perf_metrics: Compute nest-detection performance metrics

perf_metricsR Documentation

Compute nest-detection performance metrics


perf_metrics calculates nest detection performance metrics based on the results of find_nests and data on known nest locations. The user defines the spatial tolerance threshold between the estimated location of a nest and its real (known) location. The performance metrics are defined as follows:


perf_metrics(gps_data, nest_info, known_coords, min_consec, sp_tol = 100)



Original data.frame of movement data. Needs to include burst, date, long, lat


Output of find_nests


data.frame of coordinates for known nests. Needs to include burst, long, lat


The minimum number of consecutive days visited that was used when running find_nests


Integer. Spatial tolerance value: maximum distance tolerated between the estimated location of a nest and its actual (known) location. Defaults to 100 meters.


  • Positive predictive value, i.e., the proportion of identified nests that are known to be true nests;

  • Sensitivity, i.e., the proportion of known nests that were successfully identified;

  • False negative rate, i.e., the proportion of known nests that we failed to identify.

The false positive rate, i.e., the proportion of spurious nests among those identified, is not computed because it would require the assumption that any nests that are detected but are not known are spurious, which is not reasonable in most situations.

picardis/nestR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 6:35 p.m.