
Defines functions H_bar

Documented in H_bar

#'@rdname H_bar
#'@title Compute unbiased estimators from coupled chains
#'@description Compute unbiased estimators based on coupled chains.
#' Presumably generated via \code{\link{sample_coupled_chains}}.
#' The test function h should take a "chain_state" as argument and return a numeric vector.
#' The estimand of interest is \eqn{\int h(x) \pi(x) dx}, where \eqn{\pi} is the invariant distribution
#' of the chains.
#' The lag is inferred from the coupled chains, so there's no argument to specify it.
#'@param c_chains A list containing coupled chains generated by \code{\link{sample_coupled_chains}}.
#'@param h A test function of interest, which should take a chain state ("chain_state" entry of the output of "rinit", for instance)
#'and return a numeric vector
#'@param k An integer at which to start computing the unbiased estimator; should be less than m
#'@param m A time horizon: should be less than the length of the chains; typically the same
#'m that was used in the call to \code{\link{sample_coupled_chains}}, or a smaller value
#'@return A value (or vector of values) of an unbiased estimator of \eqn{\int h(x) \pi(x) dx}
H_bar <- function(c_chains, h = function(x) x, k = 0, m = 1){
  maxiter <- c_chains$iteration
  if (k > maxiter){
    print("error: k has to be less than the horizon of the coupled chains")
  if (m > maxiter){
    print("error: m has to be less than the horizon of the coupled chains")
  # infer the lag from the number of rows in samples1 and samples2
  lag <- dim(c_chains$samples1)[1] - dim(c_chains$samples2)[1]
  # test the dimension of h(X)
  # p <- length(h(c_chains$samples1[1,]))
  h_of_chain <- apply(X = c_chains$samples1[(k+1):(m+1),,drop=F], MARGIN = 1, FUN = h)
  if (is.null(dim(h_of_chain))){
    h_of_chain <- matrix(h_of_chain, ncol = 1)
  } else {
    h_of_chain <- t(h_of_chain)
  H_bar <- apply(X = h_of_chain, MARGIN = 2, sum)
  # next, add bias correction terms
  # Delta_t refers to h(X_t) - h(Y_{t-lag})
  if (c_chains$meetingtime <= k + lag){
    # nothing else to add, because Delta_t = 0 for all t >= meeting time
  } else {
    for (time in (k+lag):(c_chains$meetingtime-1)){
      # time is the index t of X_{t} where the chain start from X_{0}
      coefficient_t <- (floor((time-k) / lag) - ceiling(max(lag, time-m)/lag) + 1)
      Delta_t <- h(c_chains$samples1[time+1,]) - h(c_chains$samples2[time-lag+1,])
      H_bar <- H_bar + coefficient_t * Delta_t
  # return result divided by number of terms i.e. m - k + 1
  return(H_bar / (m - k + 1))
pierrejacob/debiasedmcmc documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 12:41 a.m.