summarize_outcomes: Summary of outcomes from MCMC run

View source: R/outcome_funs.R

summarize_outcomesR Documentation

Summary of outcomes from MCMC run


summarize_outcomes returns summary statistics of estimated nesting attempt outcomes.


summarize_outcomes(mcmc_obj, ci = 0.95)



List of mcarrays output by estimate_outcomes.


Numeric. Credible interval level.


The function takes as input a list of mcarrays output by estimate_outcomes and returns a list including the following:

  • mean, lower and upper credible interval values (at the level specified by the user) for both survival and detection probability, where applicable (depending on which model formula was chosen);

  • for each attempt, mean, lower and upper credible interval values of the probability of success and of the failure date. If the estimated probability of success is 1, the failure date corresponds to the duration of a complete nesting attempt.


A list with (a) the population-level survival and (b) detection parameters and (c) the individual nest fates

picardis/nestR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 6:35 p.m.