checkAppearance: checkAppearance

View source: R/checkAppearance.R

checkAppearanceR Documentation



Checks for all declared objects in which parts of the model they appear and calculates the type of each object (core object, interface object, module object of module xy,...)


checkAppearance(x, capitalExclusionList = NULL)



A code list as returned by codeExtract


A vector of names that should be ignored when checking for unified capitalization of variables


A list with four elements: appearance, setappearance, type and warnings. Appearance is a matrix containing values which indicate whether an object appears in a part of the code or not (e.g. indicates whether "vm_example" appears in realization "on" of module "test" or not.). 0 means that it does not appear, 1 means that it appears in the code and 2 means that it appears in the not_used.txt. setappearance contains the same information but for sets instead of other objects. Type is a vector containing the type of each object (exluding sets). And warnings contains a list of warnings created during that process.


Jan Philipp Dietrich

See Also


pik-piam/gms documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 1:17 a.m.