Whittaker: Whittaker's index of overall association in a community...

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View source: R/measures_for_incidence_matrices.R


This metric is equivalent to calculating the classical Whittaker's beta diversity on a transposed matrix. The impulse to use this metric for species associations arose during a discussion with Aniko Toth at IBS 2019 conference in Malaga. We then found out that Arita (2015) also used the same idea. Note: Before the calculation, species (rows) with zero occurrences, and sites (columns) with zero species are removed from m.


Whittaker(m, clean = TRUE)



Community data matrix with species as rows and sites as columns. Can contain either incidences (1/0) or abundances (natural numbers).


Logical. Do you want to remove zero-sum rows or columns? When the index needs the "d" fraction (sites where no species occurs), only zero-sum rows are removed.


A single number, which is the ratio of mean occupancy and the number of


Arita H. (2015) Multisite and multispecies measures of overlap, co-occurrence and co-diversity. Ecography 40: 709-718.

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