Man pages for phillc73/abettor
R bindings to Betfair API-NG

cancelOrdersCancel unmatched/partially matched bets.
getAccountDetailsChecks account details on Betfair.
getAccountFundsChecks account balance on Betfair.
getAccountStatementGet Account Statement
getDeveloperAppKeysGets all developer application keys from Betfair.
GetMyDataGetMyData function from Historic API
heartbeatBetfair Heartbeat API function
keepAlivePerform a keepAlive action on the Betfair API.
listClearedOrdersReturn settled Orders data
listCompetitionsReturn Competitions data
listCountriesReturn Countries data
listCurrencyRatesList Betfair's currency conversion rates.
listCurrentOrdersReturn Current Orders data
listEventsReturn listEvents data
listEventTypesReturn Event Types data
listMarketBookReturn listMarketBook data
listMarketCatalogueReturn listMarketCatalogue data
listMarketProfitAndLossReturn market profit and loss
listMarketTypesReturn Market Types data
listRaceDetailsReturns status details for horse and greyhound races
listRunnerBookReturn listRunnerBook data
listTimeRangesReturn listTimeRanges data
listVenuesReturn Venues data
loginBFLogin to Betfair, interactive end point.
logoutBFLogout from the Betfair API.
placeOrdersPlaces an order on the Betfair exchange.
replaceOrdersChange the price of a set of unmatched bets
updateOrdersChange bet persistence type
phillc73/abettor documentation built on June 10, 2022, 4:43 p.m.