#' High dimensional imputation via batch processed chained random forests
#' Build correlation matrix
#' @usage feature_cor(data, return_cor)
#' @param data A data frame or tibble.
#' @param return_cor Logical. Should the correlation matrix be printed? Default set to FALSE.
#' @references Waggoner, P. D. (2023). A batch process for high dimensional imputation. Computational Statistics, 1-22. doi: <10.1007/s00180-023-01325-9>
#' @references van Buuren S, Groothuis-Oudshoorn K (2011). "mice: Multivariate Imputation by Chained Equations in R." Journal of Statistical Software, 45(3), 1-67. doi: <10.18637/jss.v045.i03>
#' @return A cross-feature correlation matrix
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' feature_cor(data = data, return_cor = FALSE)
#' }
feature_cor <- function(data,
return_cor = FALSE) {
if(!is.data.frame(data) && !tibble::is_tibble(data) && !is.atomic(data)) {
stop('x must be atomic, data frame or tibble\n',
' You have provided an object of class: ', class(data)[1])
nvar <- ncol(data)
data_matrix <- matrix(0,
nrow = nvar,
ncol = nvar,
dimnames = list(names(data),
x <- data.matrix(data)
r <- !is.na(x)
suppressWarnings(v <- abs(stats::cor(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs",
method = "pearson")))
v[is.na(v)] <- 0
suppressWarnings(u <- abs(stats::cor(y = x, x = r, use = "pairwise.complete.obs",
method = "pearson")))
u[is.na(u)] <- 0
max_cor <- pmax(v, u)
cli::cli_alert_success("Correlation matrix built")
if(return_cor == TRUE){
} else max_cor
#' Flatten and arrange cor matrix to be df
#' @usage flatten_mat(cor_mat, return_mat)
#' @param cor_mat A correlation matrix output from running \code{feature_cor()}
#' @param return_mat Logical. Should the flattened matrix be printed? Default set to FALSE.
#' @return A vector of correlation-based ranked features
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' flatten_mat(cor_mat = cor_mat, return_mat = FALSE)
#' }
flatten_mat <- function(cor_mat,
return_mat = FALSE) {
ut <- upper.tri(cor_mat)
all_cor_mat <- tibble::tibble(
row = rownames(cor_mat)[row(cor_mat)[ut]],
column = rownames(cor_mat)[col(cor_mat)[ut]],
cor = (cor_mat)[ut]
) %>%
if(return_mat == TRUE){
# interweave cols for batch creation
df_x <- all_cor_mat %>%
dplyr::select(row) %>%
dplyr::rename(col = row)
df_y <- all_cor_mat %>%
dplyr::select(column) %>%
dplyr::rename(col = column)
cli::cli_alert_success("Flattened and ranked")
# create new df, ordered by correlation
ranked <- dplyr::bind_rows(
df_x, df_y
) %>%
#' Impute batches and return completed data frame
#' @usage impute_batches(data, features, batch, pmm_k, n_trees, seed, save)
#' @param data Original data frame or tibble (with missing values)
#' @param features Correlation-based vector of ranked features output from running \code{flatten_mat()}
#' @param batch Numeric. Batch size.
#' @param pmm_k Integer. Number of neighbors considered in imputation. Default at 5.
#' @param n_trees Integer. Number of trees used in imputation. Default at 15.
#' @param seed Integer. Seed to be set for reproducibility.
#' @param save Should the list of individual imputed batches be saved as .rds file to working directory? Default set to FALSE.
#' @details Step 1. group data by dividing the \code{row_number()} by batch size (\code{batch}, number of batches set by user) using integer division. Step 2. pass through \code{group_split()} to return a list. Step 3. impute each batch individually and time. Step 4. generate completed (unlisted/joined) imputed data frame
#' @references Waggoner, P. D. (2023). A batch process for high dimensional imputation. Computational Statistics, 1-22. doi: <10.1007/s00180-023-01325-9>
#' @references Stekhoven, D. J., & Bühlmann, P. (2012). MissForest—non-parametric missing value imputation for mixed-type data. Bioinformatics, 28(1), 112-118. doi: <10.1093/bioinformatics/btr597>
#' @return A completed, imputed data set
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' impute_batches(data = data, features = flat_mat,
#' batch = 2, pmm_k = 5, n_trees = 15, seed = 123,
#' save = FALSE)
#' }
impute_batches <- function(data,
pmm_k = 5,
n_trees = 15,
seed = 123,
save = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(seed)) {
if(!is.data.frame(data) && !tibble::is_tibble(data) && !is.atomic(data)) {
stop('x must be atomic, data frame or tibble\n',
' You have provided an object of class: ', class(data)[1])
# Step 1
splits <- features %>%
dplyr::group_split(batch = (dplyr::row_number() %/% batch) + 1)
# Step 2
batches <- list()
batches <- purrr::map(
function(split) {
"The data object must have at least 1 missing value for imputation.
