
Defines functions sim.comm.fractal fractal.norm.raster sim.pair PDFtexp ppp.to.siteXspec sim.comm.jittered sim.comm.centered rpoint.MVN dpoint.MVN.image dpoint.MVN

Documented in dpoint.MVN dpoint.MVN.image PDFtexp rpoint.MVN sim.comm.centered sim.comm.jittered sim.pair

#' Bivariate probablity density (PD) function in a 2D square
#' Evaluates probability density at a point specified by x and y coordinates,
#' given the bivariate normal distribution with x.centr and y.centr means,
#' with 0 covariance, and with variance var along both axes.
#' @param x x Coordinates of points whose PD should be evaluated.
#' @param y y Coordinates of points whose PD should be evaluated.
#' @param var Variance of the PDF, which is the same in x and y direction. Note: covariance is 0.
#' @param x.centr x coordinate of the mean in the 2D space
#' @param y.centr y coordinate of the mean in the 2D space
#' @import spatstat
#' @import mvtnorm

dpoint.MVN <- function(x, y, var, x.centr, y.centr)
  sigma = matrix(c(var, 0, 0, var), nrow=2, ncol=2)
  dmvnorm(x=cbind(x,y), mean = c(x.centr, y.centr), sigma)

# Test:
# dpoint.MVN (0.1, 0.1, var=0.1, x.centr=0.1, y.centr=0.1)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Funciton that generates the MVN density as a pixel image
#' @inheritParams dpoint.MVN
#' @export

dpoint.MVN.image <- function(var, x.centr, y.centr)
  W <- square()
  Z <- as.im(dpoint.MVN, var = var, x.centr = x.centr, y.centr = y.centr, W)

# Test:
# plot(dpoint.MVN.image(var=0.1, 0.5, 0.5))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Function that generates n points in a 2D space with a bivariate normal PDF,
#' given the variance, and xy coordinates of the centre of the PDF.

#' @inheritParams dpoint.MVN
#' @param n number of points
#' @export

rpoint.MVN <- function(n, var, x.centr, y.centr)
  spec <- rpoint(n = n, f = dpoint.MVN ,
                 var = var, x.centr = x.centr, y.centr=y.centr)

# Test:
# a <- rpoint.MVN(n = 100, var = 1, x.centr=0.5, y.centr=0.5); plot(a)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Function that simulates a "centered" community

#' The simulation proceeds in 2 steps:
#' 1. Genreate set of 'mother points' from the bivariate normal, with a given var.intersp.
#' 2. Treat each 'mother point' as a centre of a cluster of points of a given species,
#'    with var.consp as the "spread" of the cluster.

#' @param abund.vect vector of (integer) abundances of species in a community
#' @param var.consp conspecific variance, i.e. spread of points in a single species
#' @param var.intersp interspecific variance, i.e. spread of the mother points
#' @import spatstat
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @export

sim.comm.centered <- function(abund.vect, var.consp, var.intersp)
  sp.centres <- rpoint.MVN(n=length(abund.vect),
                           x.centr=0.5, y.centr=0.5)

  sp.centres.coords <- coords(sp.centres)

  # generate density for each species, with its unique center
  comm <- list()
  for(i in 1:length(abund.vect))
    sp <- rpoint.MVN(n = abund.vect[i],
                     var = var.consp,
                     x.centr = sp.centres.coords[i,1],
                     y.centr = sp.centres.coords[i,2])
    comm[[i]] <- data.frame(coords(sp), species = i)
  comm <- do.call("rbind", comm)
  comm <- ppp(x = comm$x,
              marks = as.factor(paste("sp", comm$species, sep="")),
              window = square())

# Test:
# a <- sim.comm.centered(abund.vect  = c(2,4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128),
#                       var.consp   = 0.01,
#                       var.intersp = 0.1); plot(split(a))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Function that simulates a "jittered" community
#' The simulation proceeds as:
#' 1. Generate point pattern for the most abundant (master) species,
#'    with a given variance 'var.consp' giving the spread of the points
#'    along the x and y axis
#' 2. Generate smoothed density of the master points, with a
#'    given gaussian kernel width 'var.intersp'. The steeper the kernel,
#'    the closer will be the points of the other species to the mother species.
#' 3. For each other species in the vector, draw points from the smoothed
#'    density surface, with a given abundance
#' Note: Master species is the most abundant species, i.e. species 1.
#' @param abund.vect vector of (integer) abundances of species in a community
#' @param var.consp conspecific variance, i.e. spread of points in the master species
#' @param var.intersp interspecific variance, i.e. width of the density kernel
#' @import spatstat
#' @export

sim.comm.jittered <- function(abund.vect, var.consp, var.intersp)
  # spread the points of the most abundant "master" species
  master.species <- rpoint.MVN(n=max(abund.vect),
                               x.centr=0.5, y.centr=0.5)
  # generate desnity surface of the master points, with a kernel width
  # that is given by var.intersp
  master.dens <- density(master.species,
                         sigma = var.intersp,
                         positive = TRUE)

  comm <- list()
  comm[[1]] <- data.frame(coords(master.species), species = 1)

  abund.vect <- sort(abund.vect, decreasing = TRUE)

  # for each species except for the most abundant one
  for(i in 2:(length(abund.vect)))
    # generate random points with a given abundance and with master density
    sp <- rpoint(n = abund.vect[i],
                 f = master.dens)
    comm[[i]] <- data.frame(coords(sp), species = i)
  comm <- do.call("rbind", comm)
  comm <- ppp(x = comm$x,
              marks = as.factor(paste("sp", comm$species, sep="")),
              window = square())

