# Load database
# Set one of the following environment variables
# Sys.setenv(R_CONFIG_ACTIVE = "shinyapps")
#Sys.setenv(R_CONFIG_ACTIVE = "local") # save to local postgres
# Sys.setenv(R_CONFIG_ACTIVE = "sandbox")
# Sys.setenv(R_CONFIG_ACTIVE = "localtest") # a database useful for testing
#' @title Crate a taster_db object and load all available Libreview glucose files from scratch
#' @param ps_database name of Postgres SQL catalog (aka database)
#' @export
load_db <- function(ps_database = "sandbox"){
db <- taster_db(ps_database)
# First build the user_list of all users known to the system (and their user_id)
write_user_list_from_scratch(con=db$con, user_list = user_df_from_libreview())
fill_glucose_records_from_scratch(con = db$con)
fill_taster_notes_from_scratch(con = db$con, taster_notes_df = run_taster_notes())
nutrisense_glucose <- load_nutrisense_csv_from_directory()
message("write nutrisense records to glucose_records")
DBI::dbWriteTable(db$con, "glucose_records", nutrisense_glucose, append = TRUE)
#' @title Create a taster_db object and load all available Libreview glucose files from scratch
#' @param db_name name of Postgres SQL catalog (aka database)
#' @export
load_db_efficient <- function(db_name = "sqldb"){
db <- taster_db(db_name)
# First build the user_list of all users known to the system (and their user_id)
write_user_list_from_scratch(con=db$con, user_list = user_df_from_libreview())
fill_glucose_records_from_scratch(con = db$con)
fill_taster_notes_from_scratch(con = db$con, taster_notes_df = run_taster_notes())
nutrisense_glucose <- load_nutrisense_csv_from_directory()
message("write nutrisense records to glucose_records")
DBI::dbWriteTable(db$con, "glucose_records", nutrisense_glucose, append = TRUE)
psi_make_glucose_table_with_index <- function (glucose_table) {
conn_args = config::get("dataconnection")
con <- DBI::dbConnect(
drv = conn_args$driver,
user = conn_args$user,
host = conn_args$host,
port = conn_args$port,
dbname = conn_args$dbname,
password = conn_args$password
psi_make_table_with_index(table_name = "glucose_records",
table = glucose_table,
index = list("timestamp")
#' @title Write a glucose dataframe to the database
#' @description
#' WARNING: always delete the table before running this on a `user_id` that's already in the database.
#' (it's not finished yet and doesn't take into account previous entries)
#' @param new_table valid formatted glucose dataframe
psi_write_glucose <- function(conn_args = config::get("dataconnection"),
user_id = 1235,
new_table=glucose_df_from_libreview_csv(user_id = 1235)) {
con <- DBI::dbConnect(
drv = conn_args$driver,
user = conn_args$user,
host = conn_args$host,
port = conn_args$port,
dbname = conn_args$dbname,
password = conn_args$password
ID <- user_id
psi_make_table_if_necessary(conn_args = conn_args, table = new_table)
maxDate <- tbl(con, table_name) %>% filter(user_id == ID) %>%
filter(time == max(time, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% pull(time)
maxDate <- if (length(maxDate > 0)) maxDate else NA
new_records <-
new_table %>% dplyr::filter(time > {if(is.na(maxDate)) min(time) else maxDate}) %>%
dplyr::filter(user_id == ID)
message(sprintf("write %d glucose records\n", nrow(new_records)))
# uncomment the following line to do the actual write to db
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "glucose_records", value = new_records, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
# uncomment the following line
# DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "notes_records", value = notes_records, row.names = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
#' @title Write a Notes CSV to the notes table in the database
#' @description
#' WARNING: this may not work correctly. debug before using
#' psi_write_notes(user_id = 1234, new_table = notes_df_from_glucose_table(user_id = 1234))
#' @param user_id user ID
#' @param new_table valid formatted notes dataframe
#' @param dry_run (default = TRUE). Run without actually writing to the database
psi_write_notes <- function(conn_args = config::get("dataconnection"),
user_id = 1235,
new_table=notes_df_from_csv(user_id = 1235),
dry_run = TRUE) {
con <- DBI::dbConnect(
drv = conn_args$driver,
user = conn_args$user,
host = conn_args$host,
port = conn_args$port,
dbname = conn_args$dbname,
password = conn_args$password
ID <- user_id
message("write notes records")
if (DBI::dbExistsTable(con, "notes_records"))
{message("Table 'notes_records' already exists")
} else {
message(paste("Writing to notes_records"))
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "notes_records", value = new_table, overwrite=TRUE)
maxDate <-
tbl(con, "notes_records") %>%
filter(user_id == ID) %>%
filter(Start == max(Start, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% collect() %>%
maxDate <- if(length(maxDate)>0) maxDate else {tbl(con, "notes_records") %>%
filter(Start == min(Start)) %>% collect() %>% pull(Start) }
new_records <-
new_table %>% dplyr::filter(user_id == ID) %>%
dplyr::filter(Start > {if(is.na(maxDate)) min(Start) else maxDate})
message("not going to actually write this")
} else {
# uncomment the following line to do the actual write to db
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "notes_records", value = new_records, row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
#' @title Fill database after dropping
#' @description
#' For debugging and dev purposes only. Loads the database tables from scratch.
#' @param conn_args database connection
#' @param drop nuke the exiting table if true (default)
#' @noRd
psi_fill_database_from_scratch <- function(conn_args = config::get("dataconnection"),
drop = TRUE) {
con <- DBI::dbConnect(
drv = conn_args$driver,
user = conn_args$user,
host = conn_args$host,
port = conn_args$port,
dbname = conn_args$dbname,
password = conn_args$password
if(drop) {
message("removing glucose records table")
DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, "glucose_records")
message("removing notes records")
DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, "notes_records")
martha_glucose <- system.file("extdata", package = "psiCGM", "Firstname1Lastname1_glucose.csv")
richard_glucose <- system.file("extdata", package = "psiCGM", "Firstname2Lastname2_glucose.csv")
message("write Martha glucose records")
psi_write_glucose(conn_args = conn_args,
user_id = 1235,
new_table=glucose_df_from_libreview_csv(file = martha_glucose, user_id = 1235))
message("Write Martha notes")
psi_write_notes(user_id = 1235, new_table=notes_df_from_csv(user_id = 1235))
message("write Richard glucose records")
psi_write_glucose(conn_args = conn_args,
user_id = 1234,
new_table=glucose_df_from_libreview_csv(file = richard_glucose, user_id = 1234))
# message("Append Richard Notes records (from glucose_records")
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, name = "notes_records", value = notes_df_from_glucose_table(user_id=1234), row.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)
# psi_write_notes(user_id = 1234, new_table = notes_df_from_glucose_table(user_id = 1234), dry_run = FALSE)
message("finished writing")
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