
context("Evaluation of survival functions")

fs1 = flexsurv::flexsurvreg(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group,
                            data = flexsurv::bc,
                            dist = "weibull")
fs2 = flexsurv::flexsurvreg(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group,
                            data = flexsurv::bc,
                            dist = "weibullPH")
fs3 = flexsurv::flexsurvspline(
  survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group,
  data = flexsurv::bc,
  scale = "odds",
  k = 2
fs4 = flexsurv::flexsurvreg(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group,
                            data = flexsurv::bc,
                            dist = "exp")
fs5 = flexsurv::flexsurvreg(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ 1,
                            data = flexsurv::bc,
                            dist = "genf")
fs6 = flexsurv::flexsurvreg(survival::Surv(time, status == 1) ~ age + sex,
                            data = survival::cancer,
                            dist = "gompertz")
cox = survival::coxph(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group,
                      data = flexsurv::bc)
cox_bl = survival::survfit(cox)

km = survival::survfit(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group, data =
km_good = survival::survfit(survival::Surv(rectime, censrec) ~ group,
                            data = flexsurv::bc %>% dplyr::filter(group == "Good"))

            heemod_res = fs6 %>%
              set_covariates(age = 50, sex = 1) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            fs_res = summary(
              t = seq(from = 200, to = 2000, by = 200),
              type = "survival",
              ci = F,
              newdata = data.frame(age = 50, sex = 1)
            expect_equal(heemod_res, fs_res)

test_that("Applying treatment effects",
            # Testing apply_hr, apply_af, apply_or against flexsurvreg output to see
            # that it is consitent.
            surv1_medium_surv = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv1_medium_aft_surv = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_af(fs1$coefficients[3], log_af = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv1_poor_surv = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv1_poor_aft_surv = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_af(fs1$coefficients[4], log_af = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv1_poor_shift_surv = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              apply_shift(shift = 800) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv1_medium_prob = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv1_medium_aft_prob = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_af(fs1$coefficients[3], log_af = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv1_poor_prob = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv1_poor_aft_prob = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_af(fs1$coefficients[4], log_af = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv2_medium_surv = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv2_medium_hr_surv = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[3], log_hr = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv2_poor_surv = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv2_poor_hr_surv = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[4], log_hr = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv2_medium_prob = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv2_medium_hr_prob = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[3], log_hr = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv2_poor_prob = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv2_poor_hr_prob = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[4], log_hr = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv3_medium_surv = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv3_medium_or_surv = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_or(fs3$coefficients[5], log_or = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv3_poor_surv = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv3_poor_or_surv = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_or(fs3$coefficients[6], log_or = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            surv3_medium_prob = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv3_medium_or_prob = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_or(fs3$coefficients[5], log_or = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv3_poor_prob = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            surv3_poor_or_prob = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              apply_or(fs3$coefficients[6], log_or = T) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            # Test acceleration
            expect_equal(surv1_medium_surv, surv1_medium_aft_surv)
            expect_equal(surv1_poor_surv, surv1_poor_aft_surv)
            expect_equal(surv1_medium_prob, surv1_medium_aft_prob)
            expect_equal(surv1_poor_prob, surv1_poor_aft_prob)
                             apply_af(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 2),
                                      1 / 2))
                             apply_af(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 1 / 2),
            expect_identical(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 2),
                             apply_af(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 4),
                                      1 / 2))
            # Test Proportional Hazards
            expect_equal(surv2_medium_surv, surv2_medium_hr_surv)
            expect_equal(surv2_poor_surv, surv2_poor_hr_surv)
            expect_equal(surv2_medium_prob, surv2_medium_hr_prob)
            expect_equal(surv2_poor_prob, surv2_poor_hr_prob)
                             apply_hr(apply_hr(fs1, 2),
                                      1 / 2))
                             apply_hr(apply_hr(fs1, 1 / 2),
            expect_identical(apply_hr(fs1, 2),
                             apply_hr(apply_hr(fs1, 4),
                                      1 / 2))
            # Test Proportional Odds
            expect_equal(surv3_medium_surv, surv3_medium_or_surv)
            expect_equal(surv3_poor_surv, surv3_poor_or_surv)
            expect_equal(surv3_medium_prob, surv3_medium_or_prob)
            expect_equal(surv3_poor_prob, surv3_poor_or_prob)

                 apply_or(apply_or(fs1, 2),
                          1 / 2))
                 apply_or(apply_or(fs1, 1 / 2),
expect_identical(apply_or(fs1, 2),
                 apply_or(apply_or(fs1, 4),
                          1 / 2))

