listRunnerBook: Return listRunnerBook data

View source: R/listRunnerBook.R

listRunnerBookR Documentation

Return listRunnerBook data


listRunnerBook returns a list of dynamic data about a market and a specified runner. Dynamic data includes prices, the status of the market, the status of selections, the traded volume, and the status of any orders you have placed in the market.


  handicap = NULL,
  priceData = NULL,
  bestPricesDepth = 3,
  rollupModel = NULL,
  rollupLimit = NULL,
  virtualise = FALSE,
  rolloverStakes = FALSE,
  orderProjection = NULL,
  matchProjection = NULL,
  includeOverallPosition = TRUE,
  partitionMatchedByStrategyRef = FALSE,
  customerStrategyRefs = NULL,
  currencyCode = NULL,
  locale = NULL,
  matchedSince = (format(Sys.time() - 86400, "%Y-%m-%dT%TZ", tz = "UTC")),
  betIds = NULL,
  suppress = FALSE,
  sslVerify = TRUE



String. The market identification number of the required event. IDs can be obtained via listMarketCatalogue. Required. No default.


String. The selection (runner) identification number of the required event. IDs can be obtained via listMarketCatalogue. Required. No default.


Double. The handicap applied to the selection, if on an asian-style market. Optional. Defaults to 0, meaning no handicap. handicap must only be manually specified if betting on an Asian-style market. Optional. Default is NULL.


String. Supports five price data types, one of which must be specified. Valid price data types are SP_AVAILABLE, SP_TRADED, EX_BEST_OFFERS, EX_ALL_OFFERS and EX_TRADED. Must be upper case. See note below explaining each of these options. Optional. Default is NULL.


Integer. The maximum number of prices to return on each side for each runner. The default value is 3.


String. Determines the model to use when rolling up available sizes. The viable parameter values are "STAKE" (the volumes will be rolled up to the minimum value, which is >= rollupLimit); "PAYOUT" (the volumes will be rolled up to the minimum value, where the payout( price * volume ) is >= rollupLimit); "MANAGED_LIABILITY" (the volumes will be rolled up to the minimum value which is >= rollupLimit, until a lay price threshold. There after, the volumes will be rolled up to the minimum value such that the liability >= a minimum liability. Not supported as yet); "NONE" (No rollup will be applied. However the volumes will be filtered by currency specific minimum stake unless overridden specifically for the channel). The default value is NULL, which Betfair interprets as "STAKE".


Integer. The volume limit to use when rolling up returned sizes. The exact definition of the limit depends on the rollupModel. Ignored if no rollup model is specified. Optional. Default is NULL, which means it will use minimum stake as the default value.


Boolean. Indicates if the returned prices should include virtual prices. This is only applicable to EX_BEST_OFFERS and EX_ALL_OFFERS priceData selections. Default value is FALSE. Note that prices on website include virtual bets, so setting this parameter to FALSE may produce different results to manually checking the website. More information on virtual bets can be found here:


Boolean. Indicates if the volume returned at each price point should be the absolute value or a cumulative sum of volumes available at the price and all better prices. It is only applicable to EX_BEST_OFFERS and EX_ALL_OFFERS price projections. Optional. Default is FALSE. According to Betfair online documentation, this paramter is not supported as yet.


String. Restricts the results to the specified order status. Possible values are: "EXECUTABLE" (An order that has a remaining unmatched portion); "EXECUTION_COMPLETE" (An order that does not have any remaining unmatched portion); "ALL" (EXECUTABLE and EXECUTION_COMPLETE orders). Default value is NULL, which Betfair interprets as "ALL". Optional.


String. If orders are requested (see orderProjection), this specifies the representation of the matches. The three options are: "NO_ROLLUP" (no rollup, return raw fragments), "ROLLUP_BY_PRICE" (rollup matched amounts by distinct matched prices per side) and "ROLLED_UP_BY_AVG_PRICE" (rollup matched amounts by average matched price per side). Optional. Default is NULL.


Boolean. If you ask for orders, returns matches for each selection. Defaults to TRUE if unspecified.


Boolean. If you ask for orders, returns the breakdown of matches by strategy for each selection. Defaults to FALSE if unspecified.


Boolean. If you ask for orders, restricts the results to orders matching any of the specified set of customer defined strategies. Also filters which matches by strategy for selections are returned, if partitionMatchedByStrategyRef is TRUE. An empty set will be treated as if the parameter has been omitted (or NULL passed).


String. A Betfair standard currency code. If not specified, the default currency code is used. Default is NULL. Optional.


String. The language to be used where applicable. If not specified, the customer account default is returned. Default is NULL. Optional.


Date. If you ask for orders, restricts the results to orders that have at least one fragment matched since the specified date (all matched fragments of such an order will be returned even if some were matched before the specified date). All EXECUTABLE orders will be returned regardless of matched date. Default is 24 hours prior to current time. Format is %Y-%m-%dT%TZ, tz = "UTC". Times must be submitted in UTC as this is what is used by Betfair.


String. If you ask for orders, restricts the results to orders with the specified bet IDs. Omitting this parameter means that all bets will be included in the response. Please note: A maximum of 250 betIds can be provided at a time.


Boolean. By default, this parameter is set to FALSE, meaning that a warning is posted when the listRunnerBook call throws an error. Changing this parameter to TRUE will suppress this warning.


Boolean. This argument defaults to TRUE and is optional. In some cases, where users have a self signed SSL Certificate, for example they may be behind a proxy server, Betfair will fail login with "SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain". If this error occurs you may set sslVerify to FALSE. This does open a small security risk of a man-in-the-middle intercepting your login credentials.


listRunnerBook only takes one marketId and one selectionId in that market per request. If the selectionId being passed in is not a valid one or doesn’t belong in that market then the call will still work but only the market data is returned.


Response from Betfair is stored in listRunnerBook variable, which is then parsed from JSON as a list. Only the first item of this list contains the required event type identification details. The runners column includes various lists of price information, which may need to be reformatted (e.g. converted to data frames) depending on the user's circumstances. If the listRunnerBook call throws an error, a data frame containing error information is returned.

Notes on priceData options

There are five options for this argument and one of them must be specified. All upper case letters must be used.


Amount available for the Betfair Starting Price (BSP) auction.


Amount traded in the Betfair Starting Price (BSP) auction. Zero returns if the event has not yet started.


Only the best prices available for each runner.


EX_ALL_OFFERS trumps EX_BEST_OFFERS if both settings are present


Amount traded in this market on the Betfair exchange.

Note on listRunnerBookOps variable

The listRunnerBookOps variable is used to firstly build an R data frame containing all the data to be passed to Betfair, in order for the function to execute successfully. The data frame is then converted to JSON and included in the HTTP POST request.

See Also

loginBF, which must be executed first. Do NOT use the DELAY application key. The DELAY application key does not support price data.


## Not run: 
# Return all data on the requested runner This actual market and
selection ID is unlikely to work and is just for demonstration purposes.
listRunnerBook(marketId = "1.178523057", selectionId = 48470)

## End(Not run)

phillc73/abettor documentation built on June 10, 2022, 4:43 p.m.