
Defines functions coupled_chains H_bar unbiased_estimator

Documented in coupled_chains H_bar unbiased_estimator

# This file consists of the general-purpose functions coupled_chains, H_bar and unbiased_estimator,
# which implement unbiased MCMC algorithms for general kernels and test functions h(.)

#'@rdname coupled_chains
#'@title Coupled MCMC chains
#'@description Sample two MCMC chains, each following \code{single_kernel} marginally,
#' and \code{coupled_kernel} jointly, until min(max(tau, m), max_iterations), where tau
#' is the first time at which the two chains meet (i.e. take the same value exactly).
#' Or more precisely, they meet with a delay of one, i.e. X_t = Y_{t-1}. The chains
#' are initialized from the distribution provided in \code{rinit}.
#'  See \code{\link{get_hmc_kernel}}
#' for an example of function returning the appropriate kernels.
#'@param logtarget function evaluating the log target density
#'@param single_kernel function taking a state (in a vector), its log density and an iteration, and returning
#' a list with a key named \code{chain_state} containing the next state and its log density \code{current_pdf}.
#'@param coupled_kernel function taking two states (in two vectors), their log densities and an iteration,
#' and returning a list with keys \code{chain_state1}, \code{chain_state2}, \code{current_pdf1} and \code{current_pdf2}.
#'@param rinit function taking no arguments are returning an initial state for a Markov chain.
#'@param m number of iterations desired (will be proportional to the computing cost if meeting occurs before \code{m},
#' default to 1).
#'@param max_iterations number of iterations at which the function stops if it is still running  (default to Inf).
#'@param preallocate  expected number of iterations, used to pre-allocate memory (default to 10).
coupled_chains <- function(single_kernel, coupled_kernel, rinit, m = 1, max_iterations = Inf, preallocate = 10){
  # initialize
  init1 <- rinit()
  chain_state1 <- init1$chain_state
  current_pdf1 <- init1$current_pdf
  init2 <- rinit()
  chain_state2 <- init2$chain_state
  current_pdf2 <- init2$current_pdf
  # pre-allocate
  p <- length(chain_state1)
  samples1 <- matrix(nrow = m+preallocate+1, ncol = p)
  samples2 <- matrix(nrow = m+preallocate, ncol = p)
  nrowsamples1 <- m+preallocate+1
  samples1[1,] <- chain_state1
  samples2[1,] <- chain_state2
  current_nsamples1 <- 1
  iter <- 1

  # move first chain
  res_single_kernel <- single_kernel(chain_state1, current_pdf1)
  chain_state1 <- res_single_kernel$chain_state
  current_pdf1 <- res_single_kernel$current_pdf
  current_nsamples1 <- current_nsamples1 + 1
  samples1[current_nsamples1,] <- chain_state1

  # iterate
  meet <- FALSE
  finished <- FALSE
  meetingtime <- Inf
  while (!finished && iter < max_iterations){
    iter <- iter + 1
    if (meet){
      # only need to use single kernel after meeting
      res_single_kernel <- single_kernel(chain_state1, current_pdf1)
      chain_state1 <- res_single_kernel$chain_state
      current_pdf1 <- res_single_kernel$current_pdf
      chain_state2 <- chain_state1
      current_pdf2 <- current_pdf1

    } else {
      # use coupled kernel
      res_coupled_kernel <- coupled_kernel(chain_state1, chain_state2, current_pdf1, current_pdf2)
      chain_state1 <- res_coupled_kernel$chain_state1
      chain_state2 <- res_coupled_kernel$chain_state2
      current_pdf1 <- res_coupled_kernel$current_pdf1
      current_pdf2 <- res_coupled_kernel$current_pdf2
      # check if meeting happens
      if (all(chain_state1 == chain_state2) && !meet){
        # recording meeting time tau
        meet <- TRUE
        meetingtime <- iter
    # store coupled chains
    if ((current_nsamples1+1) > nrowsamples1){
      new_rows <- nrowsamples1 - 1
      nrowsamples1 <- nrowsamples1 + new_rows
      samples1 <- rbind(samples1, matrix(NA, nrow = new_rows, ncol = p))
      samples2 <- rbind(samples2, matrix(NA, nrow = new_rows, ncol = p))
    samples1[current_nsamples1+1,] <- chain_state1
    samples2[current_nsamples1,] <- chain_state2
    current_nsamples1 <- current_nsamples1 + 1
    # stop after max(m, tau) steps
    if (iter >= max(meetingtime, m)){
      finished <- TRUE
  # drop redundant entries
  samples1 <- samples1[1:current_nsamples1,,drop=F]
  samples2 <- samples2[1:(current_nsamples1-1),,drop=F]
  return(list(samples1 = samples1, samples2 = samples2,
              meetingtime = meetingtime, iteration = iter, finished = finished))

