revisit_stats: Calculate revisitation patterns

View source: R/revisit_funs.R

revisit_statsR Documentation

Calculate revisitation patterns


revisit_stats calculates patterns of revisitation at candidate nests.


revisit_stats(dat, sub, sea_start, sea_end, min_d_fix, min_consec, nest_cycle)



data.frame. Original location data UPDATE


data.frame. Subset of movement data corresponding to candidate nests


Integer (if Julian day) or date in which the nesting season starts


Integer (if Julian day) or date in which the nesting season ends


Integer. Minimum number of fixes in a day for that day to be counted as not visited if a visit was not observed


Integer UPDATE


Integer UPDATE


This is a wrapper function that calls visit_rle, rle_to_consec, and attempt_limits.

For each candidate nest, the function computes the first and last day when the location was visited, the total number of visits, the number of days in which it was visited, the percent of days with a visit, the attendance on the day with the most visits (percent locations at the nest over the total number of fixes on that day), the longest series of consecutive days visited, and the estimated start and end dates of the nesting attempt.

On days when no visit was recorded, two cases are possible: either the nest was truly not visited, or visits were missed. On days with few fixes, there is a higher chance of missing a visit given that it happened. Missed visit detections can interrupt an otherwise continuos strike of days visited. To counteract possible issues due to missed visit detections, the user can define min_d_fix to set a minimum number of fixes that have to be available in a day with no visits for that day to be retained when counting consecutive days visited. If a day with no visits and fewer fixes than min_d_fix interrupts a sequence of consecutive days visited, it does not get considered and the sequence gets counted as uninterrupted.


Returns data.frame with revisitation statistics for each candidate nest.

picardis/nestR documentation built on July 2, 2024, 6:35 p.m.