# Exported ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Get the list of available discretization methods
#' Currently, only one discretization method is supported:
#' * `"tesselate_voronoi"` Voronoi tessellation using the function
#' [tesselate_voronoi][tesselate_voronoi].
#' You can create your own method (tutorial TBD).
#' @return
#' A `character vector` of all available discretization methods.
#' @export
spm_methods <- function() {
choices <- c('tesselate_voronoi', 'triangulate_delaunay')
#' Get the list of available smoothing methods
#' Currently, only one smoothing method is supported:
#' * `"ICAR"`: Intrinsic Conditional Auto-Regressive models.
#' * `"LINPRED"`: LINear PREDictors (lag smooths).
#' @return
#' A `character vector` of all available smoothing methods.
#' @export
spm_smooth_methods <- function() {
choices <- c('ICAR', 'LINPRED')
# Not exported ------------------------------------------------------------
# assert that a column is part of a data_frame
assert_column <- function(df, col){
if (!checkmate::test_subset(col, names(df))) {
stop(paste0("`", deparse(substitute(col)),
"` must be a column of `", deparse(substitute(df)), "`"),
call. = FALSE)
# Retrieves the 3 possible aggregation choices
spm_aggregation_choices <- function() {
choices <- c('space', 'time', 'spacetime')
# Retrieves the 2 possible level of aggregation choices
spm_aggregation_levels_choices <- function(){
choices <- c("patch", "boundary")
# Retrieves the 2 possible level of aggregation types
spm_aggregation_types_choices <- function(){
choices <- c("data", "smoothed")
# Suppress both messages and warnings
suppressAll <- function(x) {
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