cols)
      } else {
        newdata <- base::merge(newdata, unique_newdata, by = xy_cols,
          all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
        newdata <- newdata[order(newdata$sdm_orig_id),, drop = FALSE]
      proj_mesh <- fmesher::fm_basis(object$spde$mesh,
        loc = as.matrix(unique_newdata[, xy_cols, drop = FALSE]))
    } else {
      proj_mesh <- object$spde$A_st # fake
      if (!all(object$spde$xy_cols %in% names(newdata))) {
        newdata[[xy_cols[1]]] <- NA_real_ # fake
        newdata[[xy_cols[2]]] <- NA_real_ # fake
      newdata[["sdm_spatial_id"]] <- rep(0L, nrow(newdata)) # fake

    if (length(object$formula) == 1L) {
      # this formula has breakpt() etc. in it:
      thresh <- list(check_and_parse_thresh_params(object$formula[[1]], newdata))
      formula <- list(thresh[[1]]$formula) # this one does not
    } else {
      thresh <- list(check_and_parse_thresh_params(object$formula[[1]], newdata),
        check_and_parse_thresh_params(object$formula[[2]], newdata))
      formula <- list(thresh[[1]]$formula, thresh[[2]]$formula)

    nd <- newdata
    response <- get_response(object$formula[[1]])
    sdmTMB_fake_response <- FALSE
    if (!response %in% names(nd)) {
      nd[[response]] <- 0 # fake for model.matrix
      sdmTMB_fake_response <- TRUE

    if (!"mgcv" %in% names(object)) object[["mgcv"]] <- FALSE

    # deal with prediction IID random intercepts:
    RE_names <- object$split_formula[[1]]$barnames # TODO DELTA HARDCODED TO 1 here; fine for now
    ## not checking so that not all factors need to be in prediction:
    # fct_check <- vapply(RE_names, function(x) check_valid_factor_levels(data[[x]], .name = x), TRUE)
    proj_RE_indexes <- vapply(RE_names, function(x) as.integer(nd[[x]]) - 1L, rep(1L, nrow(nd)))

    if (isFALSE(pop_pred_iid)) {
      for (i in seq_along(RE_names)) {
        # checking newdata random intercept columns are factors
                    msg = sprintf("Random effect group column `%s` in newdata is not a factor.", RE_names[i]))
        levels_fit <- levels(object$data[[RE_names[i]]])
        levels_nd <- levels(newdata[[RE_names[i]]])
        if (sum(!levels_nd %in% levels_fit)) {
          msg <- paste0("Extra levels found in random intercept factor levels for `", RE_names[i],
            "`. Please remove them.")

    proj_X_ij <- list()
    for (i in seq_along(object$formula)) {
      f2 <- remove_s_and_t2(object$split_formula[[i]]$form_no_bars)
      tt <- stats::terms(f2)
      attr(tt, "predvars") <- attr(object$terms[[i]], "predvars")
      Terms <- stats::delete.response(tt)
      mf <- model.frame(Terms, newdata, xlev = object$xlevels[[i]])
      proj_X_ij[[i]] <- model.matrix(Terms, mf, contrasts.arg = object$contrasts[[i]])

    # TODO DELTA hardcoded to 1:
    sm <- parse_smoothers(object$formula[[1]], data = object$data, newdata = nd, basis_prev = object$smoothers$basis_out)

    if (!is.null(object$time_varying))
      proj_X_rw_ik <- model.matrix(object$time_varying, data = nd)
      proj_X_rw_ik <- matrix(0, ncol = 1, nrow = 1) # dummy

    if (length(area) != nrow(proj_X_ij[[1]]) && length(area) != 1L) {
      cli_abort("`area` should be of the same length as `nrow(newdata)` or of length 1.")

