sim.comm.jittered: Function that simulates a "jittered" community

Description Usage Arguments

View source: R/point_patterns_simulated_communities.R


The simulation proceeds as: 1. Generate point pattern for the most abundant (master) species, with a given variance 'var.consp' giving the spread of the points along the x and y axis 2. Generate smoothed density of the master points, with a given gaussian kernel width 'var.intersp'. The steeper the kernel, the closer will be the points of the other species to the mother species. 3. For each other species in the vector, draw points from the smoothed density surface, with a given abundance Note: Master species is the most abundant species, i.e. species 1.


sim.comm.jittered(abund.vect, var.consp, var.intersp)



vector of (integer) abundances of species in a community


conspecific variance, i.e. spread of points in the master species


interspecific variance, i.e. width of the density kernel

petrkeil/spasm documentation built on Jan. 15, 2021, 6:08 p.m.