Man pages for picardis/nestR
Estimation of Bird Nesting from Tracking Data

attempt_limitsDetermine start and end dates of nesting attempt
candidate_summarySummarize number of points within candidate buffers
check_inputCheck input data format
choose_overlappingHandle overlapping attempts
compare_buffersPerform sensitivity analysis of buffer size for nest...
date_handlerProcess dates and subset data within nesting season
discriminate_nestsFind set/s of parameter values to discriminate nests
dist_matCalculate distance matrix between points in the data
estimate_outcomesEstimate nesting outcomes
explore_nestsLaunch Shiny app for nesting data exploration
find_nestsFind nest locations from GPS data
format_attemptsFormat data for nesting outcome estimation
get_candidatesGet top candidate nests from possible competitors
get_candidates_multiGet top candidate nests from possible competitors (multiple...
get_explodataExtract nests and non-nests from revisited locations
initialize_zSet initial known-state values prior to JAGS MCMC
nestRnestR: A package Analysis of movement recursions to detect...
nestR-packagenestR: Estimation of Bird Nesting from Tracking Data
perf_metricsCompute nest-detection performance metrics
pipePipe operator
plot_detectionPlot detection probability over time from MCMC run
plot_nest_survPlot nest survival over time from MCMC run
plot_survivalPlot survival over time from MCMC run
revisit_statsCalculate revisitation patterns
rle_to_consecCalculate consecutive days visited
summarize_outcomesSummary of outcomes from MCMC run
visit_rleRun-length encoding of nest visits
picardis/nestR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 6:35 p.m.