    if (!is.null(offset)) {
      if (nrow(proj_X_ij[[1]]) != length(offset))
        cli_abort("Prediction offset vector does not equal number of rows in prediction dataset.")
    tmb_data$proj_offset_i <- if (!is.null(offset)) offset else rep(0, nrow(proj_X_ij[[1]]))
    # if (nd_arg_was_null) tmb_data$proj_offset_i <- tmb_data$offset_i
    tmb_data$proj_X_threshold <- thresh[[1]]$X_threshold # TODO DELTA HARDCODED TO 1
    tmb_data$area_i <- if (length(area) == 1L) rep(area, nrow(proj_X_ij[[1]])) else area
    tmb_data$proj_mesh <- proj_mesh
    tmb_data$proj_X_ij <- proj_X_ij
    tmb_data$proj_X_rw_ik <- proj_X_rw_ik
    tmb_data$proj_RE_indexes <- proj_RE_indexes
    time_lu <- object$time_lu
    tmb_data$proj_year <- time_lu$year_i[match(nd[[object$time]], time_lu$time_from_data)] # was make_year_i(nd[[object$time]])
    tmb_data$proj_lon <- newdata[[xy_cols[[1]]]]
    tmb_data$proj_lat <- newdata[[xy_cols[[2]]]]
    tmb_data$calc_se <- as.integer(se_fit)
    tmb_data$pop_pred <- as.integer(pop_pred)
    tmb_data$exclude_RE <- exclude_RE
    tmb_data$proj_spatial_index <- newdata$sdm_spatial_id
    tmb_data$proj_Zs <- sm$Zs
    tmb_data$proj_Xs <- sm$Xs

    # SVC:
    if (!is.null(object$spatial_varying)) {
      # recreate original data SVC formula stuff:
      z_i_orig <- model.matrix(object$spatial_varying_formula, object$data)
      svc_contrasts <- attr(z_i_orig, which = "contrasts")
      ttsv <- stats::terms(object$spatial_varying_formula)
      mfsv <- model.frame(ttsv, object$data)
      mtsv <- attr(mfsv, "terms")
      xlevelssv <- stats::.getXlevels(mtsv, mfsv)
      # apply it to prediction data:
      mfsv_new <- model.frame(ttsv, newdata, xlev = xlevelssv)
      z_i <- model.matrix(ttsv, mfsv_new, contrasts.arg = svc_contrasts)
      .int <- grep("(Intercept)", colnames(z_i))
      if (sum(.int) > 0) z_i <- z_i[,-.int,drop=FALSE]
    } else {
      z_i <- matrix(0, nrow(newdata), 0L)
    tmb_data$proj_z_i <- z_i

    epsilon_covariate <- rep(0, length(unique(newdata[[object$time]])))
    if (tmb_data$est_epsilon_model) {
      # covariate vector dimensioned by number of time steps
      time_steps <- unique(newdata[[object$time]])
      for (i in seq_along(time_steps)) {
        epsilon_covariate[i] <- newdata[newdata[[object$time]] == time_steps[i],
            object$epsilon_predictor, drop = TRUE][[1]]
    tmb_data$epsilon_predictor <- epsilon_covariate

    if (return_tmb_data) {

    new_tmb_obj <- TMB::MakeADFun(
      data = tmb_data,
      profile = object$control$profile,
      parameters = get_pars(object),
      map = object$tmb_map,
      random = object$tmb_random,
      DLL = "sdmTMB",
      silent = TRUE

    old_par <- object$model$par
    # need to initialize the new TMB object once:

    if (sims > 0 && is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
      if (!"jointPrecision" %in% names(object$sd_report) && !has_no_random_effects(object)) {
        message("Rerunning TMB::sdreport() with `getJointPrecision = TRUE`.")
        sd_report <- TMB::sdreport(object$tmb_obj, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
      } else {
        sd_report <- object$sd_report
      if (has_no_random_effects(object)) {
        t_draws <- t(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = sims, mean = sd_report$par.fixed,
          sigma = sd_report$cov.fixed))
        row.names(t_draws) <- NULL
      } else {
        t_draws <- rmvnorm_prec(mu = new_tmb_obj$env$last.par.best,
          tmb_sd = sd_report, n_sims = sims)
      r <- apply(t_draws, 2L, new_tmb_obj$report)
    if (!is.null(mcmc_samples)) {
      t_draws <- mcmc_samples
      if (nsim > 0) {
        if (nsim > ncol(t_draws)) {
          cli_abort("`nsim` must be <= number of MCMC samples.")
        } else {
          t_draws <- t_draws[,seq(ncol(t_draws) - nsim + 1, ncol(t_draws)), drop = FALSE]
      r <- apply(t_draws, 2L, new_tmb_obj$report)
    if (!is.null(mcmc_samples) || sims > 0) {
      if (return_tmb_report) return(r)
      .var <-  switch(sims_var,
        "est" = "proj_eta",
        "est_rf" = "proj_rf",
        "omega_s" = "proj_omega_s_A",
        "zeta_s" = "proj_zeta_s_A",
        "epsilon_st" = "proj_epsilon_st_A_vec",
      out <- lapply(r, `[[`, .var)