#'@rdname H_bar
#'@title Compute unbiased estimators from coupled chains
#'@description Compute the proposed unbiased estimators, for each of the element
#'in the list 'c_chains'. The integral of interest is that of the function h,
#'which can be multivariate. The estimator uses the variance reduction technique
#'whereby the estimator is the MCMC average between times k and m, with probability
#'going to one as k increases.
H_bar <- function(c_chains, h = function(x) x, k = 0, m = 1){
  maxiter <- c_chains$iteration
  if (k > maxiter){
    print("error: k has to be less than the horizon of the coupled chains")
  if (m > maxiter){
    print("error: m has to be less than the horizon of the coupled chains")
  # test the dimension of h(X)
  p <- length(h(c_chains$samples1[1,]))
  h_of_chain <- apply(X = c_chains$samples1[(k+1):(m+1),,drop=F], MARGIN = 1, FUN = h)
  if (is.null(dim(h_of_chain))){
    h_of_chain <- matrix(h_of_chain, ncol = 1)
  } else {
    h_of_chain <- t(h_of_chain)
  H_bar <- apply(X = h_of_chain, MARGIN = 2, sum)
  if (c_chains$meetingtime <= k + 1){
    # nothing else to add
  } else {
    deltas <- matrix(0, nrow = maxiter - k + 1, ncol = p)
    deltas_term <- rep(0, p)
    for (t in k:min(maxiter-1, c_chains$meetingtime-1)){ # t is as in the report, where the chains start at t=0
      coefficient <- min(t - k + 1, m - k + 1)
      delta_tp1 <- h(c_chains$samples1[t + 1 + 1,]) - h(c_chains$samples2[t+1,]) # the +1's are because R starts indexing at 1
      deltas_term <- deltas_term + coefficient * delta_tp1
    H_bar <- H_bar + deltas_term
  return(H_bar / (m - k + 1))

#'@rdname unbiased_estimator
#'@title Unbiased estimator
#'@description Sample two MCMC chains, each following \code{single_kernel} marginally,
#' and \code{coupled_kernel} jointly, until min(max(tau, m), max_iterations), where tau
#' is the first time at which the two chains meet (i.e. take the same value exactly).
#' Or more precisely, they meet with a delay of one, i.e. X_t = Y_{t-1}. The chains
#' are initialized from the distribution provided in \code{rinit}.
#'  See \code{\link{get_hmc_kernel}}
#' for an example of function returning the appropriate kernels.
#'@param logtarget function evaluating the log target density
#'@param single_kernel function taking a state (in a vector), its log density and an iteration, and returning
#' a list with a key named \code{chain_state} containing the next state and its log density \code{current_pdf}.
#'@param coupled_kernel function taking two states (in two vectors), their log densities and an iteration,
#' and returning a list with keys \code{chain_state1}, \code{chain_state2}, \code{current_pdf1} and \code{current_pdf2}.
#'@param rinit function taking no arguments are returning an initial state for a Markov chain.
#'@param h test function (possibly vector-valued)
#'@param k burn-in parameter (default to 0)
#'@param m time average parameter (will be proportional to the computing cost if meeting occurs before \code{m},
#' default to 1).
#'@param max_iterations number of iterations at which the function stops if it is still running  (default to Inf).
unbiased_estimator <- function(single_kernel, coupled_kernel, rinit, h = function(x) x, k = 0, m = 1, max_iterations = Inf){
  ntestfunctions <- 1
  if (typeof(h) == "closure"){
    # only one test function
    ntestfunctions <- 1
    h <- list(h = h)
  } else {
    # h is a list of functions
    ntestfunctions <- length(h)
  # initialize
  init1 <- rinit()
  chain_state1 <- init1$chain_state
  current_pdf1 <- init1$current_pdf
  init2 <- rinit()
  chain_state2 <- init2$chain_state
  current_pdf2 <- init2$current_pdf