# Test shifts
expect_equal(surv1_poor_surv[1:6], surv1_poor_shift_surv[5:10])
expect_equal(length(surv1_poor_surv), length(surv1_poor_shift_surv))
                 apply_shift(apply_shift(surv1_poor_surv, 5),-5))
expect_identical(apply_shift(fs1, 2),
                 apply_shift(apply_shift(fs1, 5),-3))
                 rep(1, 3))

## Test combinations
fsm = fs5 %>% set_covariates(group = "Medium")
fsm_changes = fsm %>%
  apply_shift(5) %>% apply_hr(0.5) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_hr(2)

fsm_survs <- fsm %>%
  compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
               cycle_length = 200,
               type = "surv")
fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>%
  compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
               cycle_length = 200,
               type = "surv")
expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)

fsm_changes = fsm %>%
  apply_shift(5) %>% apply_hr(0.5) %>% apply_af(0.5) %>%
  apply_af(2) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_hr(2)
fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>%
  compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
               cycle_length = 200,
               type = "surv")
expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)

fsm_changes = fsm %>%
  apply_shift(5) %>% apply_or(0.5) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_or(2)
fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>%
  compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
               cycle_length = 200,
               type = "surv")
expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)

## misaligned shifts
surv1_poor_shift_surv_misaligned1 = fs1 %>%
  set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
  apply_shift(shift = 100) %>%
  compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
               cycle_length = 300,
               type = "surv")

surv1_poor_shift_surv_misaligned2 = fs1 %>%
  set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
  compute_surv(time = seq_len(30),
               cycle_length = 100,
               type = "surv") %>%
  .[seq_len(10) * 3 - 1]


