
#' Fetch episode list for a season
#' @param season_link Link to a page of season scripts.
#' @seealso \code{\link{episode_list}} dataset.
#' @return Data frame with list of episodes.
#' @export
fetch_season_episode_list <- function(season_link) {
	base_url <- "http://southpark.wikia.com"

	episode_nodes <- xml2::read_html(season_link) %>%
		rvest::html_nodes(".wikia-gallery-item .lightbox-caption a")

	episode_links <- episode_nodes %>%
		rvest::html_attr(name = "href")

	episode_links <- paste0(base_url, episode_links)

	episode_names <- episode_nodes %>%

		season_episode_number = seq_along(episode_links),
		season_link = season_link,
		episode_link = episode_links,
		episode_name = episode_names

#' Fetch list of all episodes.
#' @seealso \code{\link{episode_list}} dataset.
#' @return Data frame with list of episodes.
#' @export
fetch_episode_list <- function() {
	base_url <- "http://southpark.wikia.com"
	scipts_url <- paste0(base_url, "/wiki/Portal:Scripts")
	all_episode_links <- dplyr::data_frame()

	season_nodes <- scipts_url %>%
		xml2::read_html() %>%
		rvest::html_nodes(".wikia-gallery-item .lightbox-caption a")

	season_links <- season_nodes %>%
		rvest::html_attr(name = "href")
	season_links <- paste0(base_url, season_links)

	season_names <- season_nodes %>%

	seasons <- dplyr::data_frame(
		season_name = season_names,
		season_number = seq_along(season_names),
		season_link = season_links,
		season_year = seq(1997, 1997 + length(season_names) - 1)

	all_episode_links <- purrr::map_df(season_links, fetch_season_episode_list) %>%
		dplyr::left_join(seasons, by = "season_link")


#' Fetch script for a single episode.
#' @param episode_link Link to a page with an episode script.
#' @seealso \code{\link{episode_lines}} dataset.
#' @return A data frame with episode lines.
#' @export
fetch_episode <- function(episode_link) {
	episode <- episode_link %>%
		xml2::read_html() %>%
		rvest::html_nodes("table:nth-of-type(1)") %>%
		rvest::html_table(fill = TRUE) %>%
		`[[`(2) %>%
		dplyr::mutate(episode_link = episode_link) %>%
			character = X1,
			text = X2


#' Fetch scripts for all episodes.
#' @param episode_list \code{\link{episode_list}} dataset.
#' @seealso \code{\link{episode_lines}} dataset.
#' @return A data frame with episode lines.
#' @export
fetch_all_episodes <- function(episode_list) {
	episodes <- purrr::map_df(episode_list$episode_link, fetch_episode) %>%
		dplyr::left_join(episode_list, by = "episode_link") %>%
		dplyr::filter(nchar(character) & nchar(text) > 0) %>%


#' Preprocess character names.
#' This function strips semicolons and double
#'   quotes from character names. It also converts
#'   all characters to lower case.
#' @param characters Character vector.
#' @return Modified character vector.
preprocess_characters <- function(characters) {
	result <- characters %>%
		stringr::str_replace_all("[:\"]", "") %>%


#' Preprocess text to keep only alphanum character, spaces and apostrophes.
#' @param text Character vector of text lines.
#' @return Modified character vector.
preprocess_text <- function(text) {
	result <- text %>%
		# Erase all text parts in [] brackets
		stringr::str_replace_all("\\[.+?\\]", " ") %>%

		# Keep only alphanumeric character, whitespace and apostrophes
		stringr::str_replace_all("[^\\w\\d\\s']", " ") %>%

		# Replace multiple whitespace by one whitespace
		stringr::str_replace_all("\\s+", " ") %>%

		# Trim whitespace from both sides
		stringr::str_trim() %>%

		# Everything to lower case

pdrhlik/southparkr documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:49 p.m.