      predtype <- as.integer(model[[1]])
      if (isTRUE(object$family$delta) && sims_var == "est") {
        if (predtype %in% c(1L, NA)) {
          out1 <- lapply(out, function(x) x[, 1L, drop = TRUE])
          out1 <- do.call("cbind", out1)
        if (predtype %in% c(2L, NA)) {
          out2 <- lapply(out, function(x) x[, 2L, drop = TRUE])
          out2 <- do.call("cbind", out2)
        if (is.na(predtype)) {
          out <- object$family[[1]]$linkinv(out1) *
          if (type != "response") out <- object$family[[2]]$linkfun(out) # transform combined back into link space
        } else if (predtype == 1L) {
          out <- out1
          if (type == "response") out <- object$family[[1]]$linkinv(out)
        } else if (predtype == 2L) {
          out <- out2
          if (type == "response") out <- object$family[[2]]$linkinv(out)
        } else {
          cli_abort("`model` type not valid.")
      } else { # not a delta model OR not sims_var = "est":

        if (isTRUE(object$family$delta) && sims_var != "est" && is.na(model[[1]])) {
          cli_warn("`model` argument was left as NA; defaulting to 1st model component.")
          model <- 1L
        } else {
          model <- as.integer(model)
        if (!isTRUE(object$family$delta)) {
          model <- 1L
        if (length(dim(out[[1]])) == 2L) {
          out <- lapply(out, function(.x) .x[,model])
          out <- do.call("cbind", out)
        } else if (length(dim(out[[1]])) == 3L) {
          xx <- list()
          for (i in seq_len(dim(out[[1]])[2])) {
            xx[[i]] <- lapply(out, function(.x) .x[,i,model])
            xx[[i]] <- do.call("cbind", xx[[i]])
          out <- xx
          if (sims_var == "zeta_s") names(out) <- object$spatial_varying
          if (length(out) == 1L) out <- out[[1]]
        } else {
          cli_abort("Too many dimensions returned from model. Try `return_tmb_report = TRUE` and parse the output yourself.")

        if (type == "response") out <- object$family$linkinv(out)

      if (sims_var == "est") {
        rownames(out) <- nd[[object$time]] # for use in index calcs
        attr(out, "time") <- object$time
        if (type == "response"){
          attr(out, "link") <- "response"
        } else {
            if (is.na(predtype)) {
              attr(out, "link") <- object$family[[2]]$link
            } else if (predtype == 1L) {
              attr(out, "link") <- object$family[[1]]$link
            } else if (predtype == 2L) {
              attr(out, "link") <- object$family[[2]]$link
            } else {
              cli_abort("`model` type not valid.")
          } else {
            attr(out, "link") <- object$family$link


    lp <- new_tmb_obj$env$last.par.best
    r <- new_tmb_obj$report(lp)
    if (return_tmb_report) return(r)

    if (isFALSE(pop_pred)) {
      if (isTRUE(object$family$delta)) {
        nd$est1 <- r$proj_eta[,1]
        nd$est2 <- r$proj_eta[,2]
        nd$est_non_rf1 <- r$proj_fe[,1]
        nd$est_non_rf2 <- r$proj_fe[,2]
        nd$est_rf1 <- r$proj_rf[,1]
        nd$est_rf2 <- r$proj_rf[,2]
        nd$omega_s1 <- r$proj_omega_s_A[,1]
        nd$omega_s2 <- r$proj_omega_s_A[,2]
        for (z in seq_len(dim(r$proj_zeta_s_A)[2])) { # SVC:
          nd[[paste0("zeta_s_", object$spatial_varying[z], "1")]] <- r$proj_zeta_s_A[,z,1]
          nd[[paste0("zeta_s_", object$spatial_varying[z], "2")]] <- r$proj_zeta_s_A[,z,2]
        nd$epsilon_st1 <- r$proj_epsilon_st_A_vec[,1]
        nd$epsilon_st2 <- r$proj_epsilon_st_A_vec[,2]
        if (type == "response" && !se_fit) {
          nd$est1 <- object$family[[1]]$linkinv(nd$est1)
          nd$est2 <- object$family[[2]]$linkinv(nd$est2)
          if (object$tmb_data$poisson_link_delta) {
            .n <- nd$est1 # expected group density (already exp())
            .p <- 1 - exp(-.n) # expected encounter rate
            .w <- nd$est2 # expected biomass per group (already exp())
            .r <- (.n * .w) / .p # (n * w)/p # positive expectation
            nd$est1 <- .p # expected encounter rate
            nd$est2 <- .r # positive expectation
            nd$est <- .n * .w # expected combined value
          } else {
            nd$est <- nd$est1 * nd$est2
      } else {
        nd$est <- r$proj_eta[,1]
        nd$est_non_rf <- r$proj_fe[,1]
        nd$est_rf <- r$proj_rf[,1]
        nd$omega_s <- r$proj_omega_s_A[,1]
        for (z in seq_len(dim(r$proj_zeta_s_A)[2])) { # SVC:
          nd[[paste0("zeta_s_", object$spatial_varying[z])]] <- r$proj_zeta_s_A[,z,1]
        nd$epsilon_st <- r$proj_epsilon_st_A_vec[,1]
        if (type == "response") {
          nd$est <- object$family$linkinv(nd$est)

