#' R6-Class OMLBot
#' Public Members:
#' task.id [character(1)]
#' task [Task]
#' initialize [function(task.id)]: instantiate a new bot with a given oml task.id
#' run [function(timeout)] : draw random learner/config and run the bot
#' Private Members:
#' learner [learner]
#' parset [ParamSet]
#' pars [list]
#' get_learner_and_config [function()]
#' run_internal [function()]
OMLBot = R6::R6Class("OMLBot",
public = list(
task.id = NULL,
filepath = NULL,
oml.task = NULL,
task = NULL,
learner = NULL,
timeout = NULL,
initialize = function(task.id) {
self$task.id = task.id
run = function (timeout = NULL, max.memory = NULL) {
# Set timeout
self$timeout = ifelse(is.null(timeout), Inf, assert_integerish(timeout))
self$oml.task = self$get_oml_task()
self$task = OpenML::convertOMLTaskToMlr(self$oml.task)$mlr.task
self$learner = private$get_learner_and_config()
self$learner = private$add_learner_wrappers()
measures = private$get_measures()
# Run training in a separate process with a specified timeout
callr::r(private$run_internal, args = list(oml.task = self$oml.task, lrn = private$learner, measures = measures),
timeout = self$timeout)
private = list(
learner = NULL,
parset = NULL,
pars = NULL,
get_learner_and_config = function() {makeLearner("classif.rpart", predict.type = "prob")},
add_learner_wrappers = function() {self$learner},
get_task_oml = function() {
if (is.null(self$filepath)) {
} else {
run_internal = function(oml.task, lrn, measures) {
options("mlr.show.info" = TRUE)
OpenML::runTaskMlr(task = oml.task, learner = lrn, measures = measures)
#' R6-Class OMLRandomBot
#' inherits from [OMLBot]
#' Public Members:
#' < inherited >
#' Private Members:
#' get_learner_and_config [function()]
#' sample_random_learner [function()]
#' get_learner_parset [function()]
#' sample_random_config [function()]
OMLRandomBot = R6::R6Class("OMLRandomBot",
inherit = OMLBot,
public = list(),
private = list(
#' Sample random learner and hyperpars, return configured learner
#' @return learner with matching parameter set
get_learner_and_config = function() {
private$learner = private$sample_random_learner()
private$parset = private$get_learner_parset()
private$pars = private$sample_random_config()
lrn = setHyperPars(private$learner, par.vals = private$pars)
lrn = wrapLearner(lrn)
#' Sample a random learner from a set of learners
#' @return list of one learner with matching parameter set
sample_random_learner = function() {
lrn = list_learners(self$task)
# Sample according to learner parameter set dimensions
lrn.probs = get_learner_probs(lrn)
lrn.cl = sample(lrn, size = 1, prob = lrn.probs)
lrn = makeLearner(lrn.cl)
# Set predict.type
if ("prob" %in% getLearnerProperties(lrn))
lrn = setPredictType(lrn, "prob")
#' Get a learner parset for a sampled learner
#' @return A ParamSet
get_learner_parset = function() {
get_parset(private$learner, self$oml.task)
#' Sample a random configuration for a selected learner
#' @return data.frame where each row is one valid configuration
sample_random_config = function() {
des = generateRandomDesign(1, private$parset, trafo = TRUE)
des = BBmisc::convertDataFrameCols(des, factors.as.char = TRUE)
des = as.list(des)
des = Filter(function(x) {!is.na(x)}, des)
get_measures = function() {
measures = list(acc, bac, auc, f1, brier, timetrain, timepredict, timeboth)
# No measures that require probs if learner can not do probabilities
if (getLearnerPredictType(private$learner) != "prob") {
probs.measures = listMeasures(self$task, properties = prop, create = TRUE)
measures = setdiff(measures, probs.measures)
# No measures that require binary class if task is multiclass.
measures = intersect(measures, listMeasures(self$task, create = TRUE))
wrap_learner = function() {
lrn = self$learner
# factors -> dummies
if (!("factors" %in% getLearnerProperties(self$learner)))
lrn = makeDummyFeaturesWrapper(lrn)
# FIXME: ? removeConstantFeatures
# FIXME: ? Impute
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