
#' @export
Occurrence = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
Location = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dcterms = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")

#' @export
Identification = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
Event = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
Collection = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Collection",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
GrbioInst = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "GRSciCollInstitution",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
Thing = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Thing",
  prefix = c(owl = "http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#")

#' @export
Agent = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Agent",
  prefix = c(foaf = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")

#' Person
#' @export
Person = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Person",
  prefix = c(foaf = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")

#' Publisher
#' @export
Publisher = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Publisher",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Organization
#' @export
Organization = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Organization",
  prefix = c(org = "http://www.w3.org/ns/org#")

#' To specify the components of the delivery address for the object
#' @export
Address = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Address",
  prefix = c(vcard = "http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#")

#' a role of agent in time
#' @export
Role = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "RoleInTime",
  prefix = c(pro = "http://purl.org/spar/pro/")

#' a creative or scientific work
#' @export
Work = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Work",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' a science journal
#' @export
Journal = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Journal",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' an article in a science journal
#' @export
Article = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "JournalArticle",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' an article in a science journal
#' @export
BibResource = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "BibliographicResource",
  prefix = c(dcterms = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")

#' an article in a science journal
#' @export
ExpressionCollection = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "ExpressionCollection",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' Personal Identifier
#' @export
PersonalIdentifier = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "PersonalIdentifier",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' Resource Identifier
#' @export
ResourceIdentifier = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "ResourceIdentifier",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' datacite boldsystems
#' @export
boldsystems = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "boldsystems",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' datacite zenodo
#' @export
zenodo = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "zenodo",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' GenBankAccession
#' @export
GenBankAccession = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "GenBankAccession",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net")

#' Treatment Section
#' @export
Treatment = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Treatment",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Paper
#' the informational content of an article
#' @export
Paper = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "ResearchPaper",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' Taxonomic Concept
#'  the informational content of an article
#' @export
TaxonomicConcept = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "TaxonomicConcept",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Nomenclature
#'  the informational content of an article
#' @export
Nomenclature = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "NomenclatureSection",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Nom Citations
#' the informational content of an article
#' @export
NomenclatureCitationsList = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "NomenclatureCitationsList",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Nom Citation
#' the informational content of an article
#' @export
NomenclatureCitation = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "NomenclatureCitation",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' TNU
#' @export
TaxonomicNameUsage = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "TaxonomicNameUsage",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' TNU
#' @export
InstitutionalCodeUsage = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "InstitutionalCodeUsage",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Scientific Name
#' @export
ScientificName= rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "ScientificName",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Diagnosis
#' @export
Diagnosis = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "DiagnosisSection",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Discussion
#' @export
Discussion = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Discussion",
  prefix = c(orb = "http://purl.org/orb/1.0/")

#' Distribution
#' @export
Distribution = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "DistributionSection",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Distribution
#' @export
TaxonomicKey = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "TaxonomicKey",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Distribution
#' @export
MaterialsExamined = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "MaterialsExamined",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
BOLDRecord = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
BOLDBin = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
SequenceRecord = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(edam = "http://edamontology.org/")

#' @export
Methods = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Methods",
  prefix = c(deo = "http://purl.org/spar/deo/")

#' Figure:
#'  uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/Figure>
#'   comment: a figure in a science article
#' @export
Figure = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Figure",
  prefix = c(doco = "http://purl.org/spar/doco/")

#' Abstract:
#'   uri: <http://salt.semanticauthoring.org/ontologies/sro#Abstract>
#' comment: an abstract of a science article
#' @export
Abstract = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Abstract",
  prefix = c(sro = "http://salt.semanticauthoring.org/ontologies/sro#")

#' Introduction:
#'   uri: http://purl.org/spar/deo/Introduction>
#' comment: an abstract of a science article
#' @export
Introduction = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Introduction",
  prefix = c(deo = "http://purl.org/spar/deo/")

#' @export
Institution =  rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Institution",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Title:
#' uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/Title>
#'   comment: the title of an article
#' @export
Title = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Title",
  prefix = c(doco = "http://purl.org/spar/doco/")

#' Keyword Group
#' @export
KeywordGroup = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "KeywordGroup",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Checklist
#' @export
Checklist =  rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Checklist",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Table
#' @export
Table =  rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Table",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' @export
TaxonomicDiscovery = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "TaxonomicDiscovery",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
TypeMaterial = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "TypeMaterial",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
HolotypeDescription = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "HolotypeDescription",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")


