Defines functions RNNE

Documented in RNNE

#' @title Ensemble of Random Neural Networks
#' @description This function trains an ensemble of random neural networks 
#'     using balanced bootstrapped data
#' @author Peter Xenopoulos 
#' @param formula Formula for containing outcome and all of the predictors of interest
#' @param train Training dataset
#' @param mtry Number of predictors to randomly try
#' @param all.vars Boolean value to indicate whether or not to take all variables
#' @param total.nets Number of total networks to train
#' @param max.it Number of iterations for training a network
#' @param verbose Whether or not to be verbose
#' @param n.cores Number of cores to use
#' @return A list with each element as a neural network
#' @keywords neural network, random ensemble, random neural network, balanced bootstrap
#' @export
#' @import parallel
#' @import doParallel
#' @import dplyr
#' @import darch
#' @examples
#' RNNE(formula, train, mtry = 3, all.vars = F, total.nets = 10, max.it = 50, verbose = TRUE, n.cores = 1)

RNNE <- function(formula,
                 mtry = 1,
                 all.vars = FALSE,
                 total.nets = 1,
                 max.it = 50,
                 verbose = FALSE,
                 n.cores = 1) {

  # Trains an ensemble of random neural networks
  #    using balanced bootstrapped data
  # Args:
  #   formula       : Formula used for model, e.g. y~x1+x2+x3
  #   train         : Training data set
  #   mtry          : Number of randomly selected variables to try for
  #                      each individual neural network
  #   all.vars      : Boolean to include all features
  #   total.nets    : Total number of neural networks to use
  #   max.it        : Max iterations for training MLP NN
  #   verbose       : Whether or not to be verbose with output
  #   n.cores       : Number of cores to use (if parallel)
  # Returns:
  #   Returns list of trained neural networks
  # Notes:
  #   Code cleaned using lintr
  # Imports:
  #   parallel   : Used for parallel processing
  #   doParallel : Used for parallel processing
  #   dplyr      : Used for data manipulation
  #   darch      : Used for deep architectures

  ### Error Handling ###

  # See that train is a data frame
  if (class(train) != "data.frame") {
    stop("Training data must be a of class `data.frame`!")

  # See that mtry is >= 1
  if (mtry < 1) {
    stop("Parameters mtry is invalid!")

  # See that total.nets is >= 1
  if (total.nets < 1) {
    stop("Parameters total.nets is invalid!")

  # See that cores is acceptable
  avail.cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1  # Find available cores
  if (n.cores > avail.cores) {
    stop("Too many cores selected! Use `detectCores()-1`!")
  if (n.cores < 1) {
    stop("Cores can't be negative!")
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(n.cores)  # Start parallel
  doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl)  # Register parallel cluster

  if (verbose) {
    print("PASSED ERROR HANDLING ...")

  ### End Error Handling ###

  # Get the data into a workable frame
  model.data <- model.frame(formula, train)

  # Get the variable names
  resp <- all.vars(formula)[1]  # Outcome
  preds <- all.vars(formula)[-1]  # Predictors

  # Start to find the minority class
  tab <- table(model.data[, 1]) / nrow(model.data)

  # Determine what the majority is
  majority <- names(tab[2])
  if (tab[1] > 0.5) {
    majority <- names(tab[1])

  # Get majority and minority separated df's
  maj <- dplyr::filter(model.data, model.data[, 1] == majority)
  min <- dplyr::filter(model.data, model.data[, 1] != majority)
  min.cases <- nrow(min)  # Get number of minority cases

  if (verbose) {

  # Create an empty model list to hold our ensemble
  model.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = total.nets)

  if (verbose) {

  model.list <- foreach(n = 1:total.nets) %do% {
    # Start balanced resampling
    # Grab all of minority and equal number of majority
    maj.sample <- dplyr::sample_n(maj, min.cases, replace = TRUE)
    min.sample <- dplyr::sample_n(min, min.cases, replace = TRUE)

    # Put both into training set called `train.boot`
    train.boot <- rbind(maj.sample, min.sample)  # Combine the data

    # Determine the random subset of vars
    sampled.vars <- unique(sample(preds, mtry, replace = TRUE))
    new.formula <- reformulate(sampled.vars, response = resp)
    # If all.vars is TRUE, then take all of the variables
    if (all.vars == TRUE) {
      new.formula <- reformulate(preds, response = resp)

    # Train deep belief networks
    dbn <- darch::darch(new.formula,
                   darch.fineTuneFunction = "backpropagation",
                   darch.numEpochs = max.it,
                   darch.returnBestModel = TRUE)

  parallel::stopCluster(cl)  # Stop parallel ops

  return(model.list)  # Return ensemble of models
peterxeno/DeepBalance documentation built on May 3, 2019, 10:44 p.m.