# Test:
# a <- sim.comm.jittered(abund.vect  = c(2,4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128),
#                       var.consp   = 0.01,
#                       var.intersp = 0.01); plot(split(a))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function that converts the marked ppp object generated by multi.spec.MVN (above)
# to a siteXspec matrix. Grain is the number of grid cells along side of the
# big square.

ppp.to.siteXspec <- function(comm.ppp, grain)
  comm.ppp <- split(comm.ppp)
  comm.im  <- lapply(comm.ppp, FUN = as.im, dimyx = c(grain, grain))
  comm.num <- lapply(comm.im,  FUN = as.numeric)
  siteXspec<- do.call("cbind", comm.num)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Truncated exponential probability density function
#' This is the probability density function from Keil (2014) PeerJ: https://peerj.com/preprints/446/.
#' @param d a vector or scalar representing spatial distance
#' @param alpha the main parameter of the function
#' @param dlim the two truncation points of the function (default is 0 and 1)
#' @return Probabiliy densities for each of the d values.
#' @export

PDFtexp <- function(d, alpha,  dlim= c(0,1))
  a <- dlim[1]
  b <- dlim[2]

  # flip the sign of the alpha parameter (for better interpretability)
  alpha <- alpha*(-1)

  # the limiting case where the PDF is uniform:
  if(alpha==0) pd <- rep(1, times=length(d))
  # else, proceed according to the formula
  else pd <- (alpha*exp(alpha*d)) / (exp(alpha*b) - exp(alpha*a))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Two point patterns with a given attraction or repulsion
#' @param abund.vect 2-element vector with abundances (# of individuals) of the
#' two species for which the pattern will be simulated.
#' @param var.intersp interspecific variance, i.e. width of the density kernel.
#' It's a positive number, and the closer is the value to 0 the stronger the
#' intraspecific aggregation.
#' @param alpha inter-specific association (attraction) or repulsion. Values < 0 are
#' for repulsion, 0 is no relationship, values > 0 are attraction
#' @param plot.comm should the pattern be plotted?
#' @import spatstat
#' @import mvtnorm
#' @export

sim.pair <- function(abund.vect, var.consp , alpha, plot.comm=FALSE)
  # spread the points of species 1
  sp1 <- rpoint.MVN(n=abund.vect[1],
                      x.centr=runif(1, 0, 1), y.centr= runif(1, 0, 1))

  sp1.dist <- sp1.prob <- distmap(sp1)
  sp1.prob[] <- PDFtexp(sp1.dist[], alpha)

  sp2 <- rpoint(n = abund.vect[2], f = sp1.prob)

  sp1 <- data.frame(coords(sp1), species = 1)
  sp2 <- data.frame(coords(sp2), species = 2)

  sp12 <- rbind(sp1, sp2)
  comm <- ppp(x = sp12$x,
              marks = as.factor(paste("sp", sp12$species, sep="")),
              window = square())

  if(plot.comm){plot(comm, cols = c("#f1a340","#998ec3"), main=NULL)}


# Test:
# a <- sim.pair(abund.vect  = c(100, 100),
#               var.consp = 0.01,
#               alpha   = -10,
#               plot.comm=TRUE)
# a

# These are things that I am still working on, or that I just don't want to
# loose, in case they are handy later.

fractal.norm.raster <- function(grains = c(64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2), seed = FALSE)

  # block the random number generator
  if(seed){ set.seed(seed)}

  sigma <- 1

  # initialize the algorithm at the coarsest resolution
  coarsest.grain <- min(grains)
  N <- coarsest.grain^2
  M = raster(matrix(rnorm(n=N, mean=0, sd = sigma), coarsest.grain, coarsest.grain))

  res <- list(M)

  for(i in 2:length(grains))
    M <- res[[i-1]]
    M <- disaggregate(M, fact = 2)
    N <- nrow(M)*nrow(M)
    X <- M
    X[] <- rnorm(N, mean = M[], sd = sigma)
    res[[i]] <- X

  X <- res[[length(grains)]]
  X <- as.im(as.matrix(X), W = square())
  # make everything on a positive scale and between 0 and 1
  X <- (X - min(X)) / max(X - min(X))

# Example:
# x <- fractal.norm.raster(); par(mfrow=c(1,2)); hist(x); plot(x)

sim.comm.fractal <- function(abund.vect, var.consp, var.intersp)

  # generate the fractal landscape
  x <- fractal.norm.raster(seed = 222)

  # sample niche optima for all species from a truncated normal distribution
  optima <- rtruncnorm(n=length(abund.vect),
                       a=0, b=1,
                       mean = 0.7, sd = var.intersp) # NOTE THE FIXED MEAN!!!!!

  comm <- list()

  # for each species
  for(i in 1:(length(abund.vect)))
    habitat.suitability <- x
    habitat.suitability[] <- dnorm(x[], mean = optima[i], sd = var.consp)

    # generate random points with a given abundance and density given
    # by the habitat suitability
    sp <- rpoint(n = abund.vect[i],
                 f = habitat.suitability)
    comm[[i]] <- data.frame(coords(sp), species = i)

  comm <- do.call("rbind", comm)
  comm <- ppp(x = comm$x,
              marks = as.factor(paste("sp", comm$species, sep="")),
              window = square())

# a <- sim.com.fractal(abund.vect  = c(2,4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128),
#                      var.consp   = 0.001,
#                      var.intersp = 0.001)
# plot(split(a))
petrkeil/spasm documentation built on Jan. 15, 2021, 6:08 p.m.