# reading notes
#' Read a raw Tastermonial CGM log (as downloaded from retool)
#' @param filepath path to a CSV download
taster_raw <- function( filepath = file.path(config::get("tastermonial")$datadir, "table-data.csv")) {
readr::read_csv(filepath, col_types = cols(
endEatingDate = col_character(),
productFdcID = col_double(),
barcode = col_double(),
notes = col_character(),
scannedTimeStamp = col_character(),
afterTags = col_character(),
isArchive = col_logical(),
user = col_character(),
netCarb = col_double(),
carb = col_double(),
servings = col_double(),
fiber = col_double(),
image = col_character(),
beforeTags = col_character(),
startEatingDate = col_character(),
type = col_character(),
name = col_character(),
`_id` = col_character(),
`__metadata` = col_character()
#' @title find user_id from first few chars in a name
#' @description Tastermonial users are kept in a JSON object with $email $name and $uid fields.
#' Unfortunately, the names are often not consistent with what we find in Libreview (e.g. Bude is Buda).
#' so this function attempts to match people based on the first name in the libreview list that matches initials.
#' @import dplyr stringr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
id_from_initial <- function(name_initials) {
name_lookup_table <- user_df_from_db() %>% transmute(name = paste(first_name,last_name), user_id )
names <- name_lookup_table %>% dplyr::filter(stringr::str_detect(name,name_initials)) %>% pull(user_id)
first_hit <- as.numeric(first(names))
return(if(is.na(first_hit)) 0 else first_hit)
#' @title usernames
#' @param taster_raw_data the CSV downloaded from retool
taster_usernames <- function(taster_raw_data) {
map(taster_raw_data, function(x) {unlist(jsonlite::fromJSON(x)[["name"]])}) %>% unlist() %>% str_trim() %>% unique()
taster_emails <- function(taster_raw_data) {
map(taster_raw_data, function(x) {unlist(jsonlite::fromJSON(x)[["email"]])}) %>% unlist() %>% str_trim() %>% unique()
name_from_taster <- function(json_object) {
parsed <- jsonlite::parse_json(json_object)[["name"]]
if (is.null(parsed)) NA
else return(stringr::str_trim(parsed, side = "both"))
#' @title Find user_id from a Tastermonial Json object
#' @param json_object a JSON-formatted object
#' @export
id_from_taster <- function(json_object) {
parsed <- jsonlite::parse_json(json_object)[["name"]]
if (is.null(parsed)) 0
else return(id_from_initial(stringr::str_sub(stringr::str_trim(parsed, side = "both"),1,3)))
# map_dbl(taster_names %>% map_chr(function(x){ if(!is.null(x)) str_sub(x, 1,3)
# else NA}), id_from_initial)
### How I made the conversion file
# t <- taster_raw_all %>%
# transmute(name = str_to_upper(str_squish(str_replace_all(name, "[^A-Za-z0-9']", " "))),
# productFdcID=as.character(productFdcID),
# type,barcode)
# pids <- t %>% drop_na(productFdcID) %>% distinct(pid =productFdcID) %>% pull(pid)
# up <- t %>% filter(productFdcID %in% pids) %>% distinct(name,productFdcID)
# up %>% group_by(pid = productFdcID) %>% summarize(n=n(), names = paste0(name)) %>% mutate(pid = paste0("\'",pid)) %>%
# clipr::write_clip(object_type = c("table"))
# name_convert_file <- read_csv(file=file.path(config::get("tastermonial")$datadir, "Tastermonial Name Mapping.csv"), col_types = "cdcc") %>%
# transmute(pid = str_replace_all(pid, "\'",""),names,simpleName)
#' Classify a Tastermonial food into limited categories
#' @param foodname a string representation of a name
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return character string representing simplifed name
taster_classify_food <- function(foodname) {
#' a CSV file with columns `pid`, `names`, and `simpleName` to convert from each format
taster_names_convert_table <- read_csv(file=file.path(config::get("tastermonial")$datadir,
"Tastermonial Name Mapping.csv"), col_types = "cdcc") %>%
mutate(name = Comment)
s <- taster_names_convert_table %>% filter(name == foodname) #%>% pull(simpleName)
if(nrow(s)>0) return(s %>% pull(simpleName))
else return("other")}
else return(NA)