    nd$sdm_spatial_id <- NULL
    nd$sdm_orig_id <- NULL

    obj <- new_tmb_obj

    if ("visreg_model" %in% names(object)) {
      model <- object$visreg_model
    } else {
      if (visreg_df)
        model <- 1L

    if (se_fit) {
      sr <- TMB::sdreport(new_tmb_obj, bias.correct = FALSE)
      sr_est_rep <- as.list(sr, "Estimate", report = TRUE)
      sr_se_rep <- as.list(sr, "Std. Error", report = TRUE)
      if (pop_pred) {
        proj_eta <- sr_est_rep[["proj_fe"]]
        se <- sr_se_rep[["proj_fe"]]
      } else {
        proj_eta <- sr_est_rep[["proj_eta"]]
        se <- sr_se_rep[["proj_eta"]]
      if (is.na(model)) model_temp <- 1L else model_temp <- model
      proj_eta <- proj_eta[,model_temp,drop=TRUE]
      se <- se[,model_temp,drop=TRUE]
      nd$est <- proj_eta
      nd$est_se <- se
    if (type == "response" && se_fit) {
      est_name <- if (isTRUE(object$family$delta)) "'est1' and 'est2'" else "'est'"
      msg <- paste0("predict(..., type = 'response', se_fit = TRUE) detected; ",
        "returning the prediction ", est_name, " in link space because the standard errors ",
        "are calculated in link space.")
      type <- "link"

    if (pop_pred) {
      if (isTRUE(object$family$delta)) {
        if (type == "response") {
          nd$est1 <- object$family[[1]]$linkinv(r$proj_fe[,1])
          nd$est2 <- object$family[[2]]$linkinv(r$proj_fe[,2])
          nd$est <- nd$est1 * nd$est2
        } else {
          nd$est1 <- r$proj_fe[,1]
          nd$est2 <- r$proj_fe[,2]
          if (is.na(model)) {
            p1 <- object$family[[1]]$linkinv(r$proj_fe[,1])
            p2 <- object$family[[2]]$linkinv(r$proj_fe[,2])
            nd$est <- object$family[[2]]$linkfun(p1 * p1)
            if (se_fit) {
              nd$est <- sr_est_rep$proj_rf_delta
              nd$est_se <- sr_se_rep$proj_rf_delta
      } else {
        if (type == "response") {
          nd$est <- object$family$linkinv(r$proj_fe[,1])
        } else {
          nd$est <- r$proj_fe[,1]

    if (pop_pred && visreg_df) {
      nd$est <- r$proj_fe[,model,drop=TRUE] # FIXME re_form_iid??

    orig_dat <- object$tmb_data$y_i
    if (model == 2L && nrow(nd) == nrow(orig_dat) && visreg_df) {
      nd <- nd[!is.na(orig_dat[,2]),,drop=FALSE] # drop NAs from delta positive component

    if ("sdmTMB_fake_year" %in% names(nd)) {
      nd <- nd[!nd$sdmTMB_fake_year,,drop=FALSE]
      nd$sdmTMB_fake_year <- NULL
    if (fake_spatial_added) {
      for (i in 1:2) nd[[xy_cols[[i]]]] <- NULL
    if (sdmTMB_fake_response) {
      nd[[response]] <- NULL

