
#' Build objects related to spatial information
#' \code{Spatial_Information_Fn} builds a tagged list with all the spatial information needed for \code{Data_Fn}
#' @param n_x, the number of vertices in the SPDE mesh (determines the spatial resolution when Method="Mesh")
#' @param Lon, Longitude for each sample
#' @param Lat, Latitude for each sample
#' @param Method, a character of either "Grid" or "Mesh" where "Grid" is a 2D AR1 process, and "Mesh" is the SPDE method with geometric anisotropy
#' @param Extrapolation_List, the output from \code{Prepare_Extrapolation_Data_Fn}
#' @param grid_size_km, the distance between grid cells for the 2D AR1 grid (determines spatial resolution when Method="Grid") when not using \code{Method="Spherical_mesh"}
#' @param grid_size_LL, the distance between grid cells for the 2D AR1 grid (determines spatial resolution when Method="Grid") when using \code{Method="Spherical_mesh"}
#' @param ..., additional arguments passed to \code{Calc_Kmeans}

#' @return Tagged list containing objects for running a VAST model
#' \describe{
#'   \item{MeshList}{A tagged list with inputs related to the SPDE mesh}
#'   \item{GridList}{A tagged list with inputs related to the 2D AR1 grid}
#'   \item{a_xl}{A data frame with areas for each knot and each strattum}
#'   \item{loc_UTM}{A data frame with the converted UTM coordinates for each sample}
#'   \item{Kmeans}{Output from \code{Calc_Kmeans} with knots for a triangulated mesh}
#'   \item{knot_i}{The knot associated with each sample}
#'   \item{Method}{The Method input (for archival purposes)}
#'   \item{loc_x}{The UTM location for each knot}
#' }

#' @export
Spatial_Information_Fn = function( n_x, Lon, Lat, Extrapolation_List, Method="Mesh", grid_size_km=50, grid_size_LL=1, ... ){

  # Convert to an Eastings-Northings coordinate system
  if( Method=="Spherical_mesh" ){
    loc_i = data.frame( 'Lon'=Lon, 'Lat'=Lat )
    # Bounds for 2D AR1 grid
    Grid_bounds = (grid_size_km/110) * apply(Extrapolation_List$Data_Extrap[,c('Lon','Lat')]/(grid_size_km/110), MARGIN=2, FUN=function(vec){trunc(range(vec))+c(0,1)})

    # Calculate k-means centroids
    Kmeans = SpatialDeltaGLMM::Calc_Kmeans(n_x=n_x, loc_orig=loc_i[,c("Lon", "Lat")], ... )

    # Calculate grid for 2D AR1 process
    loc_grid = expand.grid( 'Lon'=seq(Grid_bounds[1,1],Grid_bounds[2,1],by=grid_size_LL), 'Lat'=seq(Grid_bounds[1,2],Grid_bounds[2,2],by=grid_size_LL) )
    Which = sort(unique(RANN::nn2(data=loc_grid, query=Extrapolation_List$Data_Extrap[which(Extrapolation_List$Area_km2_x>0),c('Lon','Lat')], k=1)$nn.idx[,1]))
    loc_grid = loc_grid[Which,]
    grid_num = RANN::nn2( data=loc_grid, query=loc_i, k=1)$nn.idx[,1]
  if( Method %in% c("Mesh","Grid") ){
    loc_i = SpatialDeltaGLMM::Convert_LL_to_UTM_Fn( Lon=Lon, Lat=Lat, zone=Extrapolation_List$zone, flip_around_dateline=Extrapolation_List$flip_around_dateline )                                                         #$
    loc_i = cbind( 'E_km'=loc_i[,'X'], 'N_km'=loc_i[,'Y'])
    ind <- loc_i[,2]>6000
    loc_i[ind,2] <- loc_i[ind,2] - 10000
    # Bounds for 2D AR1 grid
    Grid_bounds = grid_size_km * apply(Extrapolation_List$Data_Extrap[,c('E_km','N_km')]/grid_size_km, MARGIN=2, FUN=function(vec){trunc(range(vec))+c(0,1)})

    # Calculate k-means centroids
    Kmeans = SpatialDeltaGLMM::Calc_Kmeans(n_x=n_x, loc_orig=loc_i[,c("E_km", "N_km")], ... )

    # Calculate grid for 2D AR1 process
    loc_grid = expand.grid( 'E_km'=seq(Grid_bounds[1,1],Grid_bounds[2,1],by=grid_size_km), 'N_km'=seq(Grid_bounds[1,2],Grid_bounds[2,2],by=grid_size_km) )
    Which = sort(unique(RANN::nn2(data=loc_grid, query=Extrapolation_List$Data_Extrap[which(Extrapolation_List$Area_km2_x>0),c('E_km','N_km')], k=1)$nn.idx[,1]))
    loc_grid = loc_grid[Which,]
    grid_num = RANN::nn2( data=loc_grid, query=loc_i, k=1)$nn.idx[,1]

  # Calc design matrix and areas
  if( Method=="Grid" ){
    knot_i = grid_num
    loc_x = loc_grid
  if( Method %in% c("Mesh","Spherical_mesh") ){
    knot_i = Kmeans$cluster
    loc_x = Kmeans$centers
  PolygonList = Calc_Polygon_Areas_and_Polygons_Fn( loc_x=loc_x, Data_Extrap=Extrapolation_List[["Data_Extrap"]], a_el=Extrapolation_List[["a_el"]])
  a_xl = PolygonList[["a_xl"]]

  # Convert loc_x back to location in lat-long coordinates loc_x_LL
  # if zone=NA or NULL, then it automatically detects appropriate zone
  #tmpUTM = cbind('PID'=1,'POS'=1:nrow(loc_x),'X'=loc_x[,'E_km'],'Y'=loc_x[,'N_km'])
  #attr(tmpUTM,"projection") = "UTM"
  #attr(tmpUTM,"zone") = Extrapolation_List$zone
  #loc_x_LL = PBSmapping::convUL(tmpUTM)                                                         #$

  # Make mesh and info for anisotropy  SpatialDeltaGLMM::
  MeshList = Calc_Anisotropic_Mesh( Method=Method, loc_x=Kmeans$centers )

  # Make matrices for 2D AR1 process
  Dist_grid = dist(loc_grid, diag=TRUE, upper=TRUE)
  M0 = as( ifelse(as.matrix(Dist_grid)==0, 1, 0), "dgTMatrix" )
  M1 = as( ifelse(as.matrix(Dist_grid)==grid_size_km, 1, 0), "dgTMatrix" )
  M2 = as( ifelse(as.matrix(Dist_grid)==sqrt(2)*grid_size_km, 1, 0), "dgTMatrix" )
  if( Method=="Spherical_mesh" ) GridList = list("M0"=M0, "M1"=M1, "M2"=M2, "grid_size_km"=grid_size_LL)
  if( Method %in% c("Mesh","Grid") ) GridList = list("M0"=M0, "M1"=M1, "M2"=M2, "grid_size_km"=grid_size_km)

  # Return
  Return = list("MeshList"=MeshList, "GridList"=GridList, "a_xl"=a_xl, "loc_i"=loc_i, "Kmeans"=Kmeans, "knot_i"=knot_i, "Method"=Method, "loc_x"=loc_x, "PolygonList"=PolygonList, "NN_Extrap"=PolygonList$NN_Extrap)
  return( Return )
peterkuriyama/tunast documentation built on May 28, 2019, 4:39 p.m.