#' datacite orcid
#' @export
orcid = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "orcid",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' datacite zoobank
#' @export
zoobank = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "zoobank",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' datacite gbif dataset
#' @export
gbif_dataset = rdf4r::identifier(
    id = "gbif_dataset",
    prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' datacite bold
#' @export
bold = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "bold",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' datacite genbank
#' @export
genbank = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "genbank",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' @export
has_grbioCool = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasCoolID",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_grbioInstCode = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasGrbioInstitutionCode",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
inst_codes = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "institutionCode",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
inst_names = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "institutionName",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
taxonStatus = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "taxonomicStatus",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' datacite plazi
#' @export
plazi = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "plazi",
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' Issn property
#' @export
issn = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "issn",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' e-Issn property
#' @export
eissn = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "eIssn",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' e-Issn property
#' @export
frbr_part = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "part",
  prefix = c(frbr = "http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core#")

#' SKOS Preferred Label
#' @export
pref_label = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "prefLabel",
  prefix = c(skos = "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#")

#' SKOS Alternative Label
#' @export
alt_label = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "altLabel",
  prefix = c(skos = "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#")

#' SKOS exact match
#' @export
exact_match = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "exactMatch",
  prefix = c(skos = "http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#")

#' DC Elements Title
#' @export
dc_title = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "title",
  prefix = c(dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")

#' Has a DOI
#' @export
has_doi = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "doi",
  prefix = c(prism = "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/")

#' Has a Publisher
#' @export
has_publisher = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "publisher",
  prefix = c(dc = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/")

#' Has a Publisher
#' @export
has_publisher_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "publisher",
  prefix = c(dcterms = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")

#' Realization Of
#' @export
realization_of = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "realizationOf",
  prefix = c(frbr = "http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core#")

#' Realization Of
#' @export
realization = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "realization",
  prefix = c(frbr = "http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core#")

#' Creator (Author)
#' @export
creator = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "creator",
  prefix = c(dcterms = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")

#' Creator (Author)
#' @export
is_contained_by = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "isContainedBy",
  prefix = c(po = "http://www.essepuntato.it/2008/12/pattern#")

#' Creator (Author)
#' @export
has_content = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasContent",
  prefix = c(c4o = "http://purl.org/spar/c4o/")

#' Institutional Code
#' @export
institutional_code = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "institutional_code",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_type_status = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_coordinates = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_record_number = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_recorded_by = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_country = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_state_province = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_locality = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_collection_date = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' mentions
#' @export
mentions = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "mentions",
  prefix = c(pkm = "http://proton.semanticweb.org/protonkm#")

#' mentions habitat
#' @export
mentionsHabitat = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "mentionsHabitat",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' publication_date
#' @export
publication_date = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "publicationDate",
  prefix = c(prism = "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/")

#' Dwc Kingdom
#' @export
dwc_kingdom = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "kingdom",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc Phylum
#' @export
dwc_phylum = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "phylum",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc class
#' @export
dwc_class = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "class",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc order
#' @export
dwc_order = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "order",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc order
#' @export
dwc_family = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "family",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc genus
#' @export
dwc_genus = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "genus",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc genus
#' @export
dwc_subgenus = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "subgenus",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc genus
#' @export
dwc_species_ep = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "specificEpithet",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc genus
#' @export
dwc_subspecies_ep = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "infraspecificEpithet",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc genus
#' @export
dwc_subspecies_ep = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "infraspecificEpithet",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc Verbatim Rank
#' @export
has_verbatim_rank = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "verbatimTaxonRank",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc  Rank
#' @export
has_taxonomic_rank = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "taxonRank",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc Status
#' @export
has_taxonomic_status = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "taxonomicStatus",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Dwc IRI Status
#' @export
has_taxonomic_status_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "taxonomicStatus",
  prefix = c(dwciri = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/iri/")

#' Dwc IRI Rank
#' @export
has_taxonomic_rank_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "taxonRank",
  prefix = c(dwciri = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/iri/")

#' Dwc Authorshiop
#' @export
dwc_authorship = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "scientificNameAuthorship",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Secundum string
#' @export
has_secundum_string = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "nameAccordingTo",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Has Scientific Name
#' @export
has_scientific_name = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "scientificName",
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' Has Keyword
#' @export
has_keyword = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "keyword",
  prefix = c(prism = "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/")