  "Applying treatment effects",
    # Testing apply_hr, apply_af, apply_or and apply_shift
    # against flexsurvreg output to see that it is consistent.
    surv1_medium_surv = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Medium") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv1_medium_aft_surv = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_af(fs1$coefficients[3], log_af=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv1_poor_surv = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv1_poor_aft_surv = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_af(fs1$coefficients[4], log_af=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv1_poor_shift_surv = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
      apply_shift(shift = 800) %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200, type = "surv")
    surv1_medium_prob = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Medium") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv1_medium_aft_prob = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_af(fs1$coefficients[3], log_af=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv1_poor_prob = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv1_poor_aft_prob = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_af(fs1$coefficients[4], log_af=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv2_medium_surv = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Medium") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv2_medium_hr_surv = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[3], log_hr=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv2_poor_surv = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv2_poor_hr_surv = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[4], log_hr=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv2_medium_prob = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Medium") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv2_medium_hr_prob = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[3], log_hr=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv2_poor_prob = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv2_poor_hr_prob = fs2 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_hr(fs2$coefficients[4], log_hr=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv3_medium_surv = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Medium") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv3_medium_or_surv = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_or(fs3$coefficients[5], log_or=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv3_poor_surv = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv3_poor_or_surv = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_or(fs3$coefficients[6], log_or=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    surv3_medium_prob = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Medium") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv3_medium_or_prob = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_or(fs3$coefficients[5], log_or=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv3_poor_prob = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    surv3_poor_or_prob = fs3 %>%
      set_covariates(group="Good") %>%
      apply_or(fs3$coefficients[6], log_or=T) %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="prob")
    # Test acceleration
    # expect_equal(surv1_medium_surv,surv1_medium_aft_surv)
    # expect_equal(surv1_poor_surv, surv1_poor_aft_surv)
    # expect_equal(surv1_medium_prob,surv1_medium_aft_prob)
    # expect_equal(surv1_poor_prob, surv1_poor_aft_prob)
                     apply_af(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 2),
                     apply_af(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 1/2),
    expect_identical(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 2),
                     apply_af(apply_af(surv1_poor_surv, 4),
    # Test Proportional Hazards
    expect_equal(surv2_poor_surv, surv2_poor_hr_surv)
    expect_equal(surv2_poor_prob, surv2_poor_hr_prob)
                     apply_hr(apply_hr(fs1, 2),
                     apply_hr(apply_hr(fs1, 1/2),
    expect_identical(apply_hr(fs1, 2),
                     apply_hr(apply_hr(fs1, 4),
    # Test Proportional Odds
    expect_equal(surv3_poor_surv, surv3_poor_or_surv)
    expect_equal(surv3_poor_prob, surv3_poor_or_prob)
                     apply_or(apply_or(fs1, 2),
                     apply_or(apply_or(fs1, 1/2),
    expect_identical(apply_or(fs1, 2),
                     apply_or(apply_or(fs1, 4),
    # Test shifts
    expect_equal(surv1_poor_surv[1:6], surv1_poor_shift_surv[5:10])
    expect_equal(length(surv1_poor_surv), length(surv1_poor_shift_surv))
                     apply_shift(apply_shift(surv1_poor_surv, 5),
                     apply_shift(apply_shift(fs1, -3),
    expect_identical(apply_shift(fs1, 2),
                     apply_shift(apply_shift(fs1, 5),
                     rep(1, 3))
    ## Test combinations
    fsm = fs5 %>% set_covariates(group = "Medium")
    fsm_changes = fsm %>%
      apply_shift(5) %>% apply_hr(0.5) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_hr(2) 
    fsm_survs <- fsm %>%
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>% 
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)
    fsm_changes = fsm %>% 
      apply_shift(5) %>% apply_hr(0.5) %>% apply_af(0.5) %>% 
      apply_af(2) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_hr(2)    
    fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>% 
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)
    fsm_changes = fsm %>%
      apply_shift(5) %>% apply_or(0.5) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_or(2) 
    fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>% 
      compute_surv(time=seq_len(10),cycle_length=200, type="surv")
    expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)
    ## misaligned shifts
    surv1_poor_shift_surv_misaligned1 = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
      apply_shift(shift = 100) %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), 
                   cycle_length = 300, type = "surv")
    surv1_poor_shift_surv_misaligned2 = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(30), 
                   cycle_length = 100, type = "surv") %>%
      .[seq_len(10)*3 - 1]
    # Test shifts
    expect_equal(surv1_poor_surv[1:6], surv1_poor_shift_surv[5:10])
    expect_equal(length(surv1_poor_surv), length(surv1_poor_shift_surv))
                     apply_shift(apply_shift(surv1_poor_surv, 5),-5))
    expect_identical(apply_shift(fs1, 2),
                     apply_shift(apply_shift(fs1, 5),-3))
                     rep(1, 3))
    ## Test combinations
    fsm = fs5 %>% set_covariates(group = "Medium")
    fsm_changes = fsm %>%
      apply_shift(5) %>% apply_hr(0.5) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_hr(2)
    fsm_survs <- fsm %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                   cycle_length = 200,
                   type = "surv")
    fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                   cycle_length = 200,
                   type = "surv")
    expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)
    fsm_changes = fsm %>%
      apply_shift(5) %>% apply_hr(0.5) %>% apply_af(0.5) %>%
      apply_af(2) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_hr(2)
    fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                   cycle_length = 200,
                   type = "surv")
    expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)
    fsm_changes = fsm %>%
      apply_shift(5) %>% apply_or(0.5) %>% apply_shift(-5) %>% apply_or(2)
    fsm_changes_survs = fsm_changes %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                   cycle_length = 200,
                   type = "surv")
    expect_equal(fsm_survs, fsm_changes_survs)
    ## misaligned shifts
    surv1_poor_shift_surv_misaligned1 = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
      apply_shift(shift = 100) %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                   cycle_length = 300,
                   type = "surv")
    surv1_poor_shift_surv_misaligned2 = fs1 %>%
      set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
      compute_surv(time = seq_len(30),
                   cycle_length = 100,
                   type = "surv") %>%
      .[seq_len(10) * 3 - 1]