  } else { # We are not dealing with new data:
    if (se_fit) {
      cli_warn(paste0("Standard errors have not been implemented yet unless you ",
        "supply `newdata`. In the meantime you could supply your original data frame ",
        "to the `newdata` argument."))
    nd <- object$data
    lp <- object$tmb_obj$env$last.par.best
    # object$tmb_obj$fn(lp) # call once to update internal structures?
    r <- object$tmb_obj$report(lp)

    nd$est <- r$eta_i[,1] # DELTA FIXME
    # The following is not an error,
    # IID and RW effects are baked into fixed effects for `newdata` in above code:
    nd$est_non_rf <- r$eta_fixed_i[,1] + r$eta_rw_i[,1] + r$eta_iid_re_i[,1] # DELTA FIXME
    nd$est_rf <- r$omega_s_A[,1] + r$epsilon_st_A_vec[,1] # DELTA FIXME
    nd$omega_s <- r$omega_s_A[,1]# DELTA FIXME
    for (z in seq_len(dim(r$zeta_s_A)[2])) { # SVC: # DELTA FIXME
      nd[[paste0("zeta_s_", object$spatial_varying[z])]] <- r$zeta_s_A[,z,1]
    nd$epsilon_st <- r$epsilon_st_A_vec[,1]# DELTA FIXME
    obj <- object

  # clean up:
  if (!object$tmb_data$include_spatial[1]) {
    nd$omega_s1 <- NULL
    nd$omega_s <- NULL
  if (isTRUE(object$family$delta)) {
    if (!object$tmb_data$include_spatial[2]) {
      nd$omega_s2 <- NULL
  if (as.logical(object$tmb_data$spatial_only)[1]) {
    nd$epsilon_st1 <- NULL
    nd$epsilon_st <- NULL
  if (isTRUE(object$family$delta)) {
    if (as.logical(object$tmb_data$spatial_only)[2]) {
      nd$epsilon_st2 <- NULL
  if (!object$tmb_data$spatial_covariate) {
    nd$zeta_s1 <- NULL
    nd$zeta_s1 <- NULL
    nd$zeta_s <- NULL

  if (no_spatial) nd[,xy_cols] <- NULL
  nd[["_sdmTMB_time"]] <- NULL
  if (no_spatial) nd[["est_rf"]] <- NULL
  if (no_spatial) nd[["est_non_rf"]] <- NULL
  row.names(nd) <- NULL

  if (return_tmb_object) {
    return(list(data = nd, report = r, obj = obj, fit_obj = object, pred_tmb_data = tmb_data))
  } else {
    if (visreg_df) {
      # for visreg & related, return consistent objects with lm(), gam() etc.
      if (isTRUE(se_fit)) {
        return(list(fit = nd$est, se.fit = nd$est_se))
      } else {
    } else {
      return(nd) # data frame by default

# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13217322/how-to-reliably-get-dependent-variable-name-from-formula-object
get_response <- function(formula) {
  tt <- terms(formula)
  vars <- as.character(attr(tt, "variables"))[-1] ## [1] is the list call
  response <- attr(tt, "response") # index of response var

remove_9000 <- function(x) {
    strsplit(as.character(x), ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][1:3],
    collapse = "."

check_sdmTMB_version <- function(version) {
  if (remove_9000(utils::packageVersion("sdmTMB")) >
    remove_9000(version)) {
    msg <- paste0(
      "The installed version of sdmTMB is newer than the version ",
      "that was used to fit this model. It is possible new parameters ",
      "have been added to the TMB model since you fit this model and ",
      "that prediction will fail. We recommend you fit and predict ",
      "from an sdmTMB model with the same version."

check_time_class <- function(object, newdata) {
  cls1 <- class(object$data[[object$time]])
  cls2 <- class(newdata[[object$time]])
  if (!identical(cls1, cls2)) {
    if (!identical(sort(c(cls1, cls2)), c("integer", "numeric"))) {
      msg <- paste0(
        "Class of fitted time column (", cls1, ") does not match class of ",
        "`newdata` time column (", cls2 ,")."

check_visreg <- function(sys_calls) {
  visreg_df <- FALSE
  re_form <- NULL
  se_fit <- FALSE
  if (any(grepl("setupV", substr(sys_calls, 1, 7)))) {
    visreg_df <- TRUE
    re_form <- NA
    if (any(sys_calls == "residuals(fit)")) visreg_df <- FALSE
    # turn on standard error if in a function call
    indx <- which(substr(sys_calls, 1, 10) == "visregPred")
    if (length(indx) > 0 && any(unlist(strsplit(sys_calls[indx], ",")) == " se.fit = TRUE"))
      se_fit <- TRUE
  named_list(visreg_df, se_fit, re_form)
pbs-assess/sdmTMB documentation built on Sept. 14, 2024, 9:59 p.m.