Your data are already complete! Aren't you lucky..." = any(is.na(data))
data %>%
# Step 3
time_imp <- system.time(
imputed_batches <- lapply(batches,
formula = . ~ .,
pmm.k = pmm_k,
num.trees = n_trees,
seed = seed)
if(save == TRUE){
saveRDS(imputed_batches, file = "imputed_batches.rds")
cli::cli_alert_success("Imputed and joined")
imputed <- dplyr::bind_cols(imputed_batches, .id = "row_label") %>%
imputed <- imputed[names(data)]
#' Complete hdImpute process: correlation matrix, flatten, rank, create batches, impute, join
#' @usage hdImpute(data, batch, pmm_k, n_trees, seed, save)
#' @param data Original data frame or tibble (with missing values)
#' @param batch Numeric. Batch size.
#' @param pmm_k Integer. Number of neighbors considered in imputation. Default set at 5.
#' @param n_trees Integer. Number of trees used in imputation. Default set at 15.
#' @param seed Integer. Seed to be set for reproducibility.
#' @param save Should the list of individual imputed batches be saved as .rds file to working directory? Default set to FALSE.
#' @details Step 1. group data by dividing the \code{row_number()} by batch size (\code{batch}, number of batches set by user) using integer division. Step 2. pass through \code{group_split()} to return a list. Step 3. impute each batch individually and time. Step 4. generate completed (unlisted/joined) imputed data frame
#' @references Waggoner, P. D. (2023). A batch process for high dimensional imputation. Computational Statistics, 1-22. doi: <10.1007/s00180-023-01325-9>
#' @references Stekhoven, D. J., & Bühlmann, P. (2012). MissForest—non-parametric missing value imputation for mixed-type data. Bioinformatics, 28(1), 112-118. doi: <10.1093/bioinformatics/btr597>
#' @return A completed, imputed data set
#' @export
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' impute_batches(data = data,
#' batch = 2, pmm_k = 5, n_trees = 15,
#' seed = 123, save = FALSE)
#' }
hdImpute <- function(data,
pmm_k = 5,
n_trees = 15,
seed = 123,
save = FALSE) {
cli::cli_h1("Initializing hdImpute process.")
if(!is.data.frame(data) && !tibble::is_tibble(data) && !is.atomic(data)) {
stop('x must be atomic, data frame or tibble\n',
' You have provided an object of class: ', class(data)[1])
nvar <- ncol(data)
data_matrix <- matrix(0,
nrow = nvar,
ncol = nvar,
dimnames = list(names(data),
x <- data.matrix(data)
r <- !is.na(x)
suppressWarnings(v <- abs(stats::cor(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs",
method = "pearson")))
v[is.na(v)] <- 0
suppressWarnings(u <- abs(stats::cor(y = x, x = r, use = "pairwise.complete.obs",
method = "pearson")))
u[is.na(u)] <- 0
max_cor <- pmax(v, u)
cli::cli_alert_success("Correlation matrix built")
# flatten and rank matrix
ut <- upper.tri(max_cor)
all_cor_mat <- tibble::tibble(
row = rownames(max_cor)[row(max_cor)[ut]],
column = rownames(max_cor)[col(max_cor)[ut]],
cor = (max_cor)[ut]
) %>%
# interweave cols for batch creation
df_x <- all_cor_mat %>%
dplyr::select(row) %>%
dplyr::rename(col = row)
df_y <- all_cor_mat %>%
dplyr::select(column) %>%
dplyr::rename(col = column)
# create new df, ordered by correlation
ranked <- dplyr::bind_rows(
df_x, df_y
) %>%
cli::cli_alert_success("Flattened and ranked")
# impute batches
if (!is.null(seed)) {
# Step 1
splits <- ranked %>%
dplyr::group_split(batch = (dplyr::row_number() %/% batch) + 1)
# Step 2
batches <- list()
batches <- purrr::map(
function(split) {
"The data object must have at least 1 missing value for imputation.
Your data are already complete! Aren't you lucky..." = any(is.na(data))
data %>%
# Step 3
imputed_batches <- lapply(batches,
formula = . ~ .,
pmm.k = pmm_k,
num.trees = n_trees,
seed = seed)
cli::cli_alert_success("Imputed and joined")
if(save == TRUE){
saveRDS(imputed_batches, file = "imputed_batches.rds")
cli::cli_h3("hdImpute process successfully completed.")
# Step 4
imputed <- dplyr::bind_cols(imputed_batches, .id = "row_label") %>%
imputed <- imputed[names(data)]
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