test_that("Defining Survival Distributions",
            surv1 = define_survival(dist = "weibull",
                                    shape = 1.3797,
                                    scale = 4169.3446)
            surv2 = define_survival(dist = "weibullPH",
                                    shape = 1.38e+00,
                                    scale = 1.01e-05)
            surv3 = define_spline_survival(
              scale = "odds",
              gamma = c(-23.5136, 3.4483, 0.4873,-0.3147),
              knots = c(4.276666, 6.219263, 6.771924, 7.806289)
            surv5 = define_survival(
              dist = "genf",
              mu = 6.96387,
              sigma = 1.17338,
              Q = -1.08049,
              P = 0.33090
            surv1_surv = surv1 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs1_surv = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            surv1_prob = surv1 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs1_prob = fs1 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            surv2_surv = surv2 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs2_surv = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            surv2_prob = surv2 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs2_prob = fs2 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            surv3_surv = surv3 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs3_surv = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            surv3_prob = surv3 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs3_prob = fs3 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            surv5_surv = surv5 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs5_surv = fs5 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            surv5_prob = surv5 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            fs5_prob = fs5 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Good") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            # Survival from flexsurv should equal equivalent from
            # define_survival
            expect_equal(surv1_surv, fs1_surv, tolerance = 1E-4)
            expect_equal(surv1_prob, fs1_prob, tolerance = 1E-4)
            expect_equal(surv2_surv, fs2_surv, tolerance = 1E-4)
            expect_equal(surv2_prob, fs2_prob, tolerance = 1E-4)
            expect_equal(surv3_surv, fs3_surv, tolerance = 1E-4)
            expect_equal(surv3_prob, fs3_prob, tolerance = 1E-4)
            expect_equal(surv5_surv, fs5_surv, tolerance = 1E-4)
            expect_equal(surv5_prob, fs5_prob, tolerance = 1E-4)
            bad_surv_table_df <- data.frame(time = c(0, 1, 5, 10),
                                            survival = c(1, 0.9, 0.5, 0.6))
                         "survival cannot increase over time")
            bad_surv_table_df <- data.frame(time = c(0, 1, 5, 5),
                                            survival = c(1, 0.9, 0.5, 0.4))
                         "any time can appear only once")
            bad_surv_table_df <- data.frame(time = c(0, 1, 5, 10),
                                            surv = c(1, 0.9, 0.7, 0.4))
                         "missing column in surv_table object")
            bad_surv_table_df <- data.frame(time = c(1, 5, 10),
                                            survival = c(0.9, 0.7, 0.4))
              "surv_table data must start with time 0 and survival 1"
            bad_surv_table_df <- data.frame(time = c(0, 1, 5, 10),
                                            survival = c(0.95, 0.9, 0.7, 0.4))
              "surv_table data must start with time 0 and survival 1"
            surv_table_df <- data.frame(time = c(0, 1, 5, 10),
                                        survival = c(1, 0.9, 0.7, 0.4))
            reg <- define_surv_table(surv_table_df)
              compute_surv(reg, time = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 5.5, 11)),
              "all(cycle == seq(from = min(cycle), to = max(cycle), by = 1)) is not TRUE",
              fixed = TRUE
            expect_equal(eval_surv.surv_table(reg, time = c(0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 5.5, 11)),
                         c(1, 0.9, 0.9, 0.7, 0.4))
            reg2 <-
              define_surv_table(system.file("tabular/surv/surv_table.csv", package = "heemod"))
            expect_identical(reg, reg2)