  # mcmcestimator computes the sum of h(X_t) for t=k,...,m
  mcmcestimator <- list()
  correction <- list()
  uestimator <- list()
  dimh <- list()
  for (itest in 1:ntestfunctions){
    mcmcestimator[[itest]] <- h[[itest]](chain_state1)
    dimh[[itest]] <- length(mcmcestimator[[itest]])
    if (k > 0){
      mcmcestimator[[itest]] <- rep(0, dimh[[itest]])

  # move first chain
  iter <- 1
  res_single_kernel <- single_kernel(chain_state1, current_pdf1)
  chain_state1 <- res_single_kernel$chain_state
  current_pdf1 <- res_single_kernel$current_pdf
  for (itest in 1:ntestfunctions){
    # correction term computes the sum of min(1, (t - k + 1) / (m - k + 1)) * (h(X_{t+1}) - h(X_t)) for t=k,...,max(m, tau - 1)
    correction[[itest]] <- rep(0, dimh[[itest]])
    if (k == 0){
      correction[[itest]] <- correction[[itest]] +
        min(1, (0 - k + 1)/(m - k + 1) )  * ( h[[itest]](chain_state1) - h[[itest]](chain_state2) )
    # accumulate mcmc estimator
    if (k <= 1 && m >= 1){
      mcmcestimator[[itest]] <- mcmcestimator[[itest]] + h[[itest]](chain_state1)
  # iterate
  meet <- FALSE
  finished <- FALSE
  meetingtime <- Inf
  # iter here is 1; at this point we have X_1,Y_0 and we are going to generate successively X_t,Y_{t-1} where iter = t
  while (!finished && iter < max_iterations){
    iter <- iter + 1
    if (meet){
      # only need to use single kernel after meeting
      res_single_kernel <- single_kernel(chain_state1, current_pdf1)
      chain_state1 <- res_single_kernel$chain_state
      current_pdf1 <- res_single_kernel$current_pdf
      chain_state2 <- chain_state1
      current_pdf2 <- current_pdf1
      for (itest in 1:ntestfunctions){
        # accumulate mcmc estimator
        if (k <= iter && iter <= m){
          mcmcestimator[[itest]] <- mcmcestimator[[itest]] + h[[itest]](chain_state1)
    } else {
      # use coupled kernel
      res_coupled_kernel <- coupled_kernel(chain_state1, chain_state2, current_pdf1, current_pdf2)
      chain_state1 <- res_coupled_kernel$chain_state1
      current_pdf1 <- res_coupled_kernel$current_pdf1
      chain_state2 <- res_coupled_kernel$chain_state2
      current_pdf2 <- res_coupled_kernel$current_pdf2
      # check if meeting happens
      if (all(chain_state1 == chain_state2) && !meet){
        # recording meeting time tau
        meet <- TRUE
        meetingtime <- iter
      if (k <= iter){
        for (itest in 1:ntestfunctions){
          # accumulate mcmc estimator
          if (iter <= m){
            mcmcestimator[[itest]] <- mcmcestimator[[itest]] + h[[itest]](chain_state1)
          # accumulate correction term
          correction[[itest]] <- correction[[itest]] +
            min(1, (iter-1 - k + 1)/(m - k + 1) ) * ( h[[itest]](chain_state1) - h[[itest]](chain_state2) )
    # stop after max(m, tau) steps
    if (iter >= max(meetingtime, m)){
      finished <- TRUE
  for (itest in 1:ntestfunctions){
    # compute unbiased estimator
    mcmcestimator[[itest]] <- mcmcestimator[[itest]] / (m - k + 1)
    uestimator[[itest]] <- mcmcestimator[[itest]] + correction[[itest]]
  return(list(mcmcestimator = mcmcestimator, correction = correction, uestimator = uestimator,
              meetingtime = meetingtime, iteration = iter, finished = finished))
pierrejacob/unbiasedpathsampling documentation built on May 17, 2019, 12:03 p.m.