download_unpack: Download and unpack compressed data from repositories

View source: R/download_unpack.R

download_unpackR Documentation

Download and unpack compressed data from repositories


Downloads a list of tgz files from a list of repos and unpacks them. If a file is no .tgz-file it will be only downloaded.


  targetdir = "input",
  repositories = NULL,
  debug = FALSE,
  unpack = TRUE,
  stopOnMissing = FALSE



a vector of files to be downloaded or a cfg list with settings to be used (e.g. containing cfg$input, cfg$repositories). Settings in the config list will be overwritten by other arguments of this function if they are not set to NULL


directory the files should be downloaded and extracted to


a list of repositories (please pay attention to the list format!) in which the files should be searched for. Files will be searched in all repositories until found, always starting with the first repository in the list. The argument must have the format of a named list with the url of the repository as name and a corresponding list of options such as username or password to access the repository as value. If no options are required the value has to be NULL. (e.g. list(""=list(user="me",password=12345), ""=NULL))


switch for debug mode with additional diagnostic information


if switched off the source files are purley downloaded


Boolean indicating whether to stop if any file in files could not be downloaded. Off (FALSE) by default. Can either be defined as a single boolean, which then applies equally to all elements of files, or can be defined individually for each element in files.


Information about the download process in form of a data.frame with data sets as row names and repositories (where it was downloaded from) and corresponding md5sum as columns


Jan Philipp Dietrich

pik-piam/gms documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 1:17 a.m.