listClearedOrders: Return settled Orders data

View source: R/listClearedOrders.R

listClearedOrdersR Documentation

Return settled Orders data


listClearedOrders Returns a list of settled bets based on the bet status, ordered by settled date. For more infromation, please consult the online documentation (


  betStatusValue = "SETTLED",
  eventTypeIds = NULL,
  eventIds = NULL,
  betIds = NULL,
  marketIds = NULL,
  runnerIds = NULL,
  sideValue = NULL,
  fromDate = NULL,
  toDate = NULL,
  groupByValue = NULL,
  includeItemDescriptionValue = NULL,
  fromRecordValue = NULL,
  recordCountValue = NULL,
  suppress = FALSE,
  flag = FALSE,
  sslVerify = TRUE



string. Restricts the results to the specified status. According to the online documentation, this paramter is not mandatory. However, it returns an empty data frame unless it's specified. Thus, by default, this parameter is set to "SETTLED" (matched bets that were settled normally). Alternative values are "VOIDED" (matched bets that were subsequently voided by Betfair, before, during or after settlement) , "LAPSED" (Unmatched bets that were cancelled by Betfair (for example at turn in play)) and "CANCELLED" (unmatched bets that were cancelled by an explicit customer action)


Vector<string>. Restrict the results to the specified event type IDs (e.g football = "1"). Optional.


Vector<string>. Restrict the results to the specified event IDs (e.g. c("27664019","27664123")). Optional.


Vector<string>. Restrict the results to the specified bet IDs (e.g. c("61529884133","61529884472")). Optional.


Vector<string>. Restrict the results to the specified market IDs (e.g. c("1.122841367","1.122814314")). Optional.


Vector<string>. Restrict the results to the specified runner IDs (e.g. c("1039206","8216044")). Optional.


string.Restrict the results to the specified side (i.e. "BACK" or "LAY"). Optional.


Datetime (ISO 8601 format). Upper bound of date range (inclusive). Default value is NULL, which means that the latest available items will be in range. Optional.


Datetime (ISO 8601 format). Lower bound of date range (inclusive). Default value is NULL, which means that the oldest available items will be in range. Optional.


string. Only applicable to the "SETTLED" betstatus, this parameter determines how the data is aggregated. THe default value is NULL, which means that the lowest level is returned (individual bet level). Alernative values are "EVENT_TYPE" (settled P&L, commission paid and number of bet orders aggregated over event type), "EVENT" (aggregated over different events), "MARKET" (aggregated over individual markets) and "SIDE" (an averaged roll up of settled P&L, and number of bets, on the specified side of a specified selection within a specified market, that are either settled or voided). Optional.


Boolean. Determines whether an ItemDescription (e.g. market and event information) object is included in the response The default value is NULL, which Betfair interprets as FALSE (i.e. no ItemDescription is returned) Optional.


int. Specifies the first record that will be returned. Records start at index zero. Default parameter value is NULL, which Betfair interprets as 0. Optional.


int. Specifies the maximum number of records to be returned. To retrieve more than 1000 records (the maxiumum by default), you need to utilise this parameter. Optional.


Boolean. By default, this parameter is set to FALSE, meaning that a warning is posted when the listClearedOrders call throws an error. Changing this parameter to TRUE will suppress this warning.


Boolean. RCurl::postForm returns a warning if there's more records than the limit of 1000 (or limit specified by the record parameters) that can be returned in one call. By default, this parameter is set to FALSE, meaning this warning is not flagged. Changing this parameter to TRUE will result in warnings being posted.


Boolean. This argument defaults to TRUE and is optional. In some cases, where users have a self signed SSL Certificate, for example they may be behind a proxy server, Betfair will fail login with "SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain". If this error occurs you may set sslVerify to FALSE. This does open a small security risk of a man-in-the-middle intercepting your login credentials.


Response from Betfair is stored in listMarketBook variable, which is then parsed from JSON as a list. Only the first item of this list contains the required event type identification details.

Note on listMarketBookOps variable

The listMarketBookOps variable is used to firstly build an R data frame containing all the data to be passed to Betfair, in order for the function to execute successfully. The data frame is then converted to JSON and included in the HTTP POST request. If the listClearedOrders call throws an error, a data frame containing error information is returned.

See Also

loginBF, which must be executed first. Do NOT use the DELAY application key. The DELAY application key does not support price data.


## Not run: 
Return 100 settled bets (with market,event,runner information)
for the last 2 days or so.

listClearedOrders(toDate = format(Sys.time()-200000, "%Y-%m-%dT"),
                 includeItemDescriptionValue = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

phillc73/abettor documentation built on June 10, 2022, 4:43 p.m.