            # Survival for a KM fit only to one group should be the same
            # as survival for all w/ covariates set to same group.
            km_prob = km %>%
              set_covariates(data.frame(group = "Good")) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            km_good_prob = km_good %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            km_surv = km %>%
              set_covariates(data.frame(group = "Good")) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            km_good_surv = km_good %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            expect_equal(km_prob, km_good_prob)
            expect_equal(km_surv, km_good_surv)

test_that("Combining Survival Distributions",
            # Projecting a distribution w/ itself should not
            # change survival
            exp_surv = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            exp_surv2 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              join(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), at = 543.343) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            expect_equal(exp_surv, exp_surv2)
            # Pooling a distribution w/ itself should not
            # change survival
            exp_sur3 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            exp_surv4 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              mix(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), weights = c(0.5, 0.5)) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            # Projecting + Pooling w/ self, applying null
            # treatment effects should not change survival
            exp_sur5 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            exp_surv6 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              mix(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), weights = c(0.5, 0.5)) %>%
              apply_hr(1) %>%
              join(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), at = 89.1) %>%
              apply_af(1) %>%
              apply_or(1) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            expect_equal(exp_sur5, exp_surv6)
            # Should also work if cycle doesn't start at 1
            exp_sur7 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq(from = 10, to = 20, by = 1),
                           cycle_length = 100)
            exp_surv8 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              mix(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), weights = c(0.5, 0.5)) %>%
              apply_hr(1) %>%
              join(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), at = 89.1) %>%
              apply_af(1) %>%
              apply_or(1) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq(from = 10, to = 20, by = 1),
                           cycle_length = 100)
            expect_equal(exp_sur7, exp_surv8)
            # Should also work for length 1 input
            exp_sur9 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              compute_surv(time = 25, cycle_length = 365.25 / 7)
            exp_surv10 = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Poor") %>%
              mix(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), weights = c(0.5, 0.5)) %>%
              apply_hr(1) %>%
              join(fs4 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"), at = 89.1) %>%
              apply_af(1) %>%
              apply_or(1) %>%
              compute_surv(time = 25, cycle_length = 365.25 / 7)
            expect_equal(exp_sur9, exp_surv10)
            # Adding exponential hazards to itself same as applying a HR of 2
            exp_double1_prob = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              add_hazards(., .) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            exp_double2_prob = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              apply_hr(hr = 2) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10), cycle_length = 200)
            exp_double1_surv = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              add_hazards(., .) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            exp_double2_surv = fs4 %>%
              set_covariates(group = "Medium") %>%
              apply_hr(hr = 2) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            expect_equal(exp_double1_prob, exp_double2_prob)
            expect_equal(exp_double1_surv, exp_double2_surv)
            # Running a flexsurvreg w/o specifying covariates should
            # be the same as a wieghted average of the covariate levels
            # based on distribution in original data
            fs1_weighted1_surv = fs3 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            fs1_weighted2_surv = mix(
              fs3 %>% set_covariates(group = "Good"),
              fs3 %>% set_covariates(group = "Medium"),
              fs3 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"),
              weights = c(229, 229, 228)
            ) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "surv")
            fs2_weighted1_prob = fs3 %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            fs2_weighted2_prob = mix(
              fs3 %>% set_covariates(group = "Good"),
              fs3 %>% set_covariates(group = "Medium"),
              fs3 %>% set_covariates(group = "Poor"),
              weights = c(229, 229, 228)
            ) %>%
              compute_surv(time = seq_len(10),
                           cycle_length = 200,
                           type = "prob")
            expect_equal(fs1_weighted1_surv, fs1_weighted2_surv)
            expect_equal(fs2_weighted1_prob, fs2_weighted2_prob)
            # Should also give a warning
              fs3 %>% compute_surv(
                time = seq_len(10),
                cycle_length = 100,
                type = "prob"
              "No covariates provided, returning aggregate survial across all subjects."
pierucci/heemod documentation built on July 17, 2022, 9:27 p.m.