#' @title Fill all Tastermonial notes
#' @param con database connection
#' @param drop nuke current table and start over if `TRUE` (default)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @param taster_note_df a notes dataframe
fill_taster_notes_from_scratch <- function(con, taster_notes_df, drop = TRUE) {
if(drop) {
message("removing notes records table")
DBI::dbRemoveTable(con, "notes_records")
DBI::dbWriteTable(con, "notes_records", taster_notes_df, append = TRUE)
message("wrote Taster Notes")
tbl(con, "notes_records") %>% distinct(`user_id`)
#' @title Read notes from old "typeform" csv
#' @import dplyr stringr lubridate
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return dataframe
taster_old_typeform <- function() {
taster_raw2_df <- taster_raw(filepath = file.path(config::get("tastermonial")$datadir, "FoodLogFireBasetable-data_ingestsept6.csv"))
message("process Firebase-formatted data")
taster_notes2_df <- taster_raw2_df %>% filter(!is.na(user)) %>%
transmute(Start = lubridate::parse_date_time(startEatingDate,
tz = Sys.timezone(),
orders = c("mdy HM", "Ymd HM")),
End = as_datetime(NA),
Activity = "Food",
Comment = str_to_upper(str_squish(str_replace_all(name, "[^A-Za-z,]", " "))),
Z = as.numeric(NA) ,
user_id = purrr::map_dbl(user, id_from_taster))
taster_notes2_df$Comment <- map_chr(taster_notes2_df$Comment, taster_classify_food)
#' @title (one-time only) Make a version of the Typeform data with correct timezone info
#' @description This function should only be needed one time. Use it to write a new file
#' and have that be the source for future access to the old Typeform data.
#' @return dataframe
transform_old_typeform <- function() {
exceptions <- read_csv(file.path(config::get("tastermonial")$datadir,"Tastermonial_Exceptions.csv")) %>% mutate(fullname=paste(first_name, last_name))
old <- taster_old_typeform()
old$username <- old$user_id %>% map_chr(function(x) {name_for_user_id(x)})
old$tz <- map_chr(old, function(x) {})
new_tz <- if (libreview_name %in% exceptions$fullname) {
new_tz <- filter(exceptions,fullname == libreview_name) %>% pull(timezone)
message(sprintf("timezone exception for %s is %s", libreview_name, new_tz))
if(!is.null(new_tz)) new_tz else Sys.timezone()
} else Sys.timezone()
#' @title Read notes from the iPhone app csv
#' @description There's no need to correct for time zone because the Retool data is already
#' timestamped with UTC.
#' @import dplyr stringr lubridate
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @return dataframe
taster_from_retool_csv <- function() {
taster_raw_df <- taster_raw(filepath = file.path(config::get("tastermonial")$datadir, "table-data.csv"))
taster_notes_df1 <- taster_raw_df %>% transmute(Start = lubridate::parse_date_time(startEatingDate,
orders = c("dmY HM p z", "dmY HM z")),
End = as_datetime(NA),
Activity = "Food",
Comment = str_to_upper(str_squish(str_replace_all(name, "[^A-Za-z,]", " "))),
Z = as.numeric(NA),
user_id = purrr::map_dbl(user, id_from_taster))
taster_notes_df1$Comment <- map_chr(taster_notes_df1$Comment, taster_classify_food)
#' @title main function to read notes
#' @import dplyr stringr lubridate
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @export
run_taster_notes <- function(){
message("read table_data.csv")
taster_notes_df1 <- taster_from_retool_csv()
taster_notes_from_old_format <- taster_old_typeform()
# TODO taster_notes2_df must correct for time zone.
message("combine notes data")
taster_notes_df <- bind_rows(taster_notes_from_old_format,taster_notes_df1)
#' @title make a dataframe for experiments
#' @description Currently just reads the experiments as written to a CSV
#' Ideally this lets you generate a new CSV as appropriate
#' Needs to be filled in with code that reads a list of
#' experiments and prepares them for writing to the database
experiment_df <- function(filepath = file.path(config::get("tastermonial")$datadir, "tastermonial_experiments.csv")){
exp_csv <- readr::read_csv(filepath)
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