#' Has Issue
#' @export
has_issue = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "number",
  prefix = c(prism = "http://prismstandard.org/namespaces/basic/2.0/")

#' @export
has_url = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasURL",
  prefix = c(fabio = "http://purl.org/spar/fabio/")

#' Has Affiliation
#' @export
has_affiliation = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "affiliation",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_inst = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasInstitution",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_instName = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasInstitutionName",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_instCode = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasInstitutionCode",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' Has email
#' @export
has_email = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "mbox",
  prefix = c(foaf = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")

#' Has Zoobank
#' @export
has_zoobank = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "zoobank",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_bin = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "BIN",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_bold = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "BOLD",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_identifier = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' @export
mentions_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
dwc_occurrence_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_location_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_identification_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_event_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_catalog_number = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_other_catalog_numbers = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_record_number = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_recorded_by = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_individual_count = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_sex = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_life_stage = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_coordinates = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_verbatim_lat = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_verbatim_long = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_decimal_long = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_decimal_lat = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_country = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_state_province = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_locality = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_elevation = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_depth = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_water_body = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_identified_by = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_collection_year = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_collection_month = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_collection_code = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_collection_day = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_event_date = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_sampling_protocol = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_habitat = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_inst_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
dwc_inst_code = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(dwc = "http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/")

#' @export
identifier_scheme =  rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(datacite = "http://purl.org/spar/datacite/")

#' @export
has_gbifID = rdf4r::identifier(
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
has_link = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasDownloadLink",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
relation = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "relation",
  prefix = c(dcterms = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/")

# THis is for inside use
#' @export
has_ref_id = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "hasBibReferenceID",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

# THis is for inside use
#Literary citation
#' @export
LitCitation = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "LitCitation",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

# THis is for inside use
#' @export
verbatimAuthor = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "verbatimAuthor",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

# THis is for inside use
#' @export
verbatimYear = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "verbatimYear",
  prefix = c(openbiodiv = "http://openbiodiv.net/")

#' @export
Reference = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "BibliographicReference",
  prefix = c(deo = "http://purl.org/spar/deo/")

#' @export
ReferenceList = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "BibliographicReferenceList",
  prefix = c(doco = "http://purl.org/spar/doco/")

#' @export
Bibliography = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "Bibliography",
  prefix = c(doco = "http://purl.org/spar/doco/")

#' @export
surname = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "surname",
  prefix = c(foaf = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")

#' @export
givenName = rdf4r::identifier(
  id = "givenName",
  prefix = c(foaf = "http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/")

# Table:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/Table>
#   comment: a table in a science article
# References:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/BibliographicReferenceList>
#   comment: a list of references at the end of a science article
# Acknowledgement:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/Afterword>
#   comment: an acknowledgement or afterword
# BackMatter:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/BackMatter>
#   comment: backmatter at the end of a science article
# Body:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/BodyMatter>
#   comment: body of an article

# FrontMatter:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/doco/FrontMatter>
#   comment: the front-matter of an article
# Caption:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/deo/Caption>
#   comment: a caption, e.g. of a figure
# #Reference: doco:Reference #
# #tnu: trt:TaxonNameUsage
# #plate: doco:Plate
# #scientific_name: trt:ScientificName
# #nomenclature: trt:Nomenclature
# #act: trt:NomenclaturalAct
# #valid_name: trt:ValidName
# #nomenclatural_citation: trt:NomenclaturalCitation
# DbpediaBiologicalThing :
#   uri: <http://umbel.org/umbel/rc/BiologicalLivingObject>
#   comment: the super-class for all species and higher-level taxa in dbpedia
# Subject_Term:
#   uri: <http://purl.org/spar/fabio/SubjectTerm>
#   comment: every keyword is in instance of subject term in some of the vocabularies
# LatinName:
#   uri: <http://openbiodiv.net/LatinName>
#   TaxonomicConceptLabel:
#   uri: <http://openbiodiv.net/TaxonomicConceptLabel>
#   TaxonomicNameUsage:
#   uri: <http://openbiodiv.net/TaxonomicNameUsage>
#   Treatment:
#   uri: <http://openbiodiv.net/Treatment>
pensoft/ropenbio documentation built on Dec. 17, 2020, 5:50 a.m.